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[1.4.2] Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy 1.1.8 (18/04/2018)


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  On 9/20/2016 at 5:05 PM, Apone3k said:

So I'm doing the basic pilot training over KSC, the 1st starting point waypoint is fine but when I fly straight through the second waypoint (named 1st way point) nothing happens. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


May be a bug. Will do some testing, but no fixes are going to be forthcoming until 1.2 hits (for obvious reasons)

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  On 9/20/2016 at 5:05 PM, Apone3k said:

So I'm doing the basic pilot training over KSC, the 1st starting point waypoint is fine but when I fly straight through the second waypoint (named 1st way point) nothing happens. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Quick question: are you using the way point manager mod? I haven't had any issue with making pilot training way points work, but I have found it can be harder to get the proper altitude to make them trigger without using way point manager to help guide. 

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  • 1 month later...

I have same issue - not possible to pass 1stWP (I have WP manager)

I check KerbalAcademyFlightSchool.cfg and found this:

mentor = AllKerbals().Where(m => m.ExperienceTrait() == "Pilot" && m.ExperienceLevel()>=2 && m.Type() == Crew && m.RosterStatus() == Available).Random()
trainee = AllKerbals().Where(m => m.ExperienceTrait() == "Pilot" && m.ExperienceLevel()<= @/minExperience && m.Type() == Crew && m.RosterStatus() == Available).Random()

Is it means, we have to put two kerbals into same craft - trainee and mentor?


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  On 10/27/2016 at 5:09 PM, Shirson said:

I have same issue - not possible to pass 1stWP (I have WP manager)

I check KerbalAcademyFlightSchool.cfg and found this

mentor = AllKerbals().Where(m => m.ExperienceTrait() == "Pilot" && m.ExperienceLevel()>=2 && m.Type() == Crew && m.RosterStatus() == Available).Random()
trainee = AllKerbals().Where(m => m.ExperienceTrait() == "Pilot" && m.ExperienceLevel()<= @/minExperience && m.Type() == Crew && m.RosterStatus() == Available).Random()

Is it means, we have to put two kerbals into same craft - trainee and mentor?



Yes both kerbals must ybe in the craft. This should show in the parameters

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So, this is a root of "problem" - 1st WP should be passed with two kerbals in the craft, but contract's description don't give clear requirements about it. I think :blush:

Thanks for help and thanks for good contract pack with amazing idea (mentor+trainee). I really enjoy it. :D

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  On 9/20/2016 at 5:05 PM, Apone3k said:

So I'm doing the basic pilot training over KSC, the 1st starting point waypoint is fine but when I fly straight through the second waypoint (named 1st way point) nothing happens. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


I'm seeing the same behavior.  I passed within 30m of the target according to Waypoint Manager and still didn't get an update.  I do have the the trainer and trainee on board.

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@Shirson @NeuroticGamer Sorry guys, I'm not ignoring you. I'll look into it when I get a chance, but can't say when that's going to be right now (hopefully within the next week) - I'm spread a bit thin at the moment, I've got alot going on IRL, I'm working through some issues with MonthlyBudgets at the moment, then I have to fix Bases and Stations, plus I'm working on a new project.

Will get to it soon though I promise :)

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  On 10/29/2016 at 10:04 AM, severedsolo said:

@Shirson @NeuroticGamer Sorry guys, I'm not ignoring you. I'll look into it when I get a chance, but can't say when that's going to be right now (hopefully within the next week) - I'm spread a bit thin at the moment, I've got alot going on IRL, I'm working through some issues with MonthlyBudgets at the moment, then I have to fix Bases and Stations, plus I'm working on a new project.

Will get to it soon though I promise :)


I'm not rushing you at all.  I just wanted to add the point that I did test with Waypoint Manager (as you asked about earlier) and still saw the issue.  I also wasn't sure the tolerance on the waypoint, though I figured 40m for a flying waypoint was pretty close.

I'm enjoying the variety of missions your pack offers :)

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  On 10/29/2016 at 10:04 AM, severedsolo said:

@Shirson @NeuroticGamer Sorry guys, I'm not ignoring you. I'll look into it when I get a chance, but can't say when that's going to be right now (hopefully within the next week) - I'm spread a bit thin at the moment, I've got alot going on IRL, I'm working through some issues with MonthlyBudgets at the moment, then I have to fix Bases and Stations, plus I'm working on a new project.

