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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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I made configs for US.

	@name = Kerbalism_8l_US_1R360_Wedge_Water
	@description = A revolution in microgravity plumbing technology, the 'US-S120 Supply Apparatus' enables spacecraft to carry up to 8 liters of Supplies into space. Although accused of profiteering and price gouging in a fledgling civilian market; the fine engineers at Nox Industrial assure us the US-S120 is at least 74% non-perishable metal and not at all a spraypainted fishtank.
	@title = Universal Storage: Supply Tank 8 l
	%tags = _kerbalism
	ContainerVolume = 8
	!RESOURCE[Water] {}
		name = Configure
		title = Supply Container
		slots = 1

			name = Supplies
			desc = Store a balanced supply of <b>Food</b> and <b>Water</b>.

				name = Food
				amount = 1.50202
				maxAmount = 1.50202
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

				name = Water
				amount = 0.41869
				maxAmount = 0.41869
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Waste
			desc = Store solid and liquid organic waste.

				name = Waste
				amount = 0
				maxAmount = 0.4949706
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

				name = WasteWater
				amount = 0
				maxAmount = 0.5050294
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Food

				name = Food
				amount = 3.55835
				maxAmount = 3.55835
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Water

				name = Water
				amount = 1
				maxAmount = 1
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

	@name = Kerbalism_8l_US_1R340_Wedge_Oxygen
	@description = Contains four individual gas canisters under extreme cryogenic pressure. Separated to ensure redundancy in the unlikely event of explosion from external forces. Licking the boil-off valve is discouraged.
	@title = Universal Storage: Gas Tank 8 l
	%tags = _kerbalism
	ContainerVolume = 8
	!RESOURCE[Oxygen] {}

		name = Configure
		title = Pressurized Tank
		slots = 1
			name = Oxygen
			desc = Store liquid oxygen

				name = Oxygen
				amount = 709.21986
				maxAmount = 709.21986
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Nitrogen
			desc = Store liquid nitrogen

				name = Nitrogen
				amount = 799.36051
				maxAmount = 799.36051
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Hydrogen
			desc = Store liquid hydrogen

				name = Hydrogen
				amount = 629.244
				maxAmount = 629.244
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Ammonia
			desc = Store liquid ammonia

				name = Ammonia
				amount = 386.80146
				maxAmount = 386.80146
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = CarbonDioxide
			desc = Store liquid co2

				name = CarbonDioxide
				amount = 0
				maxAmount = 981.33896
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

The volume of a wedge is approximately 8 liters. The amounts based on the CRP density. Be aware, it is not compatible with TweakScale.

Free to share and use it  ...

Edited by schrema
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@ShotgunNinja, would you welcome some ideas about that mix of oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere that now is required for kerbals to ... well, not go insane? I see this is a new feature of more  recent releases of Kerbalism and I have some thoughs on it. 

First of all, I understand the point: kerbals are happier if they can get out of their flightsuits and frolic around their habitats. Having to dress a spacesuit for lack of an atmosphere bums everybody out. I like the idea, making a comfortable habitat should be a difficult task. The idea is in itself, excellent! 

I am not sure though as if this whole nitrogen thing works. This is why. 

To be able to do away with a spacesuit indoors, all you need is a proper atmosphere - but not necessarily one made of the mundane "air" (oxygen + nitrogen + small proportion of diverse and useless gases), but merely oxygen will do. I know, many space  programs found out the hard way that a purely oxygen atmosphere can be dangerous (not only the apollo one situation comes to mind, but there is also an un-confirmed story of russia's first casualty being a test pilot who died in a pressure chamber when a small spark lighted up his cotton  shirt, instantly barbecuing him because of the high concentration of oxygen... or something like that!). But apparently it is still the more reasonable and effective way to make an atmosphere in spacecraft. Indeed,  currently the ISS uses such an atmosphere (1). It seems that the problem is that during launch, mantaining a high-pressue pure-ox atmosphere is dangerous (apollo one had a 1.15 atm atmosphere), but up there, the pressure can be reduced a lot and it becomes practical and more effective than other options. 

So that's point one: do  we really need nitrongen to have an atmosphere?

Point two is that nitrogen is an inert gas, isn't it? When you breathe air, the oxygen comes in, and byproducts go out (Co2). But nitrogen comes in ... and goes out untouched. It is not chemically altered. So why do I have to keep supplies of nitrogen in my ships, that are consumed,  and in a fairly high rate too? I understand a machine mixing oxygen and nitrongen to make for an atmosphere. But the extant nitrogen should just remain there, not be consumed and depleted overtime.

