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Do you think 1.1 will bring higher part crafts?


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6 minutes ago, Dfthu said:

So since 1.1 will bring a big performance boost to most of us. Do you think people will start posting a lot more higher part crafts? 

I'll keep posting (pictures of) the same kind of craft I always post, somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 parts, maybe a few more.  Since they removed the SM2 shaders but OpenGL works better, I'm at about the same performance.

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The Whackjobs of this world will happily set out to put 3000 part ships into orbit now.

I suspect that most of use will continue the way we're used to, with the footnote that we can now have bigger space stations and ground bases without things coming to a halt.

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I suspect I will probably still work to optimize my crafts but I will probably also do less in situ docking port construction and just build a bigger launcher more often unless being modular is important to the function of the ship. 

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I will just enjoy the higher frame rate with my already big craft.

The latest "upgrades" to my OS have even further slowed my computer... 4gb of ram is not cutting it apparently... especially when I've only got 1.9 gB free because of all the other crap taking up memory.

There things were painfully slow to fly:


(3 kerbal Eve lander as the payload in the SSTO)

This was also painful to get into orbit:


(Payload: 3 kerbal fully reusable/recoverable mission to Moho, with 1x lander and fuel for 3.5 landings so every kerbal gets a turn on the surface)

although the rear KR-2L + 2x LV-N "booster" was launched seperately and docked in orbit to refuel from fuel left in the SSTO

And I consolidated most of my orbital duna assets into one station (ie, docked everything to the station core)... and ended up with about 330 tons of stuff in duna orbit, with the framerate too low to make me want to actually go to and from the station... I abandonded my plans to dock this with it prior to departure or the crew back to kerbin:


(well, the parts to the right of the shielded docking port connection, the craft to the left of the shielded docking connection is already docked with Duna Station)


Those craft were too big, as my computer seemed to get slower, I stopped playing KSP as much, or I stopped using them and went to smaller craft. Also to some extent, I had lifted all the large payloads I had planned, and have been flying missions with the reusable architecture I had set up... so no more massive SSTOs to lift massive payloads... just small crew SSTOs... I also used some vertical launch rocket(or rocket-airbreathing hybrid) SSTOs (ignoring attemps to land at the runway for 100% recover) to save time at the expense of extra funds spent.

As I hope to get a new computer to go with 1.1... I may start using those massive SSTOs and craft again... but I don't expect that I'll be making anything bigger.

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Major difference, although not exactly some miracle.

Biggest perf boost is with fleets of individual ships, due to multicore.

My experiencein 1.0.5 was around 2 300 part ships loaded in 1 spot maximum before the lag became so annoying that the game was nolonger fun.  In 1.1 i loaded up 2 500 part ships, and there was very negligible lag/slowdowns, and i could interact far better.  Ive even tested 3 500 part ships and while its slower then 2, the lag is by no means unbearable.

As for single ships, there is a slight improvement but nothing excessive.  Before i could have a 500 part ship with some but managable lag.  In 1.1 those same 500 part ships fly and respond much better.  I have even launched a 1000 part ship, and while it did lag pretty badly, nothing compared to 1.0.5 where the game would be running at 1FPS if that.

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I'll still watch part count, though not as closely, as it won't be so critical any more and it will mean I can make things 'a bit more rugged' without wishing I hadn't later.  I will almost certainly try building and/or assembling big things for fun, because I can, and to see how it performs.  The main gain for me will be to be able to have multiple vessels or modules near each other, or a decent sized station that can actually still be playable when a largeish ship docks to it.

But to answer the OP's question, yes I think generally ships will get bigger, even though I suspect that in 'normal play' (and particularly career mode) the average won't go up by a great deal.

Edited by pandaman
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