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[1.4.X] SM Marine, Version KSP xx PSA important

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There are issues in KSP 1.6.x with certain parts containing  multiple animations . These issues display as broken information in the PAW (right click menu) and the animations being inoperative . The fix is fairly simple but time consuming to do   and will be dealt with in a small update shortly.  This and the broken IR aside  all parts appear to be working  well and fully functional in 1.6.x



SM Industries Presents




SM Marine KSP 1.4.X BDA 1.2.X
OnlyUse SM Industries Included

SM Marine NEEDS the SM_Industries plugin and localisation dictionary in order to function correctly
It is important to have the version that matches the release, mismatched versions will result
In Autloc text being displayed and parts may not appear
SM_Industries for a latest releases can be found at the link below


What is SM Marine? primarily its is a selection of parts and equipment to make your ships look more like ships, including better looking bridges with limited IVA, working radars, propeller drive systems, masts and antennas, I even found the time to add a few one part hulls

As you may know I've been developing weapon mods forever and even as long ago as 0.16 I had working boats and submarines. upon my return I noticed a proliferation of boat mods and thought cool I like boats and ships a lot, i tried them and non of them fitted what I wanted, they were either too big, too complex or just not Spanner. So i started making a small selection of parts to make them more to my taste, along the way i dipped into my many years of experience in the marine industry and way too many hours spent on sea trials and made some hulls, that according to those who have tested them are some of the best behaved hulls in the game, naturally I'm biased.

None of the parts are huge but they are all tweakscale prepared, so should you desire they can be huge .


Typhoon and main cmd center IVA





And its not all military





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Notes on functionality All radar units included in this mod require BD Armory in order to function. 

ALL drive units require a recent copy of the Firespitter DLL to be installed, without firespitter there will be no engine sounds. Would very much like a standalone version of the engine sounds functionality

Propeller effects are provided by stock modules as is engine reversing.

Extending Radar and small Radome  the unit is telescopic and also includes a targeting camera, The fwd or  neutral position is marked on the shell by use of a yellow line

There are 3 types of anchor included all types work as anchors when attached to a KAS winch mount, in addition anchor 4  will activate the AirAnchor functionality of the HL airships airpark modules ( working on a standalone version for this mod)

All structural parts will and should sink, please let me know if you find something floaty that should not be.

Drive Units and rudders have 0 buoyancy.

Each hull carries a small amount of ballast space, each Bridge unit has a pump for filling and emptying the ballast space.

The drive units power  scales with size so it is possible to overpower all the hulls should an overly large drive size be chosen, for best results keep scales in parity.

The Rudder.  do not be tempted to add  several rudders in order to quicken steering, due to lift in certain circumstances now providing speed it is possible with multiple rudders to induce uncontrollable handling characteristics. The hulls steer at an acceptable rate for the size and mass

All of the hulls has RCS thrusters acting as fine position and maneuvering thrusters,  these are powered from ballast stored in the onboard tanks,  To activate RCS you will need to pump some ballast into the tanks then activate RCS as normal, no ballast = no thrust

All drives are intended to run on Intake Air and liquid fuel, the included intake mast will provide enough air for fairly large scales of engine, this part is also scale able

For ease and simplicity of use the bridge units carry small generators for LF IA and EC

And as a bonus all parts work well with other ship mods especially the Large Boat Parts pack that i am now maintaining while Laythe is otherwise occupied

The new small hulls are not currently balanced for HullBreach, they are a lot more delicate than the LBP parts and balancing is a time consuming process, As soon as the balancing is properly achieved the cfg's wil be added to HullBreach. The larger hulls are almost there and will sink with cfg's included in  HullBreach

The Tug can attach to any other vessel using the included grab parts, styled as a push bar and truck tire these function exactly the same way as the stock Klaw.  To use mount the chosen type on your craft, once launched, select arm, this will raise the visible contact pads. To attach to another vessel approach should be around 1m/s any slower and it will not trigger, any faster and you may bounce off before the module can grab the other vessel.  To release select release from the gui.  Most ships in LBP can be moved by two tugs 1 at the stern of the vessel to be moved and one attached via the Truck Tire klaw to the side of the vessel to be moved just forward of midpoint. this forward tug provides steerage

Craft Files Basic Builds

Special thanks go to @gomker  @XOC2008 @V8jester  without whom the mod would not be as neat as it is ,  and thanks to  all the others who've presented ideas, random thoughts which have become a reality

Download from SpaceDock

other downloads available shortly


Requires SM_Industries Dictionary assembled and created by @gomker

SM_Industries EN US Localisation Dictionary

Now available stand alone airpark works with the NEW ship main anchor

Mods that are considered essential in order to fully use every item in this mod   and 

Other Ship and Boat related useful mods and addons see below

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Hi all  

A Note concerning issues.

There  is now a git repository for SMM in order to access and provide a hard record of any issues that occur, as the mod list grows the more i find I'm forgetting and things that should be dealt with are slipping between the cracks. Therefore  it makes sense to do something properly for a change .  You can find the issues reporting page  at this link     https://github.com/SpannerMonkey/SM-Marine/issues


SM Marine is  published under license type All Rights Reserved

please do not relist or distribute this mod in any form, via any medium or service without my express permission.


