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Seaplane flipping out on takeoff

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Hello, I am trying to build a relatively small seaplane (Mk2), but for some reason the aerodynamics of the entire thing is somehow borked. Whenever I load in the craft, and make a takeoff run, as soon as I pull up, the plane immediately flips up so it is backwards, and then promptly belly-flops on the runway. I have tried tweaking the COM and COL to get them closer together (just for clarification, the COL is a little behind the COM, as it should be), but the plane refuses to cooperate. Can any of the more adept plane-builders take a look and see what is wrong. Thanks in advance.

Craft File:https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=Cargo+Seaplane.craft

EDIT: As requested, here are some pictures


Edited by Branjoman
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Your CoL is awfully close to your CoM... Also consider where your CoM is going to move as fuel tanks deplete, but definately start your CoM and CoL where they are only half-covering each other, on the horizontal axis.

Also, the inverted dihedral wing design is naturally unstable for....flying rightside up.

If you are married to the general design: consider moving the entire wing assembly back a smidgen, and angling the wingtip canards up like 30 degrees.

Edited by Venusgate
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Move the wingtip canards to the front of the plane, where they can do you some good. Right now, they have no leverage -- they do nothing at all.

The dihedral is not really an issue, I think -- AFAIK, dihedral is not actually modeled in KSP. Even if it were, it would be a roll stability issue, not a pitch stability issue.

But as Venusgate said, move the wings back just a little bit -- get the CoL ball so it doesn't quite overlap with the CoM ball.

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