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Vessel Mover and bdarmory need new home

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24 minutes ago, Nerfclasher said:

Ok but you might want to look at the pm but it is okay for you to make the thread

I'm ok with you making it, But that means you own maintenance of it for the long term... Are you sure you want that?  I have a long term interest due to other mods I support, but I will give you the opportunity if you wish.  If you do, though, my expectation is you  are "in it for the long haul" as well :)

I'm nearing competition, but I will wait for your response.



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You are listed as a team member, as is @SpannerMonkey(smce), as he has put in some work and also has a vested interest in supporting the mod in ways other than coding.

I'm not excluding you if it sounded like that.  My apologies if it seemed that way.. :)   I really want this to be a team effort.  I'm only saying that someone has to maintain the Forum thread.  


Edited by Papa_Joe
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