Hi all yes the button is new, i don't ever expect anyone to bother, you are certainly not obliged in any way, I was asked by several people this week, if there was a donation button in order to show their appreciation, the wife saw the requests, and after a some discussion i have given in and added a donation facility

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
14X v0.9.9.3
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Best mod of the genre , I have a question or is it bug? Build a light destroyer and I equipped with its engine "stern gear type 1 " and it just consumes no liquid fuel , is to fix ? Sorry my english via google translator .... Hugs and continue with the mod best I have installed on my game

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Really beautiful part pack @SpannerMonkey(smce)

However, will you be making carriar parts with working lifts and docking ports(pardon me for using the wrong term) any time soon??  Something like infiniteDice boat parts for the carrier. And is there any plans to make hulls that are compatible with malfunc VLS parts.


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Just had a few seconds to mess around with these (curse you, real life!) but they seem to be pretty great- I really like the fact they have wells for missile storage!

However, it does seem to me that the scale for some of the masts-particularly the air intake one- is a little smaller than it should be- is this a bug, or am I just using the wrong size mast?

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  On 6/27/2016 at 3:39 AM, Favilin said:


Best mod of the genre , I have a question or is it bug? Build a light destroyer and I equipped with its engine "stern gear type 1 " and it just consumes no liquid fuel , is to fix ? Sorry my english via google translator .... Hugs and continue with the mod best I have installed on my game


I'll check it out thanks for the report. Do note that the fuel generator included in the Bridge units is rated to keep a balanced fuel level, this prevents issues with the vessels trim changing over time, especially on longer runs

  On 6/27/2016 at 7:41 AM, Jackeled said:

Really beautiful part pack @SpannerMonkey(smce)

However, will you be making carriar parts with working lifts and docking ports(pardon me for using the wrong term) any time soon??  Something like infiniteDice boat parts for the carrier. And is there any plans to make hulls that are compatible with malfunc VLS parts.


I'm really reluctant to make hulls anything larger due to the issues with water and physics, admittedly it does seem a lot better in 1.1.3 than 1.1.2 but i know from the works on the LBP that the issue is still lurking around the corner. I'd very much like to keep the hulls the size they are.  As for compatibility with Malfunc I'll look into it but if it requires a larger hull size I'd have some reservations. For larger parts with VLS tubes already in place take a look at the update i released for the Large Boat Parts pack

  On 6/27/2016 at 11:10 AM, AlbertKermin said:

Just had a few seconds to mess around with these (curse you, real life!) but they seem to be pretty great- I really like the fact they have wells for missile storage!

However, it does seem to me that the scale for some of the masts-particularly the air intake one- is a little smaller than it should be- is this a bug, or am I just using the wrong size mast?


Tweakscale is your friend here, the parts are sized admittedly for smaller craft but a little bit of added scale makes all the difference

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  On 6/27/2016 at 9:49 PM, AlbertKermin said:

Tweakscale hates me :)


Yeah i appreciate the difficulty , it's only recently that me and it have been able to get along, I'll throw a double sized one (ventmast) in the next little update which is due next couple of days, just small items and tweaks nothing major.

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  On 7/4/2016 at 12:37 AM, njmksr said:

I haven't used the latest release, but are the missile bays sized to accept stock BD cruise missiles?


Hi the hulls in this mod are not deep enough to accept larger missiles,  in fact although it's functional as a vls, the amount of missiles available that fit (hardly any) render it a bit useless, if you want larger vls i've just made and released some via the LBP

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  On 7/5/2016 at 2:45 AM, BlackHoleSun said:

Where to get D/L?



An updated download will be available soon, just want to add a couple more deco Items. The Dock parts you asked about in my profile are part of a largish collection of  marine and  static parts that I've been slowly adding to for a while. they've never been made available for download. I could i suppose make them available via SpaceDock but that would ideally need another thread to provide support( not that they need any)

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New Amphibious operations hull with modular decks
Experimental crew quarters and IVA EVA explore able cabin
Spray brake
Large intake mast
Large Ships Anchor KAS and AirPark functionality included

And more I've probably forgotten about

The experimental crew quarters included consists of 3 normal pod like cabins and one cabin that can be entered when on EVA, there are some small details to work out but I feel it's stable enough for a testing



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My only concern is how do we move these things to the water? like... that's my only question really. we can build the big boats, but how do we get them to the shoreline?

Edited by Hellbrand
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  On 7/17/2016 at 12:59 AM, Hellbrand said:

vesselmover  works not  for 1.1.3 last i checked.



Check out the closed vessel mover thread , I have placed a link to an unofficial recompile for 1.1.3 there.

  On 7/16/2016 at 4:17 PM, Hellbrand said:

My only concern is how do we move these things to the water? like... that's my only question really. we can build the big boats, but how do we get them to the shoreline?


Hi if you use kerbal konstructs I can supply spawn points for KSC harbor, 200mtrs off ksc beach and KSC island spawn which spawns round the back of the island both these spawn points can launch the biggest things you can practically build.

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  On 7/16/2016 at 9:42 AM, Jackeled said:

Will this and LBP and boomstick work with 1.05??. I can't get bda to work with 1.1 pre release. So 1.05 is my only hope to have some fun with BDA


Hi, although i can't guarantee it will be trouble free both mods should work, pretty sure there are no particular 1.1.3 features in the parts, I'd say give it a go and see what happens. I can probably offer simple solutions for any issues you have.  (as an aside, what exactly are your problems with BDA? although I'm actually running a recompiled for 1.1.3 version i know that the still 1.1 version will work pretty much without issue)

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