This is particularly  troublesome as in KSP, with ou without TAC or other simliar mods, it is possible to make completelly self-sufficient outposts, but nitrogen removed that possibility. 

Still, the need of an atmosphere to increase comfort is one of the best features of kerbalism yet. So I will suggest some possibilities:

1 - Do away with the nitrogen alltogether - or keep it for other purposes but eliminate it as necessary resource to build up an aymosphere. We have oxygen, right? Let's assume it is properly pumped into the habitat and that generates an atmosphere.

2 - To keep the idea that no atmosphere reduces comfort, perhaps when oxygen falls to 10% or lower, it is mandatory for kerbals to go inside their spacesuits again, as an oxygen saving measure. That reduces comfort as it does now and little is changed.

3 - If the idea is to keep the mandatory ox +N atmosphere, at least nitrogen shouldn't be consumed (not at all, but at the very least, in a much, much slower rate).

4 - It the idea is to pose more of a challenge, the chemical plant could have a "atmosphere generator" setting, which recycles and uses the nitrogen. 

That's it! I love this mode, please do not take this as a complaint. Its just a suggestion to improve what already is excellent.

PS: insofar there is no discernible way to gauge how much time an atmosphere will last, with the current nitrogen stock for that vessel. The VAB helper should have such a tool, otherwise you only discover how much time of atmosphere you have left when it ends! 


(1) http://space.stackexchange.com/questions/5690/why-is-the-breathing-atmosphere-of-the-iss-a-standard-atmosphere-at-1-atm-conta

Edited by Daniel Prates
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1 hour ago, Daniel Prates said:

Point two is that nitrogen is an inert gas, isn't it? When you breathe air, the oxygen comes in, and byproducts go out (Co2). But nitrogen comes in ... and goes out untouched. It is not chemically altered. So why do I have to keep supplies of nitrogen in my ships, that are consumed,  and in a fairly high rate too? I understand a machine mixing oxygen and nitrongen to make for an atmosphere. But the extant nitrogen should just remain there, not be consumed and depleted overtime.

The reason it is consumed is because of "leaks" so it is used to replace the missing atmosphere why it is consumed at such a high rate idk. I feel it should be bound to the quality of your life support meaning a higher quality space craft would have less leaks

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1 minute ago, MemeBeam said:

The reason it is consumed is because of "leaks" so it is used to replace the missing atmosphere why it is consumed at such a high rate idk. I feel it should be bound to the quality of your life support meaning a higher quality space craft would have less leaks

And from a point on, no leaks at all!

How are you on the full-oxy atmosphere though?

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1 minute ago, Daniel Prates said:

And from a point on, no leaks at all!

How are you on the full-oxy atmosphere though?

It would be cool to have that kind of control over your vessels atmosphere but just in my opinion I dont want this mod to get to complex. I think the idea of nitrogen for pressure is neat, but feels badly implemented at the moment. With almost every other resource in this mod there is some way to creatively replenish it, nitrogen just ends up being something you try to bring a excrements ton of. I feel there could be some very unique ways of fixing the issue (see my earlier comments) but as of right now its just a annoying timer for your missions. The same could be said for comfort and radiation, but with radiation you can plan a path to spend minimal time in radiation belts, and comfort forces you to put more time into interplanetary missions than just a simple one man pod to duna and back. @ShotgunNinja hope you read this, everything in this mod is great and forces creative mission planning but for nitrogen I feel it fails to provide any real unique challenge.

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3 minutes ago, MemeBeam said:

It would be cool to have that kind of control over your vessels atmosphere but just in my opinion I dont want this mod to get to complex. I think the idea of nitrogen for pressure is neat, but feels badly implemented at the moment. With almost every other resource in this mod there is some way to creatively replenish it, nitrogen just ends up being something you try to bring a excrements ton of. I feel there could be some very unique ways of fixing the issue (see my earlier comments) but as of right now its just a annoying timer for your missions. The same could be said for comfort and radiation, but with radiation you can plan a path to spend minimal time in radiation belts, and comfort forces you to put more time into interplanetary missions than just a simple one man pod to duna and back. @ShotgunNinja hope you read this, everything in this mod is great and forces creative mission planning but for nitrogen I feel it fails to provide any real unique challenge.

My point exactelly!

