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Hello there! I am Vysionone! I am relatively new to Kerbal Space Program, and I just wanted to say hi! I'm bad at this game (Haven't even landed on the Mun), and I just want some tips on how to build a lander that can acutally land on something other than Kerbin, and how to get to the specific planet that I want to land on!

Cheers! :)

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Hello Vysionone and welcome to the forum!

This game takes some effort to learn.  There are numerous resources here which will help you to learn all the necessary techniques.

Take a look at the Tutorials section to find tutorials which will help you achieve specific goals.  Take a look at the Drawing Board thread, whose first post lists and categorizes a huge number of learning tools for KSP.

If you have a specific question you'd like an answer to, take a look at the Gameplay Questions section.  Chances are it's already been asked and answered.  If not, post a question and numerous helpful people will take time and energy to assist you.

Glad to have you aboard.

Happy landings!

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Hi @Vysionone, hopefully you will find the game entertaining and educational as well. As @Starhawk said, there is tons of information around the forums. There is also lots of videos on youtube that can help you get the basics of the game.

By the way, when you say land on something other than Kerbin... distance from kerbin is going to be a big factor (as well as other planet's atmosphere), start first with getting around mun, getting really low (not as low as 5K.. that can be dangerous unless you actually plan to land on that mission) then start practicing your landing skills.

Happy to help you if you have other questions.

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