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how many times you have visited dres?

Parv Kerman

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I did one mission to Dres. I sent my first new space station concept prototype. Let's say I miscalculated :D:D

But in the end, I sent refuel, did several landing and stripped Dres for science. Then there was crew rotation (2 more flights, I think). In 1.1, I'll make use of those asteroids.

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Never. Dres does not exist.


Seriously, though. I pretty much visit dres every career. Basically just a Mun mission with a transfer stage. I finally used the Dresteroids for refueling for the first time. Kinda novelty but not overly useful.

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5 hours ago, parv kerman said:

dres has a valley too, which other planets do NOT have. I recently visited dres.

it exists and it is unique too

6 hours ago, parv kerman said:

no, dres is an awesome planet!

it really is

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I went there after it was added, for completeness.

I went again sometime later to try to set up a synchronous orbit that dove through the canyon daily. I think it's possible but never managed to make it work.

I went a third time after it got asteroids to see if setting up a refining operation there was worthwhile (spoiler: it's not).

So three times that I can remember.

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Plenty of times actually...

Dres is the ONLY place where i can get asteroids very easily, and thus the entire planet is basically surrounded by asteroids, each of which has their own base on it with IRSU, a couple starfighters and defensive weaponry.  Eventually plan on doing some battles there but i need to finish the fights at minmus/duna 1st.

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Actually, they're right, dres doesn't really exist.  It's actually a bug that merges the Mun and Ike and performs some surface transforms on it, and places it in a boring orbit.  It's pretty much an optical illusion.  When you land there, you're actually rapidly flickering between the Mun and Ike in some sort of Star Trek-y quantum phase inversion fluctuation.

I've been to that optical illusion (and it's tiny, un-noteworthy canyon that the terrifying Mohole eats for breakfast) somewhere between three and five times.  I've done a manned return from it at least once, but my detailed analysis confirms the 'dres is a bug/illusion' theory.

So, in conclusion, dres is an angry space potato cut-n-paste of the Mun and/or Ike.  I might be more interested if it had a mun of it's own or something (dresteroids were a valiant effort in that direction, but ultimately fail to raise my interest level sufficiently), but it doesn't, and will always remain the angriest, nastiest space potato until something truly interesting happens there.

TL;DR version: dres is an angry space spud (that doesn't really exist).  I've been there 3-5 times and the boring nearly killed me. :P   11/10 would be bored to death again -- IGN

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4 hours ago, parv kerman said:

it exists and it is unique too

it really is

Really, quoting and replying to yourself... that sounds like something someone would do if they are lonely and desperate for attent..... wait a minute... did Dres make an account on the KSP forums, with the name parc kerman?


10 hours ago, parv kerman said:

dres has a valley too, which other planets do NOT have. I recently visited dres.

Its more of a canyon, the Mun has two... Duna has at least 3 features that one could call valleys.


That said,

With only 5 planets, every one is special. Dres gives you a transfer window challenge unlike most others...although it is similar somewhat to the challenge of an Eeloo mission... which is also just a mun lander with a transfer stage.... Eeloo's not even so far away... for a significant part of the time, its closer than jool

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I've been there a few times. My Smith probes flew by Dres along with every other planet on their gravity slingshot fest. And I put a probe lander on it in my 100 Worlds save - but in that modded system Dres has become the innermost moon of Jool.

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