Will get to it soon though I promise :)


Absolutely no rush, severedsolo, thanks.

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I would like to start out by saying "Thank You" for an alternative way to play career mode.  I've leveled up Pilots, Engineers and Scientists in my current career game, however, I have run into a 'little' issue.
My game is still new, so I have only been to the Mun (numerous times) and sent probes out to Minmus.  I made most of my cash transporting tourists for Mun landings and spent most of my cash doing training missions.

Now, Jebediah is level 5 Pilot (all missions to fly around the Mun), yet, I still keep getting missions to train him up.  I also trained up another pilot using the 'fly to waypoints' and those were much easier/faster/inexpensive than the Mun orbit.  Yet, it seems like the Mun missions favor Jebediah and the 'fly to waypoints' favors others, even if they are a much higher level.  Of course, I could just be experiencing a bad run with the RNG.

Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I have not left Kerbin and the Mun, thus, not received the XP from Minmus, so the mode doesn't really believe that Jebediah is max level?  Or, maybe it has something to do with his BadAz rating?

Again, not game breaking or anything serious.  Just an annoyance since the same mission (fly Jebediah around the Mun) keeps renewing despite the fact that he is Level 5.  I am mentioning it in case it is an easy fix or is related to another problem.

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  On 11/5/2016 at 12:49 PM, SCESW said:

Again, not game breaking or anything serious.  Just an annoyance since the same mission (fly Jebediah around the Mun) keeps renewing despite the fact that he is Level 5.  I am mentioning it in case it is an easy fix or is related to another problem.


Yeah I should really be filtering out Lv5 Kerbals. Raised #3

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@NeuroticGamer @Shirson Sorry for the ridiculously long reply time on this.

I just flew Flight School and had no issues hitting any of the waypoints. One thing I will say is you must hit the waypoints in order.

Kerbal Academy 1.1.5 Released!

  • Level 5 kerbals will no longer be considered when picking kerbals to train (Darineth)


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I've noticed that I never have valid experiments for the scientist training programs. In the beginning I ignored it, figuring it was some randomness.... But then I noticed that it says that "it should never fail".... Is there something wrong with those training contracts? Does it work for the rest of you guys?

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  On 12/15/2016 at 7:23 PM, Warezcrawler said:

But then I noticed that it says that "it should never fail"


I'm assuming you are talking about Scientific Principles: "Never" is a bit strong, it should say almost never. Have you orbited a world? (even if it's just the homeworld)

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  On 12/16/2016 at 2:44 PM, severedsolo said:

I'm assuming you are talking about Scientific Principles: "Never" is a bit strong, it should say almost never. Have you orbited a world? (even if it's just the homeworld)


Yes, I have orbited Kerbin, Duna + moons at this point, but only Kerbin + moons with crew. Is that part of the criteria?

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  On 12/17/2016 at 12:45 PM, Warezcrawler said:

Yes, I have orbited Kerbin, Duna + moons at this point, but only Kerbin + moons with crew. Is that part of the criteria?


Shouldn't matter if it's crewed or not. Basically the criteria for generating an experiment is:

1) Pick a biome at random on the homeworld, if that biome has an experiment that still has some science remaining and it's less than the amount of science the player has, that experiment will be chosen (if there is more than 1 it will pick one at random). If not, we move onto step 2:

2) Pick a world the player has orbited at random, then select a biome at random from that world. If that biome has an experiment with science remaining and it's less than the amount of science the player has, select that experiment. Otherwise move onto step 3:

3) Pick a random experiment, from a random biome, on a random world the player has orbited. Don't worry about how much science is left, this is a fallback.


So what this means is, for some reason, you are failing an un-failable check. Can you grab this file and drop it into your Contract Configurator directory (don't worry it just turns on some debug stuff with CC). Try and make the contract generate (change scenes a couple of times, CC tries to generate contracts when you return to the Space Center). Hopefully it will try (and fail) to spit out a Scientific Principles and will tell me why.

Please post your log.

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  On 12/17/2016 at 2:11 PM, severedsolo said:

Shouldn't matter if it's crewed or not. Basically the criteria for generating an experiment is:

1) Pick a biome at random on the homeworld, if that biome has an experiment that still has some science remaining and it's less than the amount of science the player has, that experiment will be chosen (if there is more than 1 it will pick one at random). If not, we move onto step 2:

2) Pick a world the player has orbited at random, then select a biome at random from that world. If that biome has an experiment with science remaining and it's less than the amount of science the player has, select that experiment. Otherwise move onto step 3:

3) Pick a random experiment, from a random biome, on a random world the player has orbited. Don't worry about how much science is left, this is a fallback.


