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Kopernicus PQS mods Documentation (W.I.P)


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This thread is an attempt to document the Kopernicus planet mods various PQS modifiers and how they affect a planet.

NOTE: while this will give you information about the pqs mods, it is best to mess around with the values to fully understand what the mod actual does (plus it's more fun that way)

people should post information about various PQS mods such as VertexHeightNoise and add information and a picture of it in game 

there is a list of PQS mods here: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/tree/master/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/Configuration/ModLoader (link found in post by killashley)

the ultimate goal of this thread is to be a complete dictionary of the various pqs mods so planet makers don't get scared off (though they should still play with the mod on their own) :D this will also allow more advanced planet makers to find a good PQS mod by looking through this instead of trying to remember them all 

Kopernicus mod thread:

What the values mean


Frequency: the number of cycles per length a noise function outputs AKA how often the mod does its thing

lacunarity: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for each successive octave in a noise function. AKA I'm gonna try this one out with kittopia and report back

Octave: The number of octaves control the amount of detail in a noise function AKA how jagged and varied it is

Persistence: how long it lasts

Seed: changes the output. allows for greater variety (like a minecraft world is always different because of different seeds when using the same algorithm)

Contributed by poodmund on page 1 from link http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/glossary/index.html

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                    oceanRadius = 1.0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 25

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    type = [insert type, like Perlin, Billow, or RiggedMultiFractal - REQUIRED]
    seed = 23510750  //change this to any random number
    deformity = 500  //how bumpy and jagged is the terrain
    frequency = 4  //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens
    lacunarity = 2.5
    persistance = 1.0
    octaves = 6  //how small do you want the jagged ridges to be
    enabled = True

from space:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=696091097

from surface:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=696091025

(note that this pqs dosent cause changes to planetary colors or textures)

contributed by Astrofox in page 1


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        height = 15000
        pow = 2.5
        enabled = true
        order = 100

contributed by Astrofox in page 1


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                    seed = 123456 
                    deformity = 60 
                    octaves = 8
                    persistence = 0.5
                    frequency = 6
                    enabled = true
                    order = 2


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   Hide contents

VertexSimplexNoiseColor  //Small gilly-based moons don't have color maps and use this instead
                    seed = 0175123  //change this to any random number
                    blend = 1
                    colorStart = 0,1,0,1  //The color of your moon is a spectrum between these two colors
                    colorEnd = 0.3,0.3,0.3,1
                    octaves = 7  //how small do you want the blotches of color to be
                    persistence = 0.5  //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens
                    frequency = 1
                    enabled = True

contributed by Astrofox



            name = Voronoi1
            seed = 123
            deformation 6500
            displacement = 0.003
            enableDistance = True
            frequency = 3
            enabled = true
            order = 23

contributed by astrofox on page 1



Used to do custom craters on the mun but can also be used to make bumps



four variations of values come with Kopernicus examples, they are around bastion with 2 varying in frequency and 2 varying in curve

Make object main menu body:


 %mainMenuBody = [insert Dres] //place right after the @Kopernicus:After[KOPERNICUS

ex: sonnah in new horizons pack uses this


Edited by Kepler68
added encouragement for expirementation
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I've actually got a text file that I made today with several PQS mods on it.

I'll find out how to put in code and then paste it in.

EDIT #1: Testing Spoilers



    type = [insert type, like Perlin, Billow, or RiggedMultiFractal - optional]
    seed = 23510750  //change this to any random number
    deformity = 500  //how bumpy and jagged is the terrain
    frequency = 4  //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens
    lacunarity = 2.5
    persistance = 1.0
    octaves = 6  //how small do you want the jagged ridges to be
    enabled = True




        height = 15000
        pow = 2.5
        enabled = true
        order = 100


EDIT#2 Huh, it works quite well already.



Edited by Astrofox
Testing Spoilers
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@Kepler68 Maybe I could write up a config that has a black base up to a white top just to give the effect of looking like a heightmap.

