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Ksp 1.1.2 Not showing save files?

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I have stumbled across this bug after loading up Kerbal Space Program in the morning a few days ago. I loaded up ksp as I would always, clicking into my steam library and clicking play full of excitement for what I had planned. When it has fully booted, I was met with the title screen. After that, I located the start game button and clicked it. After, I selected 'Resume Saved'. Now, this is when it hit me that something was horribly wrong! All the save files were gone. I was quite used to these things that I like to call 'One Time Bugs' if I fix it with a reboot, so I closed down my ksp and launched it again. After going back to the 'Resume Saved', they were still gone. But this time, I clicked out of the menu and then tried to click back in to see if this affected it (Not closing the program down ). When I was met by the start game menu, I clicked 'Resumed saved'. Nothing happened. There colour changed, but that was pretty much it. At this , I was getting quite worried so, rebooted my PC to see if that helped. This had no effect. Then I checked my save files via my PC files. Surprisingly enough, they were all there. I spent a few days tinkering with my ksp to try and get it to work to no avail. So, I moved my save files to my back up folder and deleted ksp. Then I reinstalled it via steam. This again, did not work.

Here, you will find my specs

Windows 10


Intel Pentium

64-bit Operating system

Integrated graphics

(As you can tell, not the best PC on the planet.)


Here, you will find screenshot I took of the incident.



Loading to the start game menu



Finding my saves gone

Then trying but failing to open it back up again



Checking my PC for the files



Looking to see if I was modded.


Very sorry I had to report this bug, hope you have a fix and that I have reported everything correctly.


Yours faithfully






Hold on, not showing my images...

Edited by NaturalHeadphone
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It sounds like one of your saves is corrupt, when this happens none will show.

Check that all saves have a persistent.sfs, you may have to copy the quicksave.sfs and rename it if the persistent.sfs is missing.

Also check that all saves have a ships folder with a VAB and SPH folder, you may have to make the appropriate folder if these are missing.

If this doesn't help, remove each folder one at a time until the saves start working again.

The training and scenarios folders are stock KSP folders and should not be removed.

Hope this helps!

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  On 5/5/2016 at 7:53 PM, sal_vager said:

It sounds like one of your saves is corrupt, when this happens none will show.

Check that all saves have a persistent.sfs, you may have to copy the quicksave.sfs and rename it if the persistent.sfs is missing.

Also check that all saves have a ships folder with a VAB and SPH folder, you may have to make the appropriate folder if these are missing.

If this doesn't help, remove each folder one at a time until the saves start working again.

The training and scenarios folders are stock KSP folders and should not be removed.

Hope this helps!


Thank you so much, I will get working on this the next chance I get!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I had the same thing happen!

I was flying around, doing sexy aerobatics when my plane ran out of fuel. I reverted back to spaceplane hangar (to avoid wasting money) and modified my plane. I went to launch but remembered something and tried to revert to SPH again, but the button didn't do anything, so I clicked "Cancel". That also did nothing. So I Alt-F4'd because I couldn't do anything. Came back to my game and both my saves were gone!! Tried to move save folders in and out, tried all kinds of shenanigans, none of it worked.

BUT WAIT THERE'S a little bit MORE!


Then I decided to make a sandbox save and play around until bedtime. All kinds of weird stuff was happening, like duplicate parts if i detached and reattached a mother-part; or parts rotating themselves when detached; or selecting one bit of a detached bunch-of-parts; or many kinds of really obnoxious staging shenanigans. And then I logged off to go to bed and thought "Let's see if those old savefiles are back in there now" and guess what? The sandbox I'd been playing for a couple hours was totally gone.

Tomorrow I'll see if my other KSP installs are borked, also... ;.;

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