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where was YOUR first interplanetry land?

Parv Kerman

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I did land (strand) some kerbals on Eve in 0.2x. The first landing was Jeb in a modified munar lander - with a ladder that didn't reach all the way to the ground. Oops. The second was meant to land a science lab for him, but it hit the other side of the planet and then fell over - so its ladders too didn't reach the surface.

In 1.x I've only sent probes further than Minimus so far, but I have a semi-viable plan for Duna and Moho as a result.

My first munar mission needed 5 or 6 rescue missions before all kerbals were returned to Kerbin.

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20 hours ago, superstrijder15 said:

I meant that you said any planet. kerbin being a planet that means you have never landed on kerbin...

Call it a moon.

Call it a planet.

Call it an asteroid.

They may vary in name, size, gravity and location but the concept of landing is the same.

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So, I'm a reasonably long time player - I've got a few hundred hours logged, mostly in older versions, but back then I was truly terrible at actually knowing how to play the game in anything even resembling an effective manner.  I'd build unstable rockets and wonder why they'd flip out immediately after launch, or try to solve Delta-V issues by just jamming more fuel on board.  However, thanks to the wonderful KSP community and a number of excellent "How To" guides (and mucho props to Scott Manley's video series too) I feel like I've got a much better handling on concepts like orbital mechanics, capture maneuvers, rocket design etc.  

At least I thought I did...my first interplanetary landing in my current Career mode was a probe on Ike.  And by "landing" I mean crashing at a few hundred ms-1.  I somehow forgot that the Probodobodyne QBE doesn't have any internal torque and of course I didn't attach a reaction control wheel.  Cue frantic collection and transmission of whatever science I could gather in the moments before impact.

Second effort was a rover aimed at Duna from an orbiting mothership.  I thought I'd solved the problem of how to stick a rover on a rocket by just sending up the components in KIS containers, adjusting to a trajectory that would take the ship into atmosphere, building the rover in situ and then pretty much throwing the thing out the window at the planet.  All was going quite well too.  After a few minutes of  terror wondering whether the amount of parachutes I'd attached would be enough, the rover was approaching the surface nice and level at about 8ms-1, touching down on a slight slope in the Midlands...whereupon it immediately proceeded to flip over onto its back, wheels spinning uselessly, almost exactly like a stranded turtle.  The extended solar panel even looked a bit like a tail.  Fortunately the antenna didn't break in the process, and I was able to transmit the surface science.  So instead of a rover, I built myself a very expensive probe with purely decorative wheels.

All this unmanned tech didn't seem to be working out quite right.  If I wanted an actual landing I could be proud of, my Kerbals were going to have to take matters into their own hands!  Back on board the aforementioned mothership, the course was readjusted to return to Ike.  Bravely, Maudolin Kerman clambered aboard the attached lander module (slightly modified from versions that had been successfully trialed on the Mun and Minmus) and undocked before burning retrograde, plummeting towards the little satellite, hitting full throttle a few hundred metres above the surface and executing a near textbook suicide burn.  The lander stayed upright upon touching down!  No tipping, no spontaneous exploding.  Finally Kerbalkind could truly say they had walked among the stars.  With a flag planted and surface science gathered, the mothership was successfully rendezvoused and docked with one orbit later.

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I don't exactly remember, but It was probably a probe to Eve. As far as Kerbaled landings go, I did a mission to Duna. I think they are still orbiting Duna back in my old save somewhere...

As far as returning Kerbals, It was either Gilly or Duna. I don't remember which came first.

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depending on your definition, either Ike, or Duna. Just landed there today with a probe. Ike first, then went and landed on duna. First time i've ever been outside of kerbin's SOI. (not counting short trips into solar orbit for science/XP)

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On 31.3.2016 at 6:50 PM, theorigin said:

Tried to get to Eve - but crashed on Gilly :D Well - lets describe it as: bouncing over Gilly... until engines blew up...

Crashing with Gilly takes some talent :)
I managed too in my first interplanetary mission.
Back in 0.18, three probe rovers from an mod, LV-N transfer stage then an small deorbit and landing stage for rover. Orbit around Eve, release first rover but found that the two radial mounted rovers for eve had the decopler the wrong way so engine was blocked, managed to land the second by lowering Pe on transfer stage and release, rover splashed down so not so successful.Continued to Gilly, used too much fuel trying to get an intercept so the transfer stage was left on an impact trajectory while I hoped the landing stage should be enough to both orbit and land. Stage once to release the last rover. Space an second time to activate engines, however the staging order was mixed up on release so I decoupled the landing stage, now all parts fell towards Gilly and impacted 10 minutes later :(

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I think it was Eve. 

Never got back home though. 

But that's true of every one of my missions outside Kerbin's SOI.

Pre .90 I did almost manage a deep space high speed re entry >4000m/s but once it's engines touched the water the chutes disappeared and the thing exploded when it fell over.... All hands lost.

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If the mun counts.. My only landing so far was on the mun..(yesterday)  Landed sucessfully.. Sort of.. tipped over.. Managed somehow to take off. to only find out that I have not enough fuel in the tank for orbit.. Now Jebediah is sitting in the MK1 Command Pod on the Mun.. Waiting for a time when I feel confident enough to do a rescue mission xD

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My first was (weirdly enough) Eve.
The reason is that I found that Duna is kinda hard to reach using only Manoeuver Node (no window planner or mod).
Back in my first career I was still planning my transfer "by hand" and I had found a really good window for Eve. Took me AGE to find one for Duna.

My SECOND landing was on Moho. I had found (by hand again) a transfer window to Duna by the time the probe got there (~400days?!?) I had found a window for Moho (~89days).
So my second interplanetry landing was a small probe on Moho. I was really short on fuel and the probe kinda lithobreaked but most of the science instrument did survive :)


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Lets see, very first interplanetary trip was in version .18 or .19  Took a overly tall BobCat H.O.M.E. system to Duna, attempting to land this top heavy beast on on the side of a hill somewhere around -20,-63  

Naturally it tipped over and all the parts except for the command module exploded as it rolled down the hill.   But the command module survived and left Jeb and Bill stranded on Duna with not much space to live in.

I watched some youtube videos then sent Bob back in a simply designed lander build around the Mk 1-2    Landed it on the far side of the valley, attempted to fly across the valley but nearly destroyed that lander so Jeb and Bill walked like maybe 20km across Duna to reach the lander and flew home, I was so happy when I made it off Duna major accomplishment.

Edited by Moon Goddess
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I have been playing since sometime in 2013 and I still haven't landed on another planet. I've sent probes to Eve, Duna and Jool but I've only ever landed on Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. I think a big part of this is I love starting my career save over from the beginning with every update.

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Like so many others, Duna. The details are foggy, but what I do know is that to this day, I have never sent a Kerbal to another planet other than Duna, and those ones never came back. However, once the mission is approved, construction of the interplanetary mothership will start, and finally I can have a second kerballed landing.

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