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Graphic problems under 1.0.5

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Hi everyone,


I experienced some problems since the last December but it starts to really become annoying now.

Sometimes images are better than the words to explain :




This line of separation appears on the menu but also during any flight. The sole solution I found since is to switch to the map view then once came back to the ship view the texture is loaded again, but only for one Kerbin rotation, after it has to be done again. I remember having read some months ago others topic about that but there were no solution at this time and I can't find the topic again.


About the others problems I got a bad position of the exhaust flame on the Rhino :



Another problem about the exhaust flames, they appear as the engines are not running and even without fuel, here with the Whiplash :



You can see that the Infinite Fuel is not switched on. It also happen with the Kickback and Skipper, once they ran out of fuel, the trust is clearly at 0 but the flames still are present.


And now the final problem. Since today there is a strange reaction each time I tried to past in front of each vehicules, the camera cease to be centered on the ship and is placed in a rear position, this bug also "broke" my ship, in these shots you can see that the cockpit is separated from the rest of the craft :




Did anyone have some answers for the lost man I am ?

And please have my appologies if all of these problems have already been treated, I was just making some quick jumps over the forum during these last months...


Edited by XB-70A
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Aye! A lot are installed... sorry I can give you the folder names, but the files are on a flashdrive a long looong way out of where I am now.

- AB_Launchers

- AtomicAge

- B9_Aerospace

- BahaSP

- BobCatind (the Soviet engines pack)

- BoulderCo

- CactEye

- Chatterer

- CommunityResourcePack

- CrossFeedEnabler

- CryoEngines

- EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements



- Firespitter

- FuelTanksPlus


- HGR_Redux

- HorizonAeronautics

- InterstellarFuelSwitch

- JarDev




- KerbalJointReinforcement

- Kerbaltek


- Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal

- Klockheed_Martian_SSE

- Kopernicus

- KWRocketry

- MechJeb2

- Mk3MiniExpansion

- ModuleAnimateEmissive

- ModuleRCSFX

- MP_Nazari

- NASA (it contains the Shuttle by Mike-NZ)



- PersistentThrust

- PortraitStats

- ProceduralFairings

- QuizTechAero

- SmokeScreen

- SolarSailNavigator

- StockPlugins


- Tantares

- TantaresLV

- TextureReplacer

- Trajectories

- TweakScale

- UmbraSpaceIndustries (SrvPack)

- WaypointManager


But as it was a PITA to re-install all of these mod when jumping from 1.0.2 to 0.5, I used to play more and more with stock-only vehicules and, apart of the visual and graphic mods (obviously), nearly stop to use the parts mods.



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