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Landing on the moon (how?)

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at about 5,000m slow down to about 20m/s, keep an eye out for your shadow or if you\'re on the dark side, look for when your exhaust starts to go through the surface of the planet, after that get your speed lower than 10 m/s, the closest to 0 the safer you\'ll be. The fastest I\'ve ever safely landed was 13m/s

The best thing is that when you\'re lower than 5m/s you\'ll be able to clearly see which way your lateral movement is going. you want your retrograde symbol (the green/yellow circle with the \'x\' in it) pointing to the very top of the blue part of the nav-ball. if the symbol is a little to the left or right use the \'j\' and \'l\' keys to fire RCS to bring it back in line. If the symbol is too far up or down, use \'i\' and \'k\'

I practiced on Kerbin, bouncing around KSC until I got the hang of it enough to land on the Mun as this was in v0.13 before the advent of save files.

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Yup, the retro-grade worked like a charm,

I had very little lateral movement,

But I\'m wondering how to get into orbit once encounterd?

I usually get a fly-by encounter and then get shot out,

but at kerbin i just push a bit more so I can get a course-collision encounter.

All I need is some practice and I can get a perfect landing,

I\'m trying the columbus moonlander once or something.

I\'ve landed before with the thunder-bird but I don\'t count it because it\'s not a real rocket

1200 mps inside earth atmosphere, 50000000000 fuel tanks, %0.01 consumption rate engines.

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To stabilise an orbit with the Mun, aim for a flyby trajectory. When you get to the periapsis, make a retrograde burn.

This will slow your craft down and allow you to be captured more by the Mun\'s gravitational force, circularising your orbit.

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Ok, I burned at retrograde, got a great circular orbit, circled for a minute to think of my descent tradjectory,

When I was going to release the 2nd stage to release the lander,

it got stuck, it wouldn\'t break open

i got really pissed...

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i\'ve found that when your parachute gets deployed, if your speed is too high and the mass its holding is too much then the \'chute will just break off, leaving the object its ment to slow down to plummet :(

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