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Alterations I want to make to the KSC

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On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 5:44 PM, ZooNamedGames said:


TL;DR: Wonderful!

Wonderful I love that I'm trying out KCT and would love that for rollout purposes. And I know there are multiple lanchpads with KCT but they don't look like it and there's no clear way to tell which one you have active (I know there's a little text message that tells you in the GUI but it's at the bottom and easy to miss.) for example I was trying out Career and built another launchpad and it switched to that one which was at level one will mine was at level two and I didn't know it and thought it was a bug and deleted the save.

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12 hours ago, AlphaAsh said:

Install Kerbal Konstructs. Install some static packs that have launchpads and runways. Add some more launchpads and a runway near the KSC. Add some crawlerways. Add some... you get my point.

Now if only Kerbal Konstructs could use the (Tier 3) KSC assets to provide  at least a bit of a consistent look...


The lack of modability of the KSC in general is not nice, I believe it is not even possible to change the conditions the different tiers provide (like the max parts for the VAB).  On the other hand, the last building added to the KSC was in .90 (if I am not mistaking something), so there may be no one left at SQUAD who knows how to change anything at KSC apart from some graphics...

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I'd like the option of have the three launch pads, so that I can have one at each level of development - instead of 'upgrading' a single one twice you instead build a new one!  Then, your rockets designed at each level of runway size would still potentially launch from their own.

I also like the idea of holding a rescue craft on the pad for a just in case emergency.  

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1 hour ago, cfds said:

...I believe it is not even possible to change the conditions the different tiers provide (like the max parts for the VAB).

Fairly certain CustomBarnKit by Sarbian is what you want for that.

1 hour ago, cfds said:

On the other hand, the last building added to the KSC was in .90 (if I am not mistaking something), so there may be no one left at SQUAD who knows how to change anything at KSC apart from some graphics...

If you can make parts, you can make statics.

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On 5/19/2016 at 8:44 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

I think adding two more launchpads are not only realistic

The whole purpose of the path leading to the launch pad is to bring the rocket onto it from the VAB, so why are the other launch pads going to the runway?

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7 minutes ago, NotAnAimbot said:

The whole purpose of the path leading to the launch pad is to bring the rocket onto it from the VAB, so why are the other launch pads going to the runway?

You an draw curved pathways. The crawlerway at th Kennedy Space Center is a straight line to every Launchpad, it curves to each. One of these tracks will intersect with the runway which isn't a problem since someone else requested a ramp earlier. Or we can just ignore the crawlerway since it's art only, granted we can create the extent of realism and make a track.

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Imo all of this can be considered "art", especially when arguments are made using words like:" nostalgic" "personality" and "character". I find it art, since I completely fail at seeing its purpose other than form. I am simply able to turn my craft. without melting my computer, nor letting it feel like a tiring long circle.

When this base is made stock, someone else would want to change it again, give one runway an inclination or have a vtol launchpad. I would normally oppose these no fun more realism ideas. I'd rather have devs working on a actual improvement. Yet, since the topic keeps popping up, I might do some sharing this time: 

In order to create more fun while allowing art and enabling realism fans, I might go for a change to enable everybody to create their own KSC, build it to your likings! Start with a nice slap of grassland and build the buildings wherever you want them to be, spending currency to build them. You want an extra or longer runway? Sure, slap on some concrete, paint, elevation and inclinations. Why not make this a fun, creative feature for everyone?  Build Kennedy or your next door airport. Let a strip decent into water for your Ekranoplan, or do something else :wink:


Edited by Knaapie
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On 5/19/2016 at 2:48 AM, stibbons said:

What I quoted. GTAV is not real life.

Surprisingly, the airport is one of the noticeable things in Los Santos that isn't a carbon copy of its real life Los Angeles counterpart.



On topic: It would be useful to have a dock to launch landing barges and the like from.

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I could definitely get behind a couple extra runways (each at different orientations) but multiple launchpads seems a bit to much for my tastes. I mean, sure, if you use KCT and gotta recondition that launchpad before you launch your stock of probes and shuttles, having that extra pad or two could help, but it doesn't really serve a purpose in the stock game.

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I agree with having a north-south runway, not sure about parallel runways or other launch pads. 

