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Everything posted by NaturalHeadphone

  1. I seem to have somehow got it working! Made sure that everything was updated before I booted RSS up, then loaded a new game. After, I returned to the main menu and went back into the same save. This then loaded world firsts and contracts. I hope this helps.
  2. @ClLaw I have been using ckan to update it, however i will go and update it manually now. @EliasDanger I think I might have already done this, but I will test again as soon as possible. Thanks @przybysz86 Thanks I will upload mine when I next can so that we can compare.
  3. I seem to be having the same problem. I tried using 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 RP-0 to no avail. I also tested to see if world firsts still worked, however they don't. I have been removing mods and putting them back for a good few hours now ( I now hate that loading screen) and it seems that RP-0 seems to be the problem. Hope this helps you Thanks
  4. Hi, just wondering if I'm the only one with this problem. I have just installed the updated SolverEngines and staging now appears. However, even though the game shows the staging, I can't activate the engines. Along with this, I can't activate anything by right clicking on it. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Thanks
  5. I had this problem the first time I booted up ksp. I loaded up the space station one scenario only to find a large problem. The satellite and the plane were completely gone. Because of this, I flew my kerbal over the the plane and got in. I had no control at all. Then I tried to go to a new save and build a rocket. On the launch pad, I again had no control. After rebooting ksp and my pc, I found that it all worked. Hope this helps.
  6. I do find that when I get to loading the asset bundle, it will take some time to load it. Then it will jump back, load some other stuff and it takes me to the loading screen. How long did you wait for it to pass? I did actually think that it got stuck on the asset bundle the first few times myself but after waiting, it passed.
  7. To change the navball size, there should be a slider in the inflight settings. On the subject of the resolution, I'm not to sure. I will go away and look.
  8. Try deactivating the engine not just throttling down to minimum.
  9. Did you download from steam or the squad page? If your using steam try going to the 'previous stable release' via properties tab. If this does not work, do you have any back ups? Not sure what it is like with the squad release as I don't have it.
  10. Sorry, I have never come across the problem. Any ideas on how I can replicate this? Do you have the orbit decay on? What mods do you have on?
  11. Thank you so much, I will get working on this the next chance I get!
  12. I have stumbled across this bug after loading up Kerbal Space Program in the morning a few days ago. I loaded up ksp as I would always, clicking into my steam library and clicking play full of excitement for what I had planned. When it has fully booted, I was met with the title screen. After that, I located the start game button and clicked it. After, I selected 'Resume Saved'. Now, this is when it hit me that something was horribly wrong! All the save files were gone. I was quite used to these things that I like to call 'One Time Bugs' if I fix it with a reboot, so I closed down my ksp and launched it again. After going back to the 'Resume Saved', they were still gone. But this time, I clicked out of the menu and then tried to click back in to see if this affected it (Not closing the program down ). When I was met by the start game menu, I clicked 'Resumed saved'. Nothing happened. There colour changed, but that was pretty much it. At this , I was getting quite worried so, rebooted my PC to see if that helped. This had no effect. Then I checked my save files via my PC files. Surprisingly enough, they were all there. I spent a few days tinkering with my ksp to try and get it to work to no avail. So, I moved my save files to my back up folder and deleted ksp. Then I reinstalled it via steam. This again, did not work. Here, you will find my specs Windows 10 4GB RAM Intel Pentium 64-bit Operating system Integrated graphics (As you can tell, not the best PC on the planet.) Here, you will find screenshot I took of the incident. Loading to the start game menu Finding my saves gone Then trying but failing to open it back up again Checking my PC for the files Looking to see if I was modded. Very sorry I had to report this bug, hope you have a fix and that I have reported everything correctly. Yours faithfully -Natural Hold on, not showing my images...
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