So what this means is, for some reason, you are failing an un-failable check. Can you grab this file and drop it into your Contract Configurator directory (don't worry it just turns on some debug stuff with CC). Try and make the contract generate (change scenes a couple of times, CC tries to generate contracts when you return to the Space Center). Hopefully it will try (and fail) to spit out a Scientific Principles and will tell me why.

Please post your log.


Thanks for the clear description of how the mod is evaluating.... It really seem impossible that it would fail when put like that. I will try and use some time on this and see if I can figure it out on my own, using your debug file. If not I will post my logs.

Again, thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also can't get any contract for scientists.

In Field Science 3 out of 4 conditions are met. 

"Must have an experiment available which meets the training courses requirements" is unmet and I can't figure it out why. There should be many experiments avaliable on Kerbin. I explored only KSC a little bit and high space over the planet. 

Any tip?


BTW, Great mod :)

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  On 12/26/2016 at 7:34 PM, falcoon said:

I also can't get any contract for scientists.

In Field Science 3 out of 4 conditions are met. 

"Must have an experiment available which meets the training courses requirements" is unmet and I can't figure it out why. There should be many experiments avaliable on Kerbin. I explored only KSC a little bit and high space over the planet. 

Any tip?


Depends on the level of the kerbal you are trying to generate the experiments for, but I suspect you are holding too much science. The criteria for that one are

1) The biome must have more science left than you are currently holding. (So if you have say, 500 science in the bank, the biome needs to have a total of 501+ left).

2) THe biome will be picked at random from the following:

  • If your kerbal is Lv1: The homeworld.
  • "" Lv2: Any world you have orbited
  • "" Lv3: Any world you have landed on.
  • "" Lv4: Any world you've orbited which is not the homeworld or a child of the homeworld (ie in the stock system, not Kerbin Mun or Minmus).
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  On 12/27/2016 at 6:42 AM, severedsolo said:

Depends on the level of the kerbal you are trying to generate the experiments for, but I suspect you are holding too much science. The criteria for that one are

1) The biome must have more science left than you are currently holding. (So if you have say, 500 science in the bank, the biome needs to have a total of 501+ left).


Yes, thank you, holding too much science was the issue.

Theoretical question about "science left in biomes". What if I'll explore Mun and Minmus completely? Contract's for scientists will stop spawning? I'm currently playing rather late-game career and I've already drained most of available science form Mun and Minmus. Don't know exacly how much is left, but it's not much.


Another thing with Engineering School. I've already completed couple of missions for landing legs reapir, but now for some time "craft that meets requirements" stays Unmet. 

Is this because all my landed crafts marked as ships/landers/bases/satelites dosen't have wheels, only landing struts? also, nothing is marked as rover.

and the last question:

Do I have to drop any vehicle somewhere on the surface outside Kerbin SOI (ex Duna/Ike) to get and complete eng lv. 5 training or it's not necessary?

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  On 12/28/2016 at 8:36 AM, falcoon said:

Theoretical question about "science left in biomes". What if I'll explore Mun and Minmus completely? Contract's for scientists will stop spawning? I'm currently playing rather late-game career and I've already drained most of available science form Mun and Minmus. Don't know exacly how much is left, but it's not much.


No, it's bodies you have orbited. In or out of the kerbin system. If you've drained Mun/Minmus but have orbited Duna, you'll start getting them for Duna instead. If you drain Kerbin completely, you'll stop seeing missions for your Lv1 Scientists, but you can either land them on Mun + Minmus, or leave the Kerbin system to get that level.

  On 12/28/2016 at 8:36 AM, falcoon said:

Is this because all my landed crafts marked as ships/landers/bases/satelites dosen't have wheels, only landing struts? also, nothing is marked as rover.


Shouldn't matter. It's looking for the label alone. The code is below. (the level is the level the kerbal will be at the end of the contract, so l2Craft is needed for kerbals who are currently Lv1, l3Craft for kerbals who are lv2, etc) - this also answers your question about dropping craft outside Kerbins SOI - no. Just can't be Kerbin.


            l2Craft = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Lander)
            l3Craft = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Rover)
            l4Craft = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Station)
            l5Craft = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Base && v.CelestialBody() != @/homeworld)



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