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I like the idea controlling the pressure. There is no space ship that is absolutely leakproof. For example the I.S.S. is losing in 2004 Q4 0.14 lbm/day (0.06 kg) of air. In 2011 Q1 the losing rate was 0.7 lbm/day (0.31 kg). See https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20110012997.pdf

I think the current process to handle the atmospheric losses is good. Not to much, but a litte demanding. But overall, the rate are to high. Currently the loss rate configured in the Default profile is 0.432 Atmo units per m² exterior surface on one 24h day. One m² volume has 1 Atmo unit. For example the ISS loses approximately 0.01%/day.
I changed my Default profile to come closer to it. Assumed the Kerbalism process simulates docking maneuvers, using airlocks and micro meteorits, I set the loss rate to 0.00000125/s. The second change was, to have some kind of quality of the hull, adding something to the modifier. I simply used shielding.

Edited by schrema
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You can find the definition for the Atmo leaks in the profile cfg file: .\GameData\Kerbalism\Profiles\Default.cfg
This is the default definition:

    name = atmo leaks
    modifier = surface,breathable
    input = Atmosphere@0.000005

This is the changed one:

    name = atmo leaks
    modifier = surface,breathable,shielding
    input = Atmosphere@0.000005

Input sets the loss per second. In the example above, it should be 0.00000125.


Edited by schrema
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2 hours ago, schrema said:

I like the idea controlling the pressure. There is no space ship that is absolutely leakproof. For example the I.S.S. is losing in 2004 Q4 0.14 lbm/day (0.06 kg) of air. In 2011 Q1 the losing rate was 0.7 lbm/day (0.31 kg). See https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20110012997.pdf

I think the current process to handle the atmospheric losses is good. Not to much, but a litte demanding. But overall, the rate are to high. Currently the loss rate configured in the Default profile is 0.432 Atmo units per m² exterior surface on one 24h day. One m² volume has 1 Atmo unit. For example the ISS loses approximately 0.01%/day.
I changed my Default profile to come closer to it. Assumed the Kerbalism process simulates docking maneuvers, using airlocks and micro meteorits, I set the loss rate to 0.00000125/s. The second change was, to have some kind of quality of the hull, adding something to the modifier. I simply used shielding.

Thanks for the input!

Still .... as it is now this is too much of an overkill. A challenge, yes, but the nitrogen loss just complicates things as it is not replenishable. Can't we just do the same thing with an oxygen armosphere?

I'll ask you the same thing I asked the previous forum member: how do you stand on the pure oxygen atmosphere? If the idea was to depict the less-then-perfect isolation of vessels, computing a  permanent (but small)  progressivve loss, that's fine, but why not have a small oxygen loss on top of the normal oxygen consumption (due to breathing)?

My point is, this new nitrogen thing, by itself, killed the whole self-sustaining projects for everyone. It created a complication/nuisance rather than a welcome challenge, mostly because it is not obtainable via self-sustaining methods (as are all KSP relevant resources). And to be frank, most real life vessels have pure oxygen atmospheres anyway.

Perhaps there could be two simple profile options:

- Atmosoheres require nitrogen = true/false;  and

- rate of oxygen leak = "x"

There! Everybody could have their way. I am still not seeing why the choice of a pure oxygen atmosphere has to be ruled out, specially since the progressive leak can be easily implemented anyway.

Edited by Daniel Prates
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8 hours ago, schrema said:

I made configs for US.

	@name = Kerbalism_8l_US_1R360_Wedge_Water
	@description = A revolution in microgravity plumbing technology, the 'US-S120 Supply Apparatus' enables spacecraft to carry up to 8 liters of Supplies into space. Although accused of profiteering and price gouging in a fledgling civilian market; the fine engineers at Nox Industrial assure us the US-S120 is at least 74% non-perishable metal and not at all a spraypainted fishtank.
	@title = Universal Storage: Supply Tank 8 l
	%tags = _kerbalism
	ContainerVolume = 8
	!RESOURCE[Water] {}
		name = Configure
		title = Supply Container
		slots = 1

			name = Supplies
			desc = Store a balanced supply of <b>Food</b> and <b>Water</b>.

				name = Food
				amount = 1.50202
				maxAmount = 1.50202
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

				name = Water
				amount = 0.41869
				maxAmount = 0.41869
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Waste
			desc = Store solid and liquid organic waste.

				name = Waste
				amount = 0
				maxAmount = 0.4949706
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

				name = WasteWater
				amount = 0
				maxAmount = 0.5050294
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Food

				name = Food
				amount = 3.55835
				maxAmount = 3.55835
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Water

				name = Water
				amount = 1
				maxAmount = 1
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

