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Orbit question

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There are various ways you may be able to address an out-of-electricity problem.

Usually the best way is to avoid the problem in the first place:

  • put batteries on your ship, so it can fly longer before running out of power
  • add solar panels, so the ship can charge its batteries in flight

If you have a ship that's already launched and it's out of power, then if you have a docking port on it, you could dock another ship to it and transfer charge from that ship's batteries to this one.  Or you could attach another ship using the claw, if you don't have a docking port.

Otherwise, you're probably out of luck for that ship-- just abandon it, or (if it has crew) send up a rescue mission to retrieve the crew.

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I've never used the Klaw for this but I assume it works? Since you can transfer fuel it would seem to make sense. So anyways, make a second ship with a lot of batteries and a Klaw. (Or make a second ship with a lot of solar panels and a Klaw.)

Rendezvous with the first ship and dock with it via the Klaw.

Power it up via either the batteries, the solar panels, or a combination of both.


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Run the engine.  That engine has an alternator and can charge the battery.

Of course, you'll need to fix your orbit afterward.

Edited to add:  To keep this from happening again with this craft, right-click the command pod and deactivate the reaction wheels.  That's the only device I can see on that craft that would cause your power drain, and you don't need reaction wheels if you've got the RCS and monopropellant that you do.  I noticed also that you don't appear to have any pilots or SAS-capable probe cores on board, but you do have MechJeb installed.  If you're using it to do your orbital manoeuvring, you may need to set MechJeb to prefer RCS over the reaction wheels.  You'll have to check.

Edited by Zhetaan
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