Thing is, I'm away from my computer right now, so it may come later on today.

I will most likely set it up in Kerbin Orbit for the simplicity of testing it out (without hyperedit...).

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14 hours ago, Astrofox said:


type = [insert type, like Perlin, Billow, or RiggedMultiFractal - optional]

God no! That parameter is basically the base of the mod, without it, it will fail horribly :P
The optional parameter in parser target just says that Kopernicus shouldn't put the whole planet into the recycling bin if a param is missing, because sometimes you can leave out params, and I just used optional everywhere :D

If you need something, just let me know (join #Kopernicus, ping me, write a PM, etc.). I am currently working on a standalone version of the PQSMods that could be used to test what the parameters do (enter params into a console app and it draws you a map or so).
I also planned to implement some kind of documentation into Kopernicus / Kittopia, where this stuff would be appreciated.

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@Thomas P. Funnily enough I saw that one variant didn't have that...

Oh well, we'll change it as soon as possible.

Also, I found some more code while downloading old Kopernicus Packs. Maybe they work.



VertexSimplexNoiseColor  //Small gilly-based moons don't have color maps and use this instead
                    seed = 0175123  //change this to any random number
                    blend = 1
                    colorStart = 0,1,0,1  //The color of your moon is a spectrum between these two colors
                    colorEnd = 0.3,0.3,0.3,1
                    octaves = 7  //how small do you want the blotches of color to be
                    persistence = 0.5  //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens
                    frequency = 1
                    enabled = True

I also earlier on today, I found the Voronoi craters examples in the Kopernicus Examples in the PQS mods stuff. Sadly, VertexPlanet and this were really the only things in there.


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3 hours ago, Thomas P. said:

God no! That parameter is basically the base of the mod, without it, it will fail horribly :P
The optional parameter in parser target just says that Kopernicus shouldn't put the whole planet into the recycling bin if a param is missing, because sometimes you can leave out params, and I just used optional everywhere :D

If you need something, just let me know (join #Kopernicus, ping me, write a PM, etc.). I am currently working on a standalone version of the PQSMods that could be used to test what the parameters do (enter params into a console app and it draws you a map or so).
I also planned to implement some kind of documentation into Kopernicus / Kittopia, where this stuff would be appreciated.

Don't worry I canged it to a REQUIRED in all caps to get the point across :wink:

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@Thomas P. What does it mean by

// Quality mode for the noise
[ParserTarget("mode", optional = true)]
public EnumParser<LibNoise.Unity.QualityMode> mode
get { return mod.mode; }
set { mod.mode = value; }

in VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight.cs?

I've been wondering about this.

Edited by Astrofox
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Hey Guys! I have VertexVoronoi stuff already!


            name = Voronoi1
            seed = 123
            deformation 6500
            displacement = 0.003
            enableDistance = True
            frequency = 3
            enabled = true
            order = 23

I had this specifically for a moon for a system I've been creating. This variant looks amazing on the moon (named Pir).


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18 minutes ago, Kepler68 said:

Wow I didn't expect to find something like this! Thanks :D:D:D

BTW Astrofox what planet pack is that?

Well KSP uses libNoise to generate its terrain so the Kopernicus hook-ins are dervived from it. Look at the example of the image map libNoise uses in its tutorial/example: http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/examples/complexplanet/images/planet.jpg 

Familiar much?

Edited by Poodmund
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8 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

Well KSP uses libNoise to generate its terrain so the Kopernicus hook-ins are dervived from it. Look at the example of the image map libNoise uses in its tutorial/example: http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/examples/complexplanet/images/planet.jpg 

Familiar much?

LOL its kerbin! is that an actual tutorial image or did you make that :D

EDIT: looking closer it isn't actually kerbin but its similar enough, the ksc continent has barely changed!

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It's kinda buggy, as I set the moons orbits to sit in the rings, but for whatever reason they end up moving out of the plane entirely.

