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Merciful Kod This thing....

daniel l.

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8 hours ago, RainDreamer said:

I wonder if these drones are cheaper than the quad copter ones, so they are more viable as toys. 

Also, they are much cuter, being these bubbly slow moving drones. Suddenly I want to dress one up as a zerg overlords from starcraft

They will be very vulnerable for wind. Benefit is that they are quieter they are also less dangerous on fail so they might make sense indoor or protected areas like an stadion.  

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15 hours ago, RainDreamer said:

I wonder if these drones are cheaper than the quad copter ones, so they are more viable as toys. 

Also, they are much cuter, being these bubbly slow moving drones. Suddenly I want to dress one up as a zerg overlords from starcraft

the problem with quad copters is they are a very brute force approach to flight. they are very inefficient. 20 minutes of battery life is a common number. adding blimp elements would make longer duration flights possible. but then you have a bunch of blimp problems, being draggy, slow, and subject to cross winds. or at least give the blimp a more oblong gas bag so it can benefit from a smaller cross section (less drag, higher speed, but more susceptible to cross windage). one advantage of having helium is you can shut down all the power hungry bits while in flight, drift with the wind or even recharge batteries with thin film solar cells. i actually think what we should really be after are fixed wing vtol drones like nasa's greased lightning drone. to you fixed wing range and the ability to land anywhere. 

Edited by Nuke
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8 minutes ago, James Kerman said:

Lol - quite lazy... and thirsty.  I was thinking in a social environment like a party or a pub.

There was a restaurant in Seattle that used to send the meals to the tables via model trains. That was fun, when I was a kid.

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