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Anyone still in 1.0.5

The Space Dino

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I went and tried 1.1.2 for a few days.  It crashed (hard) every twenty minutes or so, particularly when I was just about to do something difficult -- both modded and stock.  I'm back in 1.0.5, which looks beautiful, runs smoothly, and has full mod support.  There were annoying visual bugs in the VAB of 1.1.2 that looked terrible, and the UI is both ugly and annoying.  I have to wear reading glasses and sit a foot away from the monitor in 1.1.2, whereas I can sit back (like my eye doctor said to do) with 1.0.5, and I don't get headaches with the earlier version like I do with the current release.  Yes, I've adjusted the visual settings several times, with no luck.

Maybe I'm particularly stupid, or maybe it's just my computer, but something ain't right and I ain't gonna go back to 1.1.x until it actually works.

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4 hours ago, algeo said:

While RVE isn't 1.1.x yet, the old linux version works perfectly on 1.1.2 (windows) 64bit if you just follow the advice(s) on the last few pages in the RVE thread.

Just thought I'd mention it if you're waiting for a new RVE version.

Thank you, I am following the RVE thread and know it can be made to work with 1.1.2, once I am near my PC I will give it a go. As I say, there are other mods stopping me moving fully to 1.1.2

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3 hours ago, KerbalOmmex said:

I'm still using 1.0.5 because I'm not sure if 1.1.2 will run on my 6 years old netbook. I know about those performance upgrades and all, but my PC is too old for Unity 5, i guess.

Well, thinking that way, my pc is almost 4 years old and runs ksp very well, you should try it.

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There seems to definitely be some people out there still using 1.0.5 because one of my mods is still getting downloads of the old 1.0.5-compatible version.  I think there has been about 20 downloads of the old version since I released the newer 1.1.x-compatitble version.

I still have my 1.0.5 installed just in case I need it to test something, but I've switched to playing 1.1.2.  Once all the mods are updated and I'm sure everything is working correctly, I'll delete 1.0.5.

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My 1.0.2 save became corrupted last night, so I finally upgraded to 1.1.  I used CKAN to install several of my preferred mods.  Hopefully I will have a bit of time to get started and see what all the gripe is about (if any).

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On 5/17/2016 at 3:56 AM, DunaRocketeer said:

1.00 with StockBugFix. I don't think I'll ever upgrade. It's stable, even with a bunch of mods, and some of the 1.1 bugs sound horrifying.

If you haven't tried it, it's pretty simple.  You can't get landers on the ground, you can't planes off the ground, and you can't get rovers to drive.  You can still build stations though, so that's something I guess.

Edited by Alshain
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1 hour ago, Alshain said:

If you haven't tried it, it's pretty simple.  You can't get landers on the ground, you can't planes off the ground, and you can't get rovers to drive.  You can still build stations though, so that's something I guess.

I've landed several landers in 1.1.2, just don't touch the legs when under load :wink:


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6 hours ago, Alshain said:

If you haven't tried it, it's pretty simple.  You can't get landers on the ground, you can't planes off the ground, and you can't get rovers to drive.  You can still build stations though, so that's something I guess.

Is there litterally any way to get a stock plane in the air I haven't found one, but everyone else seems to be zipping around just fine. I also agree, putting landing legs/gear on anything is more likely to summon the kraken than Danny2462. Rovers were my favorite part of ksp. Now they're literally worse than  a hunk of rock. I've basically given up on anything outside of LKO.

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37 minutes ago, Andem said:

Is there litterally any way to get a stock plane in the air I haven't found one, but everyone else seems to be zipping around just fine. I also agree, putting landing legs/gear on anything is more likely to summon the kraken than Danny2462. Rovers were my favorite part of ksp. Now they're literally worse than  a hunk of rock. I've basically given up on anything outside of LKO.

Literally, yes.  Reasonably, no.

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On 18/05/2016 at 7:55 PM, Alshain said:

You can still build stations though, so that's something I guess.

Actually, because of the decaying orbit bug, you can't do that reliably either. :D

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You know, I was always in the "update when it comes out" camp.

But lately, I've been thinking more and more of going back to old 1.0.5.
The orbit decay bug especially is seriously screwing up my rendezvous attempts. :huh:

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So far I haven't been having any problems with the orbit decay bug, which worried me the most.

It took a little getting used ot the new wheels

-particularly mild clipping causing them to beconsidered blocked and cease functioning in a rover where it previously worked - but I made a new non clippy solution for my 2.5m rover in a mk3 cargobay that loads and unloads via the ramp)

- also particularly the sliding around on eve if the slope was too much... disabling "auto" friction control and picking a value sorted that out.

Haven't had any problems with my planes, I just set spring and dampner strength to max, and away I go... Well I wasn't using wheel steering... but I find it much much harder to turn my large SSTO (during taxing) which lacks steerable gear... preliminary work around was to lower the friction setting on the front wheels (i think changing friction outside of the vah/sph is a bit lame), 2nd was a set of the steerable medium gear to be used for taxing and retracting the front pair of large fixed gear (when it lands, sans payload and nearly out of fuel, its light enough for the mediums).

My rovers work fine with 1 tweak

My planes have worked fine I just needed a better way to steer something that lacked steerable gear (a problem is that I can't put brakes on for one wheel without symetry applying it to the other)

my orbits haven't decayed.

I guess I'm lucky

The UI on my screen does flicker sometimes... and sometimes a craft wont show up in mpaview when I'm focused on a craft on a nearby trajectory (my jool flotilla)

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For me it's easy, I can have mods that bump my memory use to where I know it would have crashed before. That would be great, except now if you bump a landing leg during EVA, it explodes.

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