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So I've been away from KSP for quite a while, as in I only dabbled a little in v1.0 and have been awaiting 1.1 with a worm on my tongue for ages.

I'm super looking forward to coming back now that 1.1 hsa had a chance for a few hotfixes.

But I'm hearing a lot of bad things about wheels, as if they might be completely broken! Which is a surprise because I thought that they had been one of the major upgrades to 1.1

Are they broken? Or is it platform specific? Or are they working as designed but just more difficult now? If it is a real, known issue, are there known plans to address wheels again in the near future?

Sorry if I'm re-hashing, I havn't seen much about wheels other than complaints on the fora so far.



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They are essentially broken.  It's an issue in Unity and Squad is still trying to find a good way around it until Unity fixes it. 

Yes they are more difficult too, some are complaining about that, but that isn't all of it.  Some of the diffiuclty added includes wheel stresses.  You can't hit the ground at high vertical speeds anymore or use the smallest landing gear for enormous planes.  However they are still a bit unbalanced even under normal conditions.

The bugs include a general off putting behavior.  I've made a video of some of these. @GoSlash27 has managed to make configuration files to fix some of these as well.  There are also issues with the landing gear 'skittering' which may or may not be fixed as well.   The landing legs also have a tendency to move when they shouldn't.


Edited by Alshain
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36 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

I thought that they had been one of the major upgrades to 1.1

Not exactly an "upgrade," even if they were to work right. The issue is that the old wheel systems wouldn't work at all, and had to be completely reworked to the new U5 systems, which…are lacking. It's not just KSP suffering from this. So wheels that don't work vs…wheels that don't work. The devs are in a really tough spot here.

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Unity has fixed it. It just requires KSP be update to the newest unity version. Which won't happen for a while sadly.. Did anyone else notice that the much vaunted new wheels physics was left out of the release features list? :rolleyes:

Edited by Majorjim
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