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get back do 1.0.5


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Hi guys

I really enjoy the new update of Ksp, but i want to keep playing on 1.0.5 until all the mods i use are updated. Unfortunatly i have no idea how to downgrade KSP from 1.1 to 1.0.5. If this even possible? 

Thx for your help :)

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1.0.5 is still available to download in the KSP store. Just go to your account under store and then download.

Just a reminder that acquiring any copy of KSP from version 0.14 on other than the KSP Store or through Steam is piracy and can get your account suspended.  You are very allowed to save all the versions of KSP you have downloaded as backup, one major reason I have stayed with KSP Store.  But those copies are exclusively for your own use only. You can only share the demo versions and any version of KSP before 0.14 with others, as those are free.

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14 minutes ago, Saltem said:

i have bought it with steam so theres nothing in the bin 

There is no going back now that 1.1 has had an update.  If you attempt to go back to last stable release on steam it will be 1.1 still.  Looks like you are stuck with 1.1 dude


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4 hours ago, Saltem said:

Im sorry i dont see where i can download the versions. i can only buy KSP the kerbalizer, cafe press and so on but nothing like downloadable versions.

You can choose what version you want to download after you bought it. There is 1.1 and 1.0.5 at the moment.

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16 hours ago, parameciumkid said:

For times like this I recommend procuring a copy of KSP outside of Steam - either buy one, or copy your KSP game directory to a secondary location as a backup (theoretically KSP will still run without Steam attached).

It runs fine outside of Steam. Just copy the whole game directory somewhere else and run it.

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