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[1.1.2] Year 2200 - A Nuclear Future v12


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Year2200 is complete mod featuring nuclear reactors, nuclear engines and jets, as well as new resources, an overhaul of the current ISRU system and the ability to build rockets from SimpleConstruction.

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Five nuclear reactors producing two types of output.
Four multi-mode engines.
New ISRU units and reworked resource converters.
Three nuclear resources and two fuels resources. 
Resource switching for all Ore and Fuel tanks.
Integrated Rocket-Building.


Module Manager

Real Solar System




Fixed Medium Nuclear Tank mass.

Massively increase CoreShutdownTemp as a possible solution to high timewarp adding millions of degrees of thermal energy to the core.

-Adjusted MWe consumption
-Adjusted electric reactor output multipliers


Don't time-warp with a reactor running. Physics warp (1x-4x) is okay. v11 might have fixed this.


This mod contains part models and textures from KSPI-Extended and Near Future Propulsion, so thanks to @FreeThinkerand @Nertea for creating them
This mod contains plugins from InterstellarFuelSwitch and ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads, so thanks to @FreeThinker and @taniwha for providing them.


This work is Licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Edited by MatterBeam
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  On 6/8/2016 at 9:22 PM, jordanjay29 said:

Very cool. I'm a little attached to Near Future, but I'm so glad there are different mods out there. I love the different nozzles and the thermal heating. +1


Thank you! I spent a huge amount of time on heat and temperature balancing. Getting all the engine's FX to work properly is the next step.

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  On 6/8/2016 at 10:11 PM, Revenant503 said:

This is definitely on my list for my next career game.

Recommending RSS - does that mean everything overbalanced vs stock?


It's balanced against real life values. However, it's less powerful than Interstellar Extended, and people play that in stock, so I shouldn't be too worried.

If testing in stock proves them to be too powerful, I'll release a stock balance patch.

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Congratulations on the release, also this seems really interesting.

A little question: the mass/density of the LqdHydrogen is the same as Community Resource Pack? If not, there will be some issues for people using it.

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  On 6/8/2016 at 11:06 PM, Nansuchao said:

Congratulations on the release, also this seems really interesting.

A little question: the mass/density of the LqdHydrogen is the same as Community Resource Pack? If not, there will be some issues for people using it.


I did copy the values for LqdHydrogen from Near Future's section of CRP. I'm glad you find it interesting. If I have time and manage to mitigate the effects of random x64 crashes, I'll start a Saturn Colonization play-through to showcase the mod.

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Probably a silly question is the resource converter in the hitchiker right? Its converting FissileOre to Fissilefuel but has containers for FissionFuel and FissionOre (and FusionFuel) and I can't see the fissiles in resources.cfg ?

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  On 6/9/2016 at 4:31 PM, Drelam said:

Looks definitely interesting!




  On 6/9/2016 at 9:42 PM, Revenant503 said:


Probably a silly question is the resource converter in the hitchiker right? Its converting FissileOre to Fissilefuel but has containers for FissionFuel and FissionOre (and FusionFuel) and I can't see the fissiles in resources.cfg ?


The resource converter from fission ore into fission fuel is in the hitchhicker, now called Nuclear Processing Plant.

Here are the resource definitions:

  name = FusionFuel
  density = 0.001
  unitCost = 2000		
  flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  name = FissionOre
  density = 0.009
  unitCost = 800		
  flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  name = FissionFuel
  density = 0.018
  unitCost = 1000		
  flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true

At the bottom of Resources.cfg

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yeah but the resource converter in the hitchiker (in HitchikerStorageXontainer.cfg) reads


        ResourceName = FissileOre
        Ratio = 0.01
        FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
        ResourceName = ElectricCharge
        Ratio = 60
        ResourceName = FissileFuel
        Ratio = 0.01
        DumpExcess = false
        FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW

So my question is how are you mapping the resource FissionOre that is defined and you've got tankage for to the resource FissileOre which the ModuleConverter in the hitchiker uses becasue I can't see how your doing it and am obviously missing something

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Oh dear. 

I think @Revenant503 has a point, there's a resource defined named FissionOre, but your converter uses one called FissileOre. Easily fixed.

@MatterBeam, I had a quick look at the resources you've defined and there's a lot of overlap with the Community Resource Pack. The resources you've defined differ in some ways to the ones in CRP, which may cause issues for anyone using it. Changing the cost, density or distribution of Metal, RocketParts and Water for example, is going to have implications for anyone using MKS/UKS, ExtraPlanetary Launchpads, and KSPI Extended respectively. Perhaps it would be better to just bundle/require the Community Resource Pack and adjust your parts accordingly instead of reinventing the wheel?

Mod looks like fun though, fits into a sort of "Interstellar Ultra Lite" niche :)

Perfect for those that don't want the hassle/overhead of KSPIE parts but still want the toys - like me!

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  On 6/10/2016 at 1:03 AM, Kielm said:

Oh dear. 

