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I have been re-inspired!


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I'm not sure exactly if this is the right place for this, but I'm just going to put it here. Mods, if this is the wrong place, please move it.

 I was recently clearing out an old laptop which didn't work well anymore, when I re-discovered the KSP install I had on it. I went to delete it, but then I thought "Hmm... I wonder what I was doing?", seeing as I hadn't played on it (that version) in forever. So I transferred it over to the computer I use now, and imagine my surprise when it contains over a dozen saves, some stretching back to I think version .22 . I was apparently pretty ambitious, with saves called Asteroid Base, International Kerbal Space Station, Mission to Jool, and World War Kerbal. I took a trip through nostalgia lane, looking at crafts on saves that hadn't seen the light of day in close to 2 years. I'm looking at these crafts, and suddenly, I feel like finally going onto KSP and finishing all the missions I abandoned halfway through or never even started.  I took a couple of screenshots to share with the rest of you. I could be pretty creative when I tried. Keep in mind that this all really old and that I wasn't very good at designing things.


1st I have an artillery piece that was pretty cool. It actually worked quite well.

I was apparently fascinated with creating "military" vehicles for a while, so I have a save full of "tanks" and stuff.

I think my thought process on this next ship was to have a "fighter" capable of going anywhere on Kerbin. Which it can.

A station that I know went to Jool at some point or other, but seems to have disappeared. I suspect the Kraken is to blame.

One of my saves was *My Name*'s 1st world. As far as I can tell that was the first save I ever made. I had a ship on almost every planet, and I realized, I hadn't ever gone to most of these planets without cheating. Out of the dozens of vessels on that save, I think only 4 of them at most were sent without cheating.


I looked through the screenshots and found the oldest one I had. It was a kerbal standing on top of a discarded booster on Moho. I want to recreate that picture but this time, I'll go there in a real rocket.

If anybody actually reads this, thanks for looking through.

Edit: Why did it get rid of my pictures? Now there's no context.... :(

Edited by Sparkhead
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Hello Sparkhead and welcome!

To post screenshots, upload them to an image hosting site (imgur.com is popular, free, and requires no registration).  Then post the link from that site and the forum software will display the image.

Glad to have you aboard.

Happy landings!

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