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[1.1.3] [Kopernicus] Kumar's Dwarf Stars v0.3 [25July16]


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Star packs with Kopernicus are becoming ever more popular, but I've noticed something. There are very little packs that include brown dwarfs. What's else is that those few brown dwarfs are too often planet-less and forgettable. So, as a way to celebrate the discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 system, I've decided to create Kumar's Dwarf Stars pack.

What's Kumar's Dwarf Stars?

KDS is a pack that will add 6 dwarf stars around the Kerbol system, ranging from spectral types Y5V to M0V. This pack is named after astronomer Shiv S. Kumar, who first hypothesized about them in the 1960's. 

Each stellar and substellar object puts out a significantly less amount of light than Kerbol, and the brightest bodies only glow red-orange. None of the stars in KDS have a radius greater than 100,000 kilometers, making them less than 50% the size of Kerbol. They will all have planetary systems, but you will need some vessel lights for those around dim brown dwarfs.

What Are The Celestial Bodies?

Here are the celestial bodies currently in the mod:

  • KIP-666: A brownish-purple L7V brown dwarf. With a radius of less than 13,000 km , KIP-666 is the smallest dwarf star in the mod. It has 2 rocky dwarf planets, 1 with life.
    • Krios: A not-so-dense Super Earth located in the close habitable zone of its system. Krios is covered in blue, photosynthetic bacteria that turn all of the planet a dark blue, even the oceans!
    • Koios: The dramatic opposite of Krios, Koios is a dead rocky planet with no life, no oceans, and no atmosphere. The terrain of this planet shows signs of past and present geological activity.
  • 99 Korionis: A flaring M0V red dwarf in the constellation of Korion. It is the largest dwarf in the pack, with a radius of 88,659 km, a mass of 1.3% that of the Sun, and 0.65% the luminosity of Kerbol. It has 4 planets, 1 very similar to Kepler-438b.
    • 99b: A scorching desert planet very close to 99 Korionis and slightly larger than Eeloo. It has one small moon and will have lava lakes in future updates.
      • 99b-1: The only moon of 99b, 99b-1 is a small rocky body mainly covered in lava flows from different time periods. It has a radius of about 74 kilometers and hosts very few craters.
    • 99c: The Kepler-438b analogue, 99c is a temperate world slightly larger than Kerbin. However, frequent flares from 99 Korionis have stripped off most of its atmosphere and boiled its oceans. However, 99c s still home to some quite hardy blue bacteria, like those on Krios.
      • 99c-1: This moon is slightly smaller than the Mun of Kerbin, but is much more different. There are very few craters and many steep highlands and mountains that make 99c-1 a difficult place to land on.
    • 99d: A good example of an Iron Planet, 99d has a huge iron core and a thin crust of water and carbon dioxide ices. It is very geologically active and is colored pink from cryovolcanic eruptions. 99d also has a decently thick atmosphere. There will be 2 more moons in the future.
      • 99d-1: This moon appears to be a heavily cratered binary companion to 99d, but 99d-1 has a much smaller mass, even though it is over 55% the size of its parent. It orbits close to 99d and protects its parent planet from many comet strikes. It is part of a compact binary system with 99d.
    • 99e: By far the largest planet around 99 Korionis, 99e has a radius comparable to a gas dwarf and is turned pink by its weird atmosphere. The air of 99e contains more than 20% methane and reacts to the flares of its parent star. 99e will have a total of 4 moons in the future.
  • Keplar: A distant binary star system consisting of a M4V red dwarf and a Y2V brown dwarf. This system is young, only about 376 million years old.
    • KeplarA: An M4V red dwarf and the primary member of the Keplar System. It has 3 planets and one dwarf planet.
      • KeplarAb: An iron planet whose physical parameters are based off those of Kepler-70b. KeplarAb is covered in oceans of liquid nickel with temperatures excess of 850 degrees kelvin. There is a thin atmosphere of smog where it snows metal. KeplarAb is way hotter than it should be, due to tidal heating.
      • KeplarAc: Is this a dwarf planet or a full planet? KeplarAc is about the size of Kerbol's dwarf planet, Dres, but has a clear orbital space. Its terrain is young, rocky, and mountainous. This lightweight world is similar to Moho in both temperature and surface color.
      • KeplarAd: Another gas dwarf! This exoplanet is 3.88 times the size of Kerbin and is only about 30% rock. KeplarAd is slightly closer to KeplarA than the habitable zone of the system, so it doesn't look too promising.
      • KeplarAe: Despite being young, KeplarAe already has liquid water oceans and abundant unicellular life on its surface and in its seas. It has a Laythe-like atmosphere and one young moon.
        • KeplarAe-b [WIP]: The young moon of KeplarAe, only formed about 170 million years ago. It is a rusty colored moon covered in crisscrossing mountains and deep lowlands. It will have lava lakes in a future update.
    • KeplarB: A very massive Y2V brown dwarf about 1.9-2.1 times the size of Jool. KeplarB is based off of the brown dwarf/Super-Jupiter J1407b with its age, mass, and large ring system. There is also one planet forming around it!
      • KeplarBb: Kerbal scientists first considered this planet as a passing planemo, then a moon, and then an optical illusion. Fierce arguments erupted about its status as either a planet or a moon, but what everyone can agree on is that KeplarBb is BORING.



