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Vic the Newbal here.


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I just now realized that this forum for introductions existed (typical senior nerd).

Name's Vic and I have managed to orbit Mun ( I consider that my top accomplishment, so far). I am generally a huge PITA asking questions...but so far everyone has been very helpful. It turns out that a lot of the info out there is outdated, as all these helpful people are always pointing out, so...thank goodness for them and their patience!

My previous experience with a simulation (which I consider KSP to be...not a "game") was 18 years of MS Flight Simulator. Also Silent Hunter and other submarine warfare games...but those were not what I consider true simulations.

I recently invited Valentina Kerman to come on a 2 person orbit...but she walked off ranting about Newbals and something about a hot guy named Jebediah? Oh well...maybe Miberta or Julxie will be more willing?

Anywho, Hi y'all

Vic the Newbal

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Hello Victor3 and welcome to the forum!

KSP has a 'somewhat steep' learning curve, so asking questions is both expected and encouraged.  We have a number of very knowledgeable folks who are quite willing to help.  And they're usually very patient. :)

Happy landings!

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