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KGSS Journal Volume. I Edition. 2


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Here is the second edition of the KGSS Journal, hot off the .pdf press.

KGSS Journal Volume I, Edition 2 .pdf


Other Editions

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If you'd like to be a part of future editions, please send your proposal to togfox via forum private message.

Search tags: Rendezvous, Gathering Map Data, Mapping Satellite, Maps, Persistence file, Part file, Settings file

Edited by Rich
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I like the stuff at the end about config. Even though I have not looked into it, and do not plan to for a while, it\'s nice to look at how it works and have a reference to go back to when I do (although it might be out of date by then with how long I normally take for things xD).

Also like the mission, as it got me to finally try shooting for Minmus. I failed miserably, but at least I\'ve started trying instead of ignoring the second moon. Keep it up. ^^

(Oh yeah, the thing about rendezvous, I had that same chart, but couldn\'t remember what the values were for. xD Now I remember.)

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Really like this idea and find them quite interesting. I even managed to follow the directions to start my own homemade map of the Mun:


Using over 7000 data points collected from a 25k circular polar orbit (at 50x warp). Next, I just need to devote some time to upping the resolution a bit...

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Nice one colonel. Edition #2 has sime settings you can use to adjust the presentation. Thanks to the rest for reading and posting. Its easy to lurk but if everyone did that then the project will stop.

We also take requests! :)

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  togfox said:

Nice one colonel. Edition #2 has sime settings you can use to adjust the presentation. Thanks to the rest for reading and posting. Its easy to lurk but if everyone did that then the project will stop.

We also take requests! :)

One thing I\'d like to see is an effecient three-stage-or-less orbital rocket for LKO observation.

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After a second, much more intensive survey mission, I managed to collect 65k data points after orbiting for 10 (in-game) days. And - after reading the section on QuikGrid again, managed to put together a map with slightly more detail:


If you KGSS folk want I can upload my data csv to add to the collection.

This was a really neat idea, and I\'ll definitely be mapping any new moons/planets myself before selecting a proper spot for the first landing.

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Nice. Better resolution. Try messing with the colour map. :)

We\'re starting to double up on the data points from the community contributions - which is a nice problem to have! When i find a way to deduplicate our current set i can start asking for more. :)

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Do you publish articles that are sent to the journal or are all articles solicited (requested)? If you do accept unsolicited articles I would recommend posting a list of articles that the journal would be interested in publishing, and give people an idea what to write.

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Thanks for that feedback. :)

We would take any articles that is based in science and has some application (even if it\'s tenuous) to the world of KSP. We like real-world science applied to KSP to test theories, break theory\'s or just to discover aspects of the KSP environment that wasn\'t known previously. :)

If anyone is keen to write something then feel free to send me a message. I could suggest a topic but it might not be a topic that interests you. If however a potential writer suggested their own topic then there is a greater chance of that article eventuating. :) Topics might be on geography, atmospherics, air temperatrue, air density, the goddard effect, fuel efficiency, space plane designs, optimal use of mixed engine types, marine science (ever built a sub?), orbital trajectories, sun research etc. Squad have built a rich environment that grows with each release.

If anyone feels they have insight on a particular topic and can share then I suggest you send me the first three paragraph\'s of your *draft* article before you finish the whole story. There are some things we\'re not looking for. We\'ll allow some artistic license but we are not looking for heavy roleplay.

Send me an idea if you have one and we can brainstorm it into something we\'re both comfortable with. :) Our regular readers would love to have a nice mix of authors to keep this journal fresh. :)

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How about a small section in your magazine for a to-do/bucketlist-type of thingy for user-suggested things to do when you\'re bored or when you think you\'ve accomplished everything? Something like:

  • [li]Exit the atmosphere[/li]
    [li]Achieve a stable orbit[/li]
    [li]Orbit the Mun[/li]
    [li]Land on the Mun[/li]
    [li]Land on Minmus[/li]
    [li]Do the Grand Tour[/li]
    [li]Orbital Rendezvous[/li]
    [li]Visit Kerbol (crash)[/li]
    [li]Mun Rescue[/li]


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The Kerbin Planetwide Aerospace Administration (KPAA)\'s division called the Office of Public Literature and Doughnut Factories gives this magazine.....on a scale of one to ten..... A ten!

Also, I have an idea for your magazine. What if you were able to do a article (not a centerpiece one) but one that is about KSP Versions of privately held company\'s (SpaceX or Virgin Galactic) spacecraft (SpaceShipTwo-Virgin Galactic; Falcon 9-SpaceX) Think of the possiblities! I\'m actually working on versions of these spacecraft, and I will get them to you as soon as I can. (If you want to publish it)



Founder of the KPAA and CEO of Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships

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  togfox said:

We do provide KGSS challenges for ppl that like to go that extra step. :)

Yeah, I have read both editions, though I meant less of a particular challenge, and more of a todo-list of ones.

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Both of the journals have been great and I can\'t wait to see how it develops as the game becomes more complex. With the addition of more planets and moons, a great article could be written about complex gravity assists and timing launches for such things.

I\'m thinking about writing an article to submit, but I\'m not sure that I\'m knowledgable enough for my ideas.. I was thinking the journal could add a recurring 'Addon Showcase' to each issue which would review a popular, innovative, or useful addon. Or an addon that could be used for mock science missions like the various telemetry and mapping addons or space stations.

Another idea for a one-time article could be a comparison of multiple rocket designs such as in-line lifters, sky cranes and others. Time for brain-storming..

Anyways, here are two Munar maps I made with the help of the KGSS journal:


I have 4 maps for all 3 bodies if anyone\'s interested in those. (BW and RGB, w. and w/out contour lines)

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Thanks for all the suggestions. :)

The third journal is in draft and it is by far even better than the previous two. :) If you have an idea and need to bounce it off me then send me two or three paragraph\'s explaining your idea and I\'ll see if it fits the KGSS ethos. You don\'t have to know everything about a subject, you just need to have spent the time to think about different aspects of the subject. Journal #1 and #2 are not 100% right so don\'t sweat the small stuff. :)

Send me your idea and we\'ll work on it. And to the others - keep the feedback coming. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The feedback is good guys. The August edition is due in perhaps another two weeks so stay tuned for that. I've already started on the September edition and I'm hoping it has some fresh articles no one has ever considered before.

I do have a request. I need a volunteer who is good at photo shop. I don't mean a graphic artist, though that would be handy too, but I need someone who can take in-game screenshots, do some photo shop magic and present the same 'object' in a fresh new way. I have the screenshots and the idea but I need someone who is good at cutting objects out and transposing them on new backgrounds. PM me if you think you can do this for me. Thx. :)

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