	@name = Kerbalism_8l_US_1R340_Wedge_Oxygen
	@description = Contains four individual gas canisters under extreme cryogenic pressure. Separated to ensure redundancy in the unlikely event of explosion from external forces. Licking the boil-off valve is discouraged.
	@title = Universal Storage: Gas Tank 8 l
	%tags = _kerbalism
	ContainerVolume = 8
	!RESOURCE[Oxygen] {}

		name = Configure
		title = Pressurized Tank
		slots = 1
			name = Oxygen
			desc = Store liquid oxygen

				name = Oxygen
				amount = 709.21986
				maxAmount = 709.21986
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Nitrogen
			desc = Store liquid nitrogen

				name = Nitrogen
				amount = 799.36051
				maxAmount = 799.36051
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Hydrogen
			desc = Store liquid hydrogen

				name = Hydrogen
				amount = 629.244
				maxAmount = 629.244
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = Ammonia
			desc = Store liquid ammonia

				name = Ammonia
				amount = 386.80146
				maxAmount = 386.80146
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

			name = CarbonDioxide
			desc = Store liquid co2

				name = CarbonDioxide
				amount = 0
				maxAmount = 981.33896
				@amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
				@maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

The volume of a wedge is approximately 8 liters. The amounts based on the CRP density. Be aware, it is not compatible with TweakScale.

Free to share and use it  ...

OMG this is so cool! I can't tell how much I appreciate your work, this is bloody brilliant, thank you! One more evidence that KSP community is most awesome online community on this planet.

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I also like the atmosphere control system! But instead how relying solely on nitrogen, there's a bunch of other breathable mixes that could be used (real-life diving breathing mixes).

There could also be another malfunction event tied to using a pure oxygen atmosphere (for example probability of having a fire hazard goes up with time and crew size).

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12 minutes ago, Captain Dax said:

I also like the atmosphere control system! But instead how relying solely on nitrogen, there's a bunch of other breathable mixes that could be used (real-life diving breathing mixes).

There could also be another malfunction event tied to using a pure oxygen atmosphere (for example probability of having a fire hazard goes up with time and crew size).


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4 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

Thanks for the input!

Still .... as it is now this is too much of an overkill. A challenge, yes, but the nitrogen loss just complicates things as it is not replenishable. Can't we just do the same thing with an oxygen armosphere?

I'll ask you the same thing I asked the previous forum member: how do you stand on the pure oxygen atmosphere? If the idea was to depict the less-then-perfect isolation of vessels, computing a  permanent (but small)  progressivve loss, that's fine, but why not have a small oxygen loss on top of the normal oxygen consumption (due to breathing)?

My point is, this new nitrogen thing, by itself, killed the whole self-sustaining projects for everyone. It created a complication/nuisance rather than a welcome challenge, mostly because it is not obtainable via self-sustaining methods (as are all KSP relevant resources). And to be frank, most real life vessels have pure oxygen atmospheres anyway.

Perhaps there could be two simple profile options:

- Atmosoheres require nitrogen = true/false;  and

- rate of oxygen leak = "x"

There! Everybody could have their way. I am still not seeing why the choice of a pure oxygen atmosphere has to be ruled out, specially since the progressive leak can be easily implemented anyway.

It is not true that most real vessels have a pure oxygen atmosphere. The ISS has basically an Earth sea level atmosphere, and likewise so do all the vessels that dock with it. Meaning basically every human-occupied spacecraft for the last few decades has not had a pure-oxygen atmosphere.

The only pure-oxygen atmospheres being used in space are for EVA suits. This is why astronauts have to pre-breathe pure oxygen before EVA, so they desaturate the nitrogen from their blood.

Edited by mikegarrison
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51 minutes ago, mikegarrison said:

It is not true that most real vessels have a pure oxygen atmosphere. The ISS has basically an Earth sea level atmosphere, and likewise so do all the vessels that dock with it. Meaning basically every human-occupied spacecraft for the last few decades has not had a pure-oxygen atmosphere.

The only pure-oxygen atmospheres being used in space are for EVA suits. This is why astronauts have to pre-breathe pure oxygen before EVA, so they desaturate the nitrogen from their blood.

(Sigh....)  ok, today, but not always. Gemini for instance was a project were entirely oxygen enviroments were used. Others too. But that is not what the duscussion was about, was it? I was not aiming at a minucious historical vessel compairson conversation. What we are discussing is wheter too much intricancy in the game becomes too much.

My whole point is that self-suficient outposts were made unviable by an exclusivelly nitrogen armosphere approach, which is overkilling the realm of realism. Can't there be a work-around? Specially since there is a historical basis for it?