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To-Do List:

  • Biomes for every non-gaseous planet.
  • Texture changes to most bodies in the 99 Korionis and KIP-666 systems.
  • A total of 8 stars and substellar objects.
  • At least one rogue, supermassive planet.
  • More celestial bodies to the 3 existing systems.


  • The TRAPPIST team for finding TRAPPIST-1's planets.
  • @Thomas P. for Kopernicus and Kittopia Tech.
  • All other Kopernicus developers, testers, and modders!
Edited by ProtoJeb21
Version 0.3, To-Do List changes
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  On 5/8/2016 at 7:28 AM, drtedastro said:

No pic's 

no clicks...

Looking forward to seeing what you are up to.  Good luck.



Development has just started, so I have no pics yet. But pictures of the first dwarfs should come within the next few days. No planets until Kittopia Tech is updated.

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I've been working on 99 Korionis. I got a star color that may be too close to a brown dwarfs, but I'm not too sure. I don't have any images yet because I'm trying to fix a lighting bug with the tiny star.

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Wow another awesome mod :D can't wait to see what it brings. Also, a brown drawfs Normal, aka 'average', colour scheme is usually a darkish red. With little luminosity. Hope this helps!

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The results are in for the 99 Korionis system! I had to do some weird pickings, since some of the most popular choices are not possible for this star. But here they are:


  • Planet b: A close-in but small lava world.
  • Planet d: A very dense, mountainous, and cracked K2-22b analogue.
  • Planet e: An ice giant near the very edge of the system. Turned purple by the absorption of UV light.


  • Planet b: One moon; a small world covered in volcanic terrain.
  • Planet c: One heavily cratered moon with huge impact basins.
  • Planet d: 3 moons - One with crater chains, one with liquid ammonia, and one with dead ice volcanoes.
  • Planet e: 4 moons - A tiny Titan analogue, one ice moon similar to Callisto, one moon with lakes of nitrogen, and a tidally heated oceania.

The next system to have chosen planet types will be RVX-2288-2. Voting will go until May 22nd.

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Sorry man, but we're gonna need photo's. Even concepts. This just seems like one of those mods that get's started by some guy who has no idea what they're doing and just being "the idea guy".

I mean, if you're actually going to work on this, great great stuff, but we need some information.

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  On 5/15/2016 at 4:11 PM, Mr Betelgeuse said:

Sorry man, but we're gonna need photo's. Even concepts. This just seems like one of those mods that get's started by some guy who has no idea what they're doing and just being "the idea guy".

I mean, if you're actually going to work on this, great great stuff, but we need some information.


I would love to post early development stages of the planets in this mod, but a few problems: I suck at making images on a computer, and Kittopia Tech isn't updated yet. But if you've gotten version 0.5 of IA-Revived, then you actually have a concept for 99 Korionis! The star texture for TRAPPIST-1 was the first stellar texture for 99 Korionis, but I used it for the latter because it was too dark. But I will start posting some in-dev versions of the "stars" once I get a bunch of school work out of my way. 

