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Educate me! (Textbook recommendations)


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So, life's been kinda complicated the last few years...  Got laid off,  went back to college, etc. 

I'm dual majoring in applied mathematics and physics... Thanks to this game, even.    But my physics program does not have orbital mechanics as an option.   It's all optics,  lasers, etc. 

 Can anyone recommend some decent orbital mechanics books for folks serious about learning on their own?   Astronautics?   I'm just starting 300 level classes and hopefully taking diff-EQ this summer,  partial diff-EQ in the fall, if that gives you an idea round about where I'm at in terms of math. 


Edited by storm6436
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Ehricke and Merrill, Space Flight V1

Ehricke, Space Flight II: Dynamics (Principles of Guided Missile Design) 

Both of these are pretty decent, the latter is harder to find, though there are places that print to order so you can get both for less than normal crazy textbook prices (under $50).

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Thanks for the input folks.   I appreciate anyone taking a moment of their time to help.   It's rather challenging, trying to learn about a topic when there is no one to even start you down the path.   Again, thanks. 

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