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Need help with UNITY 5.2.4f settings for Animations

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Hello modding specialists!

When creating animations in Unity 5.2.4f  i hangle me from error to error.
According to various forum entries I set the Lagacy Flag of animation in debug mode. Various tests with and without Animator add's still can not lead to success.
Whether it is, flaps of a cargo bay, deploying antennas or emmisive effects for engines or lighting, nothing works. Different errors in the log says: "Part can not be loaded ..." or "Out of memory ..." and so on.

Has anyone of you a functional and reproducible workaround?

Thank you!

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Have been found a workaround for part animations.

First one, the setting of LEGACY Flag in Debug mode will be interpreted right after reload unity.

Second one is to remove all ANIMATOR and add an ANIMATION at the Scene-Root-Entry.

So far so good for Part-Animations.

How works emissive Animations?

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