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The KSP Interstellar Proxima Centauri Challenge

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On 8/20/2019 at 10:31 AM, pmborg said:

"Do notice you stil need to acclerate up, which means maximizing deltaV might not the only variable to take into account. "

  • Yes true, I am still doing the Math to reach to best point of equilibrium point, until now I was kinda limiting my self to a  min. TWR of 0.15 but tried to put away that limitation and check what is possible to get.
  • I am still convict that is possible to reach the speed of light with these engines, I have the mental image of what is needed just need to model the idea.

"Do notice that the reactor also needs fuel (which is not taken into account by Kerbal engener), but this should be less then 1% of total. Justtake that into account"

  • I will check this thanks!

Good, also, don't you forget to add use the magnetic scoop to double your deltaV  (for the high speed trip) which should be activated only when you want to slow down. This effecyively allow you to speed up to maximum lightspeed. It can also be used a a backup, if you wanted to return home ...

18 hours ago, pmborg said:

@FreeThinker, The reactor fuel usage, I am using the "Tri Aplha Colling Beam Fusion" no fuel usage observed at least.

Well make sure it has enough fuel to last the trip. Note: it cannot run on hydrogen, but it does on Deuterium and other fusion fuels

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4 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Good, also, don't you forget to add use the magnetic scoop to double your deltaV  (for the high speed trip) which should be activated only when you want to slow down. This effecyively allow you to speed up to maximum lightspeed.

Well make sure it has enough fuel to last the trip. NOte it cannot run on hydrogen, but it does on DEuterium and any other fusion fuel

  1. "magnetic scoop to double your deltaV  (for the high speed trip)"
  • Thanks for the remind :) I need to redesign the ship a bit to put again the magnetic scoop


  1. "Well make sure it has enough fuel to last the trip. NOte it cannot run on hydrogen, but it does on DEuterium and any other fusion fuel"
  • Normally there is a rate of "part description" of what is spend but I don't have any numeric value to calculate this, please note that probably 17 years is ok with the fuel already inside the scaled reactor...


  1. Trying Radial Spherical Tanks... but something is wrong to maintain the basic stability, even with empty tanks.


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3 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

No idea where it comes from

Hello back,

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData>findstr /S /I "SY-P3X2" *.cfg
SpaceY-Lifters\Parts\CargoBays\SYbay3m2m.cfg:title = SY-P3X2 3.75m to 2.5m Conical Payload Bay


Belongs to SpaceY-Lifters, here opened:



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Hello again,

After solving literally 96 problems, until now...

Hit now the problem that you were talking about (@FreeThinker), lack of deuterium, now I know that I am consuming about 26k per 4h this is almost insane...

I am trying to understand how can I create/produce by other fuel like depleted fuel or something... and at the same time trying to understand what are the best tanks for deuterium.

maybe these 4 tanks will be the necessary with a total 6,912,000 lqdDeuterium, need to recalc / test again...


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Ok confirmed that is more than enough for all trip, uff... so solved all problems until now :)

InterStellarShuttle-v5.1 Finally Ready! (We can call this InterStellar Stage-1)

Going for a full test:



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18 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Why the NERVAs, those are quite primitive nuclear engines (gen 1)

Those will be used just by the lander module to do the de-orbit, passing from orbit of the target planet to sub re-entry orbit, are old but do the job of re-entry.

The requisites are light and spend light fuel and at the same time powerful enough, what do you recommend?

Current snapshot:


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6 minutes ago, pmborg said:

The requisites are light and spend light fuel and at the same time power enough, what do you recommend?

I would recommend the "Timberwind" Rotating Fluidized Bed Reactor Engine, which has best thrust to weight.

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5 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

I would recommend the "Timberwind" Rotating Fluidized Bed Reactor Engine, which has best thrust to weight.

This ship is "InterStellarShuttle-v5-2-117M", I can do a InterStellarShuttle-v5-3-117M :)

Another thing that I noticed is that I will not need is the 3 nuclear reactors, the next ship revision I will remove the "StarLifter Nuclear Reactor" is very week and not needed after all I think.



