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Major problem with the KS-25 Vector under 1.0.5

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Hi all,

I got some problem about guidance and control with the vector. After nearly two years of gaming I decided it should be time to finally make a first trip outside of Kerbin sphere of influence and due to a closest launch window have chosen Duna. Here is the launcher : 



It's full stock and got a total of 12 Vectors with 4 at the main core and 8 in side boosters. Now here is the problem, the launcher use to be uncontrolable once it reach approx 100 m/s, it start to lean on pitch or roll without any inputs from me and with the SAS on and staying on manual (with a smooth less than 2g acceleration at 60% of thrust). I've read many other topics before where it was wrote to limit the engines gimbal to 5 or less, I tried it but she still was flipping quickly after 100 m/s, I even deactivate the gimbling on the boosters and just keep 5 fore the core vector, same results.

So I've tried another version of it with 4 Mainsails and 8 Kickbacks to confirm if it was a design fault, in that configuration she flies pretty well and is stable, just a bit underpowered. It's enough for a Duna ride but for the next flight I would like to go to Moho and here will need the Vectors again.


What can do that ?

It's not an unique case for me, each other craft made with KS-25 used to be uncontrolables in any configuration tried, 1 central, 2 to 8 on sides.

I use these mods :

- AB_Launchers

- AtomicAge

- B9_Aerospace

- BahaSP

- BobCatind (the Soviet engines pack)

- BoulderCo

- CactEye

- Chatterer

- CommunityResourcePack

- CrossFeedEnabler

- CryoEngines

- EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements



- Firespitter

- FuelTanksPlus


- HGR_Redux

- HorizonAeronautics

- InterstellarFuelSwitch

- JarDev




- KerbalJointReinforcement

- Kerbaltek


- Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal

- Klockheed_Martian_SSE

- Kopernicus

- KWRocketry

- MechJeb2

- Mk3MiniExpansion

- ModuleAnimateEmissive

- ModuleRCSFX

- MP_Nazari

- NASA (it contains the Shuttle by Mike-NZ)



- PersistentThrust

- PortraitStats

- ProceduralFairings

- QuizTechAero

- SmokeScreen

- SolarSailNavigator

- StockPlugins


- Tantares

- TantaresLV

- TextureReplacer

- Trajectories

- TweakScale

- UmbraSpaceIndustries (SrvPack)

- WaypointManager


Thank you in advance.

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