Edited by Daniel Prates
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6 hours ago, schrema said:

You can find the definition for the Atmo leaks in the profile cfg file: .\GameData\Kerbalism\Profiles\Default.cfg
This is the default definition:

    name = atmo leaks
    modifier = surface,breathable
    input = Atmosphere@0.000005

This is the changed one:

    name = atmo leaks
    modifier = surface,breathable,shielding
    input = Atmosphere@0.000005

Input sets the loss per second. In the example above, it should be 0.00000125.


@schrema, I did what you said, a little differently. Just added 000 in front of the 5 at the end. This will reduce leaks to 1/1000 of the default rate, is that right?

Also.... why did you add "shielding" in the sintaxe? What does that do?

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@Daniel Prates Correct me if I'm wrong (I use my own profile for Kerbalism), but the lack of atmosphere/nitrogen doesn't kill the Kerbals, simply increase the stress. Higher risk of fire can be a good cause for stress. As for the rate at which nitrogen is used, I'm not an expert, but that's something you can easily edit in the settings.

As for your change this would effectively reduce the leak rate by a factor of 1/1000. The shielding in the code by @schrema simply makes the leak rate variable on the shielding level (a fully shielded craft would have a reduced leak rate, by default it would be reduced by a factor of 1/10 I believe).

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1 minute ago, leomike said:

@Daniel Prates Correct me if I'm wrong (I use my own profile for Kerbalism), but the lack of atmosphere/nitrogen doesn't kill the Kerbals, simply increase the stress. Higher risk of fire can be a good cause for stress. As for the rate at which nitrogen is used, I'm not an expert, but that's something you can easily edit in the settings.

As for your change this would effectively reduce the leak rate by a factor of 1/1000. The shielding in the code by @schrema simply makes the leak rate variable on the shielding level (a fully shielded craft would have a reduced leak rate, by default it would be reduced by a factor of 1/10 I believe).

I get it. Ok thanks for the info! I think I'll add shielding to my modifications as well. 

And yes, it does not kill them, I know. But an outpost rated to allow for, say, an year, all the sudden has the duration of sanity curtailed by 1/10 (mere weeks). Imagine all hell breaking loose in your long-duration project!

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The waste processor uses Waste to produce ammonia, which contains nitrogen. Is there a chemical process that can extract the nitrogen from ammonia? Five minutes of Googling didn't turn up anything for me, but I'm sure one exists. Perhaps it could be added to the chemical plant.

Of course, then you may have to choose between fertilizing your greenhouse and pressurizing your craft...

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3 minutes ago, bpilgrim said:

The waste processor uses Waste to produce ammonia, which contains nitrogen. Is there a chemical process that can extract the nitrogen from ammonia? Five minutes of Googling didn't turn up anything for me, but I'm sure one exists. Perhaps it could be added to the chemical plant.

Of course, then you may have to choose between fertilizing your greenhouse and pressurizing your craft...

And since were at it ... so I have a greenhouse that I put in space, with no habitat or crew on the vessel. It was for fulfilling that "grow food in space" mission. I had aboard only water, EC etc. So all the sudden productuon stops. The context menu says that there was no ....atmosphere. Makes sense, you need it to grow food. But on an automated vessel there is no atmosphere producing equipment. Perhaps the greenhouse should include one!

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@Daniel Prates Just took a look at the code and this was already added in 1.1.9. Did you launch or design your greenhouse with 1.1.8 by any change? In any case you can just add this to the greenhouse module in your save file, simply copy the pressure control module from another craft (make a backup before).

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45 minutes ago, leomike said:

@Daniel Prates Just took a look at the code and this was already added in 1.1.9. Did you launch or design your greenhouse with 1.1.8 by any change? In any case you can just add this to the greenhouse module in your save file, simply copy the pressure control module from another craft (make a backup before).

Yep. Mystery solved! Did a reinstall with CKAN, patched again with "tac profile" and I'm ready to go again. Thanks.

BTW I'm coming to terms with this nitrogen atmosphere thing. But shall reduce the leak rate drasticly! .... taking a bottle of if to my outposts every other year is not so bad....

Edited by Daniel Prates
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I'm having currently an issue with my Kerbalism. I have no mods except this one, and I cant seem to get my comms network to work with the games one. Which leave my vehicles use less at the pad. even while having antennas on it. Help?

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37 minutes ago, Taxer7 said:


I'm having currently an issue with my Kerbalism. I have no mods except this one, and I cant seem to get my comms network to work with the games one. Which leave my vehicles use less at the pad. even while having antennas on it. Help?


They must be extended there is one that is always on I forget what it is called. To relay signals the omni-directional antennas must be in relay mode.

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