partModules = ATGroundAnchor
partModules = AtmosphericExtractor
partModules = CModuleLinkedMesh
partModules = CModuleStrut
partModules = ComputerCore
partModules = DaedalusEngineController
partModules = DeepFreezer
partModules = FissionGenerator
partModules = FissionReactor
partModules = FlagDecal
partModules = FlatFNRadiator
partModules = FNFissionGeneratorAdapter
partModules = FNGeneratorAdapter
partModules = FNMassSpectrometer
partModules = FNSolarPanelWasteHeatModule
partModules = FSengineSounds
partModules = FSplanePropellerSpinner
partModules = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform
partModules = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
partModules = FXModuleThrottleEffects
partModules = GroundWorkshop
partModules = HLEnvelopePartModule
partModules = InertialConfinementReactor
partModules = IntegratedChargedParticlesPowerGenerator
partModules = IntegratedThermalElectricPowerGenerator
partModules = InterstellarFuelSwitch
partModules = InterstellarMeshSwitch
partModules = InterstellarPowerSupply
partModules = InterstellarRefineryController
partModules = InterstellarResourceConverter
partModules = Jettison
partModules = KASLinkTargetBase
partModules = KopernicusSolarPanel
partModules = KspiSuperCapacitator
partModules = KSPTextureSwitch
partModules = KSPWheelAdjustableDeployment
partModules = KSPWheelBase
partModules = KSPWheelBrakes
partModules = KSPWheelConstraints
partModules = KSPWheelDamage
partModules = KSPWheelDeployment
partModules = KSPWheelSuspension
partModules = LifeSupportModule
partModules = MechJebCore
partModules = MKSModule
partModules = ModuleActiveRadiator
partModules = ModuleAnalysisResource
partModules = ModuleAnimateGeneric
partModules = ModuleAnimationGroup
partModules = ModuleAsteroidAnalysis
partModules = ModuleB9PartInfo
partModules = ModuleB9PartSwitch
partModules = ModuleB9PropagateCopyEvents
partModules = ModuleBiomeScanner
partModules = ModuleCargoBay
partModules = ModuleColorChanger
partModules = ModuleCommand
partModules = ModuleConductionMultiplier
partModules = ModuleConstructionKit
partModules = ModuleCoreHeat
partModules = ModuleCoreHeatNoCatchup
partModules = ModuleDataTransmitter
partModules = ModuleDecouple
partModules = ModuleDockingNode
partModules = ModuleDragModifier
partModules = ModuleElementRadioactiveDecay
partModules = ModuleEngines
partModules = ModuleEnginesFX
partModules = ModuleEnviroSensor
partModules = ModuleExperienceManagement
partModules = ModuleFuelJettison
partModules = ModuleGenerator
partModules = ModuleGimbal
partModules = ModuleGPS
partModules = ModuleJettison
partModules = ModuleKerbNetAccess
partModules = ModuleKISInventory
partModules = ModuleKISItem
partModules = ModuleKPBSConverter
partModules = ModuleLiftingSurface
partModules = ModuleLight
partModules = ModuleLogisticsConsumer
partModules = ModuleParachute
partModules = ModuleProbeControlPoint
partModules = ModuleRCS
partModules = ModuleReactionWheel
partModules = ModuleResourceConverter
partModules = ModuleResourceHarvester
partModules = ModuleResourceIntake
partModules = ModuleResourceScanner
partModules = ModuleSAS
partModules = ModuleScienceContainer
partModules = ModuleScienceConverter
partModules = ModuleScienceExperiment
partModules = ModuleScienceLab
partModules = ModuleSeeThroughObject
partModules = ModuleStorageCryostat
partModules = ModuleSurfaceFX
partModules = ModuleTestSubject
partModules = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
partModules = ModuleTripLogger
partModules = ModuleUpdateOverride
partModules = ModuleWeightDistributor
partModules = RadioactiveStorageContainer
partModules = RetractableLadder
partModules = SCANexperiment
partModules = SCANresourceDisplay
partModules = SCANsat
partModules = SolarWindCollector
partModules = TacGenericConverter
partModules = ThermalPowerTransport
partModules = TweakScale
partModules = USILS_HabitationSwapOption
partModules = USILS_LifeSupportRecyclerSwapOption
partModules = USI_Converter
partModules = USI_ConverterSwapOption
partModules = USI_InertialDampener
partModules = USI_ModuleRecycleablePart
partModules = USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse
partModules = USI_SwapController
partModules = USI_SwappableBay
partModules = WBIExperimentLab
partModules = WBIModuleScienceExperiment
partModules = WBIPartScrapper
partNames = B9.Engine.T2A.SRBS
partNames = B9.Structure.HX1.SAS
partNames = BussardEngine2
partNames = BussardScoop
partNames = cargo-5-2
partNames = computerCore
partNames = CRY-2300Freezer
partNames = DIYKit
partNames = Fert.Tank.375
partNames = FTT.DuctedFan.Lg
partNames = FTT.Reactor.500.01
partNames = gasspectrometer-01
partNames = HL.AirshipEnvelope.Cirrus
partNames = HL.AirshipEnvelope.Ray
partNames = ifsBigSphereTank
partNames = InlineGroundWorkshop
partNames = InterstellarSphereTank
partNames = KAS.JS1
partNames = KF-LegFolding
partNames = KKAOSS.LS.container.airfilter
partNames = KKAOSS.LS.container.algae
partNames = KKAOSS.LS.container.carbon.extractor
partNames = KKAOSS.LS.container.greenhouse
partNames = KKAOSS.LS.container.sabatier
partNames = KKAOSS.Storage.size2.m
partNames = KSPI.ISRU.Refrigerator
partNames = kspieMagneticScoop
partNames = KspiTriAlphaFusionReactor
partNames = KWFuelAdapter2x1S
partNames = Large.Crewed.Lab
partNames = LargeFlatRadiator2
partNames = LH.IcarusTruss13
partNames = LH.IcarusTruss21
partNames = MuonCatFusionReactor2
partNames = nfs-panel-deploying-blanket-dsg-1
partNames = ntr-gc-25-2
partNames = parachuteRadial
partNames = RadialAtmosphericScoop
partNames = radialDrogue
partNames = RSBdecouplerDelta3payload
partNames = RSBdecouplerDeltaIV4mPayload
partNames = RSBdecouplerDeltaIV5mPayload
partNames = RSBfinSaturnSIwhiteS
partNames = rtg-0625
partNames = SCANsat.Scanner24
partNames = ScoutLanderMk2
partNames = sensorAtmosphere
partNames = sensorBarometer
partNames = sensorThermometer
partNames = sepMotor1
partNames = spotLight1
partNames = sspx-cupola-125-1
partNames = sspx-greenhouse-25-1
partNames = sspx-greenhouse-375-1
partNames = sspx-hub-25-1
partNames = strutConnector
partNames = strutCube
partNames = SurfaceScanner
partNames = SYbay3m2m
partNames = SYdecoupler5m
partNames = SYserviceBay5m
partNames = TacCarbonExtractorLarge375
partNames = TacLifeSupportContainer
partNames = TacLifeSupportContainerLarge375
partNames = TacWaterPurifierLarge375
partNames = telescopicLadderBay
partNames = USILS.Greenhouse.Inline

