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OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return

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This is an interesting mission to recreate. I really enjoyed crating the automated solar panels with kOS. The robot arm to extract a probe was fun too.

I had to use infinite electric Charge at many points due to not properly adjusted solar panels.

Some config files setting are different from standard. (The dish range to 30 Gm and the weight of steel plates to 7.5 kg / m^2). 

Without doing all the homework prior to the mission, I flew this: https://youtu.be/oCXegq3YlBU 

There are still many bugs in my code, after struggling with the simplified (KSP) version of the mission, one learns to appreciate how much the profiles have to think things through.

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If you are hunting for more information for mission realism there is a media event today:

What: NASA Headquarters Press Briefing on the Launch of OSIRIS-REx

When: Today, Wednesday, Aug. 17 at 2 pm EDT

How to Watch: The broadcast will be on NASA TV and live streamed through their website at http://www.nasa.gov/nasatv

More Details, including a full list of speakers: http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-to-host-media-briefing-on-launch-of-asteroid-bound-spacecraft

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11 hours ago, Bev7787 said:

The information and downloads of the videos are here:

8/20/16 was media day at KSC, so be on the lookout for news stories and interviews that might interest and give you insight into your challenge entry.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Everything looks good for launch tonight, the enable plugs were set on the spacecraft and final doors closed out on the fairing in the early morning of 9/6 and rocket was rolled to the pad 9/7.  I take my station on console this afternoon.  

You can follow it on NASA TV:  http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#public  

While you wait, here are some pre-launch press briefings.  (One includes a poster to this forum.)


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3 hours ago, IonStorm said:

Everything looks good for launch tonight, the enable plugs were set on the spacecraft and final doors closed out on the fairing in the early morning of 9/6 and rocket was rolled to the pad 9/7.  I take my station on console this afternoon.

Wait, you have a station on console? What do you do?

And do your saves get corrupted? Cause that would be bad.

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37 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Wait, you have a station on console? What do you do?

And do your saves get corrupted? Cause that would be bad.

I don't have a go/no go call, but I am the Project Scientist and the science lead for contamination control.  For the latter, should there be an anomaly with the purge system, I need to be informed and ready to make recommendations.  For the former, I will experience the details so I can share them with other scientists and the public--including you.

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I added more images to the same album.


(I guess these albums don't display anymore, I've been busy and hadn't noticed)


On May 26, 2016 at 4:38 PM, insert_name said:

Wow that cool, is the spacecraft going to reenter as well or will it be able to continue exploring 

The spacecraft will jettison the sample return capsule to land on Earth.  At the same time the spacecraft will divert away from Earth and enter into heliocentric orbit.   We expect it to have plenty of fuel and the full instrument suite.  There it is an asset be used, should NASA choose to.

On May 26, 2016 at 3:01 PM, insert_name said:

so @IonStorm how is it going to collect the samples, is it going to land or just brush against it?

OSIRIS-REx extends the 3m TAGSAM arm and autonomously descends to the surface of Bennu.  It touches for about 5 seconds before the spring in the arm and pushes it away from the surface. During that 5s, high pressure N2 gas fires and stirs up the regolith (stones and dust) and blows it into the TAGSAM head, which is essentially an air filter.  TAGSAM stands for Touch And Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism.  We have been describing this TAG as a gentle kiss or a high-five.

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