What I think I'd like more more however would be different KSCs scattered around the planet, at least one in on each continent on Kerbin, including the polar regions.

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3 hours ago, Tourist said:

What I think I'd like more more however would be different KSCs scattered around the planet, at least one in on each continent on Kerbin, including the polar regions.

Technically speaking, Kerbin only has one continent, so that's sort of taken care of already.

But indeed, I would love to be able to have several KSCs. Preferably, you'd start the game with only one, then you had to travel to the others and offer a sum of money to buy them. First some space centres on Kerbin, then on its moons, and also on other planets. Not only would it give career mode something to strive for, it would also give a purpose to those tremendous sums of money you accumulate in the late-game, and it'd make interplanetary exploration easier and more rewarding. Is Dres and Jool too far away from Kerbin for your tastes? Try launching from the Duna base! Problems with launch windows? Moho gets launch windows all the time! Is Squad reluctant to add outer planets because most players never go that far? They would if they could launch from Laythe! And if they could afford it, of course, I'd imagine spacecraft to be up to fifty times more expensive to build out there.

I believe true colonization would really improve the longevity of Kerbal Space Program. Hopefully, Squad will take some steps to at least make permanent, extraplanetary bases possible. It seems like only Kerbin can house bases at the moment, but I'd be content with more Space Centres like certain mods have already enabled.

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I do agree, the polar launch pad is a good idea. And KSC needs more runways. MOAR MOAR MOAR RUNWAYS. But maybe the third pad should be replaced with a large control tower. Also, AI trucks/cars driving around on some roads around KSC would be really cool.

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Not to be pedantic, but runways are never labeled as 0.  It would have to be 18-36.  The 0/18 thing has been setting my OCD off something fierce.

While we're dreaming, I'd really like a PAPI or VASI, too.

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1 hour ago, JJE64 said:

Not to be pedantic, but runways are never labeled as 0.  It would have to be 18-36.  The 0/18 thing has been setting my OCD off something fierce.

There was a mod that added PAPI but the problem is the way the game renders, it was quite difficult to see it.  As far as something in stock, well it would likely require a configuration window which isn't consistent with stock at all (there is no in-flight configuration window to control anything at the KSC).  Typical plane glide slopes are 3 degrees, but a Space shuttle glide slopes are as high as 19 degrees.

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7 minutes ago, Alshain said:

There was a mod that added PAPI but the problem is the way the game renders, it was quite difficult to see it.  As far as something in stock, well it would likely require a configuration window which isn't consistent with stock at all (there is no in-flight configuration window to control anything at the KSC).  Typical plane glide slopes are 3 degrees, but a Space shuttle glide slopes are as high as 19 degrees.

Instrument approaches (fixed pitch) are planned at 3 degrees.  Visual approaches (pitch for airspeed) are generally 5.  KSP approaches are anywhere from 3 to vertical in my experience.

It wouldn't have to have an external window, just let it be on all the time, but yeah, I get your point about being tough to see.  I've been flying IRL now for 23 years and I'll freely admit that in KSP I let Kramax do my approaches.

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8 minutes ago, JJE64 said:

Instrument approaches (fixed pitch) are planned at 3 degrees.  Visual approaches (pitch for airspeed) are generally 5.  KSP approaches are anywhere from 3 to vertical in my experience.

It wouldn't have to have an external window, just let it be on all the time, but yeah, I get your point about being tough to see.  I've been flying IRL now for 23 years and I'll freely admit that in KSP I let Kramax do my approaches.

Point is still that the Space shuttle was 19 degrees and this is a Space game.  So which do you give it without having a configuration window? (FWIW though, the shuttle certainly did not use a PAPI)


Now there is a mod for an ILS too.


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1 hour ago, JJE64 said:

Instrument approaches (fixed pitch) are planned at 3 degrees.  Visual approaches (pitch for airspeed) are generally 5.  KSP approaches are anywhere from 3 to vertical in my experience.

It wouldn't have to have an external window, just let it be on all the time, but yeah, I get your point about being tough to see.  I've been flying IRL now for 23 years and I'll freely admit that in KSP I let Kramax do my approaches.

This officially absolves me of any guilt I felt for using kramax rather then setting up my yoke from years of FS2004.  

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