I think @Revenant503 has a point, there's a resource defined named FissionOre, but your converter uses one called FissileOre. Easily fixed.

@MatterBeam, I had a quick look at the resources you've defined and there's a lot of overlap with the Community Resource Pack. The resources you've defined differ in some ways to the ones in CRP, which may cause issues for anyone using it. Changing the cost, density or distribution of Metal, RocketParts and Water for example, is going to have implications for anyone using MKS/UKS, ExtraPlanetary Launchpads, and KSPI Extended respectively. Perhaps it would be better to just bundle/require the Community Resource Pack and adjust your parts accordingly instead of reinventing the wheel?

Mod looks like fun though, fits into a sort of "Interstellar Ultra Lite" niche :)

Perfect for those that don't want the hassle/overhead of KSPIE parts but still want the toys - like me!


Thank you. Will be fixed tomorrow morning.

I like CRO but it makes resource scanning a hassle. There's dozens of resources for every planet, like Karborundum and such, which make it a challenge to find the resourve map you're looking for.

I might make an MM patch so that I can use CRP but 'hide' all non-relevant resources.

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-Harmonized LqdHydrogen and Water with Community Resource Pack values 
-Replaced Metal with Metals 
-Added Community Resource Pack 
-Added an MM patch the prevents resource spam in the scanners. 
-Added Thermal Monitor. 


  On 6/10/2016 at 3:02 AM, dlrk said:

Mind if I ask a few questions?

Is this overpowered in the stock system?

Does this work with Kerbal Atomics? What about EPL?


It is not very overpowered in the stock system. For smaller spaceships (1000-3000dV), nuclear reactors are the worst option as they mass quite a lot. For the largest spaceships (6000dV+), they are a better option than stock. 

I haven't changed anything that Kerbal Atomics needs or uses, so they are compatible. EPL is integrated in the form of SimpleConstruction, which allows you to use EPL but with stock parts.

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Thanks for the info!

Is there a way to use this with the more complex EPL/MKS system? If not, would a patch/mm config to add this be possible? Thanks

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Actually looking at the configs I liked the way you did that, your giving Fusion and Fission a reason but still leaving a space place for chemical which fits well.

The only thing I think it needs is a Community Tech Tree patch, although I'm not even sure of that considering how sparse the tree will be unless another mod is carried in. 

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  On 6/10/2016 at 2:19 PM, dlrk said:

Thanks for the info!

Is there a way to use this with the more complex EPL/MKS system? If not, would a patch/mm config to add this be possible? Thanks


I think you'd have to delete some folders and files to allow EPL to work in its original configuration, but you'd still have to rely on some Year2200 parts to handle producing FissionFuel/FusionFuel. I'll work on it.

  On 6/10/2016 at 2:21 PM, Revenant503 said:

Actually looking at the configs I liked the way you did that, your giving Fusion and Fission a reason but still leaving a space place for chemical which fits well.

The only thing I think it needs is a Community Tech Tree patch, although I'm not even sure of that considering how sparse the tree will be unless another mod is carried in. 


Yeah, I didn't go down the path of 'fusion is the future!' and make it completely trump fission. If you open the 'balance.cfg' file, you'll find the figures I used. 

I'll be working on all the compatibility patches as soon as I'm confident that there are no more bugs and mistakes in the mod.

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  On 6/10/2016 at 2:31 PM, MatterBeam said:

I think you'd have to delete some folders and files to allow EPL to work in its original configuration, but you'd still have to rely on some Year2200 parts to handle producing FissionFuel/FusionFuel. I'll work on it.



Kerbal Atomics and MKS both have parts to reprocess DepletedFuel to EnrichedUranium and process Uraninite to EnrichedUranium. I believe this part of CRP, so compatibility here would be very useful, and would ensure compatibility with MKS/EPL etc. Would this be possible?

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-Adjusted MWe consumption
-Adjusted electric reactor output multipliers

  On 6/10/2016 at 4:03 PM, dlrk said:

Kerbal Atomics and MKS both have parts to reprocess DepletedFuel to EnrichedUranium and process Uraninite to EnrichedUranium. I believe this part of CRP, so compatibility here would be very useful, and would ensure compatibility with MKS/EPL etc. Would this be possible?


I debated whether to use the same resources when it comes to nuclear fuels as the rest, but I decided against it:

-I'm using a simplified, unitary system where 1 FissionFuel = 1 year of operation.
-All fission reactors are assumed to be breeder reactors, so any waste already has been 're-used'. It is more realistic than a lightweight, space-rated nuclear reprocessor that can be powered by solar panels.

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I definitely see where you're coming from there, but an optional patch where this works with MKS would be very much appreciated. For exampole, have it use an amount of EnrichedUranium equivalent a year of fission fuel, and place the reactors furhter along in TT than reprocessable non-breeder reactor from Kerbal Atomics and MKS.

This really seems like a great mod, that would work great with MKS, EPL, etc, if it was made to work with the CRP resources


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