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[1.2.x] [Test Release] BioMass Continued (Development Thread)


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Yessir. Just have the Compressors left to recode, and it'll be set for the moment. Then it's off to @Stone Blue to merge the models. I'm testing more changes to the Greenhouses here in a sec. :D So far they're nice and balanced. Sadly, some code tricks I wanted to do to clean things up (and to eliminate some button pushing) didn't pan out the way I wanted, so it's back to manually toggling Light Baffles for now.

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Okay folks! BioMass, code-wise, is ready for testing. Uploading to my Github Repo as we speak, give it an hour to settle in (as long as Github isn't being flaky). I still need to get with @Stone Blue regarding the Models, so this will be just a functional test release only for now. Everything should at least work and be balanced. :D I'll update the initial post with the download link when it's live.

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Yeah, that's something I was testing before. Might be some bits left over. It might stay, it might not. CLS/SM needs updates to work on KSP 1.2.x.

Any help with ModuleAnimateGeneric would be greatly appreciated. @Stone Blue and I were racking our brains trying to figure that one out, between the API and the weirdness with the models themselves.

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well, judging by Porkjet's quasi out of date Habitat pack, it's just a "layer = 0" and the next in line gets "layer = 1" and so on. I'm not entirely sure what that does from a technically perspective, but intuitively, it would make sense that it keeps them from overlapping/conflicting, if you're having those issues. I just know Porkjet even went out of his way to have a mod commissioned before it was stock behavior (which it now is), so it's probably useful. You could ask @Starwaster for more details, as I think he wrote that plugin.:)

Also, and I've only looked at the greenhouse, but it outputs KethaneGas? Seems odd when Kethane isn't a dependency, but to be fair, KethaneGas isn't a resource Kethane (the mod) uses.

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Yep, KethaneGas is a resource the player needs for one of the Compressors ... a necessary component in the steps to create LiquidFuel. Thus the small Storage Tanks that have the capability of storing said Kethane and KethaneGas. :D The Player will need those too.

It's not as simple as just using one part ... BioMass requires Players to use three or more. That's the price of self-sustenance.

I really need to make a guide on how to run the new BioMass. I've been sitting here thinking about it, and it's not straightforward at all. Well it is, but it isn't. Hrmph.

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Again, I wish I had known people just wanted "hard". When we were moving from Roboto's original version to more realistic, there was a great hue and cry, which is why we had difficulty levels. But man alive what a pain in the butt to set up.

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Some more feedback:

TechNode icons don't load.

Astrobiology node overlaps with Electronics (CTT)

Personally, I would just use the TechNodes at the bottom of the CTT (HydroPonics, LongtermHab).

I would add BIoMass Parts to the LifeSupport category. See CommunityCategoryKit (latest TACLS dev build uses it I believe).

I think you should make Kethane either a dependency or leave it alone entirely. The current situation seems odd. Out of curiosity, what happens if I have Kethane installed? I notice it's completely absent from the OP.

I haven't played with the mod much yet outside of the editor, but I suspect a critique I'll have is: too many compressors.:D

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Thanks for the feedback, folks. It'll be applied to the next release. :) 

- Concerning the Community Category Kit, I agree. I haven't looked into how to use that yet, but I've seen it in the latest TAC-LS and wondered what that was for; so yes, absolutely. Great idea, thanks. :) 
- As for the Kethane bits. We know that Ethane (Methane, etc) products can be made from CO2 via chemistry, and we can get massive amounts of CO2 and Kethane from waste products too .. so, it would appear that using the mod Kethane is a no-brainer. I'll look into that.
- Likewise with the Community Tech Tree, and/or just the Tech Tree in general. Right now it's just messed up.

Any ideas on how to de-convolute BioMass in general, I'm all ears. And eyes. I seem to have made it more complicated than it should be ... but I'm happy with the efficiencies and the rates of return the modules are producing.

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Looks like I have to fix node attach stuff on the Greenhouses too, due to resizing them. They're the correct size now, but they aren't attaching correctly on top/bottom. Expect another point release tonight. I probably need to check the other parts that I resized as well.

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4 hours ago, BetaguyGZT said:

Looks like I have to fix node attach stuff on the Greenhouses too, due to resizing them. They're the correct size now, but they aren't attaching correctly on top/bottom. Expect another point release tonight. I probably need to check the other parts that I resized as well.

don't touch scale, unless in a model node, when you rescalefactor a part, as it scales the nodes differently and isn't needed usually. Generally, just tweak node size manually. Sorry if you know all this already.

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No worries, I figured out what was wrong and I'm fixing it right now. :D I needed to use rescaleFactor instead of scale, since it will handle the nodes too. Just need to test what I've done. I would have done this earlier, but you know. Walking Dead, then fell asleep in my chair in front of the TV. Heh.

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It's alive. I've made quite a few changes but haven't uploaded anything in a while. I probably should do that just to keep things current. Heh.

Tell ya what. I'll give it a test this weekend when I have time (probably tonight sometime) and if all is well I'll upload a new testing release for everyone to play around with. I will likely do the changelog first -- if I can remember everything I've changed. 

Some stuff that I do remember changing:

- Compressors are done, and are actually useful
- Removed Kethane generation and use within the mod, as it wasn't relevant to much of anything at the moment
- Still tweaking the CO2 -> Oxygen conversion rates from the Modules. I'm not happy with how little they are producing, and I need to actually do some real-world research to get solid numbers
- Models are still wonky. I need to install Unity & the Autodesk stuff to fix 'em myself. No big deal, just have to find the time to actually do it. I'm a College Student, after all.
- The code itself now works fine on 1.2 versions of KSP. Lots of changes with TAC-LS code that had to be done to get things working again. I'm playing around with using stock converter code to see if I can eliminate TAC-LS as a dependency.

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