Edited by ProtoJeb21
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  On 5/16/2016 at 11:57 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

I would love to post early development stages of the planets in this mod, but a few problems: I suck at making images on a computer, and Kittopia Tech isn't updated yet. But if you've gotten version 0.5 of IA-Revived, then you actually have a concept for 99 Korionis! The star texture for TRAPPIST-1 was the first stellar texture for 99 Korionis, but I used it for the latter because it was too dark. But I will start posting some in-dev versions of the "stars" once I get a bunch of school work out of my way. 


This is what my point is. It seems too early to start an official mod development post if you haven't even started it. Hell, this is exactly what the "idea guy" does. Just goes to this forum, make some post about some cool super impractical and hard mod, then never do anything with it. 


I suck at making images on a computer


So how on Earth are you going to make the textures for all the planets, the bump mappings, and whatnot? If you can't take a screenshot of anything, or draw something with pen and paper and take a scan (or a picture), how will you make textures? What was your plan there? 


Kittopia Tech isn't updated yet


Hardly an excuse to not have a single development photo, or anything. Have you done any research on how to make a mod. You don't need Kittopia Tech. You could use Kopernicus  for planet making. 

With all due respect, I'd like to see this be a mod, but I feel like you have no knowledge on how to make a mod, and are just going to be one of the many "idea guys" who just come here and post something to never update it again. Making mods isn't easy (I've made my fair share of mods before, and they take a lot out of you). So if you can't make a simple MSpaint circle, color it in purple, and call it a a new star, I have no idea how this mod will ever come out.

Please prove me wrong.

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  On 5/17/2016 at 12:14 PM, Mr Betelgeuse said:

-snippity snip-


I have some concept art for the planets and moons of 99 Korionis, using the descriptions I gave for the winning planet/moon ideas. Here they are:

  • PIC 1: 99 Korionis b
  • PIC 2: 99 Korionis c
  • PIC 3: 99 Korionis d
  • PIC 4: 99 Korionis e
  • PIC 5: Moon of 99 b
  • PIC 6: Moon of 99 c
  • PIC 7: Moons of 99 d
  • PIC 8: Moons of 99 e

They're not the best, but they still give me room to work with once I can get my hands on Kittopia Tech.

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The results for RVX-2288-2 are in!


  • Planet b: A Venus-like planet with Kerbin-like temperatures.
  • Planet c: A giant, icy-dusty planet with ammonia oceans and giant rings, containing a few large moons.
  • Planet d: An ice world larger than Eeloo with a lot of similarities to Pluto. Has spawning asteroids in a thin ring system.


  • The one large moon of Planet b is an unusually colored Dres-like body with a thick atmosphere.
  • The three moons of Planet c contain a mini-Europa, a body similar to Makemake, and a pair of captured binary asteroids.
  • Planet d has 2 small moons. The first is an ice world with giant impact basins, and the second has liquid nitrogen oceans and continents made of tholin ices.
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After some help from @Astrofox, the first version of KUMAR'S DWARF STARS is out! As of right now, the mod adds 99 Korionis with its four planets and a total of 3 moons. There is also the Y-Class brown dwarf KIP-666. Planets will come around it in a later update. There aren't any screenshots yet, but I'll have them tomorrow or Friday.

Anyways, enjoy!

Edited by ProtoJeb21
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  On 6/12/2016 at 1:12 PM, electricpants said:


I need.




Don't worry, version 0.2 is almost finished:wink:. It should be released tomorrow, before I go to my first IRVEES observations.

Some things to expect:

  • New and edited descriptions for the bodies in the 99 Korionis system.
  • A new texture for 99c.
  • An atmosphere for 99c.
  • New lighting for KIP 666.
  • Two rocky planets for the KIP 666 system.

Keep in mind that more moons for the planets of 99 Korionis will come in version 0.3. I will also make this mod work with Sigma Binary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have some constructive criticism.

On Krios, the plant life is blue.

In real life, the plants would be black, because the star makes more infrared light than visible light, so black is the most efficient way possible.

So the plant life on Krios should be black. :P

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  On 6/29/2016 at 4:12 PM, electricpants said:

I have some constructive criticism.

On Krios, the plant life is blue.

In real life, the plants would be black, because the star makes more infrared light than visible light, so black is the most efficient way possible.

So the plant life on Krios should be black. :P


Tell that to Space Engine :P

But on a more scientific note, black plants are more common, but blue plantlife is possible, and I find it something cool to do with an idea from the Othrys Planet Pack. I wonder if I'll ever return to it...

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