Maybe I will find a fix for it sometime. It's just a side project I've been working on so that I can release at least one thing before I release an entire pack that I started about a year ago, actually. I worked with amarius1, Mr.HappyFace, and several others. Unfortunately, I have no idea as to where they went, and so I've been trying to cram in a lot of information as a reference so that I can just kinda finish it up for a release. I am working with TheWhiteGuardian and Kandjk currently, but it will still be a while before a full release of the whole pack.

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The ring thing is part of Kopernicus. You can also see it happening with mun around sonnah and Astid in arins rings in new horizons. I don't know if there is a way to stop their rotation but for now they rotate with the planet

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I suppose you have to reverse the rotation of the planet, but I have no idea as to whether it actually exists as code. (i.e. the rings rotate with th planet in a retrograde way so that the moons' orbital plane is still similar to the rings).

Also, I tried using Kittopia to add PQS mods to a small moon for Kerbin (the PQS testing planet - because you can reach it without much effort if you don't have hyperedit), but it doesn't work.

Anyway, just make a notepad file with this code in it and just place a PQS mod in.

PQS Testing world:


        name = PQSCodesHopefully
            name = Minmus
            removeAllPQSMods = true
            description = VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute Tester
            radius = 100000
            rotates = true
            rotationPeriod = 60000
            tidallyLocked = false
            initialRotation = 0
            geeASL = 0.5
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 10000 17500 25000 40000 60000 80000 200000
                landedDataValue = 7
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 6.5
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 6
                recoveryValue = 8
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 175000
            referenceBody = Kerbin
            semiMajorAxis = 20000000
            inclination = 10
            eccentricity = 0.2
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0
            blend = 0.5
            enabled = true
            order = 10 //make this number higher than the HeightMods
                    name = Base
                    altitudeStart = 0
                    altitudeEnd = 0.25
                    color = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
                    lerpToNext = true
                    name = Low
                    altitudeStart = 0.25
                    altitudeEnd = 0.5
                    color = 0.33,0.33,0.33,1.0
                    lerpToNext = true
                    name = Mid
                    altitudeStart = 0.5
                    altitudeEnd = 0.75
                    color = 0.66,0.66,0.66,1.0
                    lerpToNext = true
                    name = High
                    altitudeStart = 0.75
                    altitudeEnd = 1
                    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0
                    lerpToNext = false

I removed the PQS mod that was in it originally so that you could just copy/paste a PQS mod into the config without issue.

If only I just knew how to translate the code from the .cs file into the code that makes stuff work.

However, I wonder if the stuff in VertexNoiseHeightVertHeight.cs turns into:


    heightStart =
    heightEnd =
    deformity =
    frequency =
    octaves =
    persistance =
    seed =
    mode =
    lacunarity =

The issue is that this is just a hypothesis, and I have no idea if this actually works.

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Surprisingly, the Urania Pack does work, as well as the MapDecal PQS mod, but little Phobos doesn't have the other sphere thing that used to be on it. Instead it is literally just a massive pillar that makes it look more like it was nearly destroyed by a black hole (or it became a nose).

MapDecal (from Phobos).


                  enabled = true
                  radius = 40000
                  position = -20000, 5000, -60000 // I suppose (X,Y,Z)?
                  angle = 10 //angle or inclination
                  heightMap = Sido_Urania_System/Phobos/Textures/Phobos_add.png // heightmap of the map decal.
                  heightMapDeformity = 30000 //deformity of heightmap
                  cullBlack = false //???
                  useAlphaHeightSmoothing = false //????
                  absolute = true //?????
                  absoluteOffset = 20000 //??????
                  colorMap = Sido_Urania_System/Phobos/Textures/Phobos_add_color.png // Color Map of Map Decal
                  smoothHeight = 0.4 //???????
                  smoothColor = 0.4 //????????
                  removeScatter = true // possibly removes ground scatter
                  DEBUG_HighlightInclusion = false //?????????
                  order = 1727 // I dunno

Yeah, I just copied the MapDecal info from Phobos (Sido's Urania Pack). I don't understand most of it.

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