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Biggest Explosion?


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My ships tend to explode quite a bit when you crash into anything.


That was the K.S.S Fine Island crashing onto a fuel tank next to the SPH.



Hooray for infinite explosions. I spectated that for about 5 minutes, I just wouldn't stop exploding...........HELP. (that was the K.S.S Krucible btw).



And that is the K.S.S Killyoustrious (early version) gone.

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20 hours ago, kapteenipirk said:

There you go, a nice set of ships for your everyday global war needs.

 Thanks! Anyway, the biggest explosion was my try on making the jeri code missilie from Iron Man. It's manouvarability is really bad but the explosion is awesome. No pics since I did not take screenshots and I did it on 0.90. Good times.

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Can't tell which one was the biggest.. but I know the most memorable one. I have a horizontally launched shuttle that dislikes even very minor pitches on ascent when done too suddenly. And it expresses that dislike by fun and spectacular explosions. On this one, 8 out of the 12 turboramjets decided that thrusting prograde is too mainstream, so they rather turned towards the main fuselage instead.



No casualties happened - it turned out that the canards on the cockpit can act as emergency main-wings, while the RCS system doubles as a rudder.


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37 minutes ago, Evanitis said:

Can't tell which one was the biggest.. but I know the most memorable one. I have a horizontally launched shuttle that dislikes even very minor pitches on ascent when done too suddenly. And it expresses that dislike by fun and spectacular explosions. On this one, 8 out of the 12 turboramjets decided that thrusting prograde is too mainstream, so they rather turned towards the main fuselage instead.



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I've had my share, back when I wasn't quite as good at KSP. My biggest boom was unsurprisingly from a launch failure of my biggest ever rocket by mass.

Unscheduled dissassembly

Those are giant Kerbodyne tanks and Mammoth engines flying everywhere. And that disc piece in the centre is from Procedural Fairings and is about 10 metres wide.

Nowadays I don't get so many launch explosions, but I do get some impressive disintegrations courtesy of FAR, with debris being scattered over a couple of dozen miles.

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