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1 minute ago, pmborg said:

This ship is "InterStellarShuttle-v5-2-117M", I can do a InterStellarShuttle-v5-3-117M :)

Another thing that I noticed is that I will not need is the 3 nuclear reactors, the next ship revision I will remove the "StarLifter Nuclear Reactor" is very week.


Notice if want to preserve on fuel, the Nuclear Lightbulp is your strongest ally . It provide moderatly high isp which can be be downscaled to generate more thrust.

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7 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Notice if want to preserve on fuel, the Nuclear Lightbulp is your strongest ally . It provide moderatly high isp which can be be downscaled to generate more thrust.

For the main nuclear reactor I am using a beast 16m TriAlfa which generated around 4GW, I have the fuel problem of the reactor solved, delicated tanks for him, and for 216years... of usage.

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3 minutes ago, pmborg said:

For the main nuclear reactor I am using a best 16m TriAlfa which generated around 4GW, I have the fuel problem of the reactor solved, delicated tanks for him, and for 216years... of usage.

Sorry, Nuclear Lightbulb is an engine, not a reactor, lol. It is a closed cycle nuclear eninge.

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5 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Wait, you didn't knew about timewarp? How did you imagine to speed up?

  1. I knew about the Time Warp and about the time Physics Warp but not about the Hyper Warp, but I found a problem with Hyper Warp, the life support systems don't work, which means that the water, the oxygen and food that should be recycled with the systems that I had on board were not working.
  2. Another thing, that I would like to have your help if possible, is about trying to get those Hydrogen Atoms from InterStellar Media with scoops, how can I do it? Probably I am doing something wrong about it.
  3. Last topic the Magnetic Scoop was doing a break force of 1Kn... is useless !? or am I also doing something wrong?
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14 hours ago, pmborg said:
  1. Another thing, that I would like to have your help if possible, is about trying to get those Hydrogen Atoms from InterStellar Media with scoops, how can I do it? Probably I am doing something wrong about it.
  2. Last topic the Magnetic Scoop was doing a break force of 1Kn... is useless !? or am I also doing something wrong?

Well the Idea is tha you open the magnetic scoop and activate the integrated Ultra Voilet laser which will ionize the free floating ions allowing you to capture them and creat more drag. EXactly whee and a what speed were you going when using thre magnetic scoop?

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1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

Well the Idea is tha you open the magnetic scoop and activate the integrated Ultra Voilet laser which will ionize the free floating ions allowing you to capture them and creat more drag. EXactly whee and a what speed were you going when using thre magnetic scoop?

The speed was in the image about 100,000km/s the where is also in distance of Rendezvous (image) to Alfa Centauri

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55 minutes ago, pmborg said:

The speed was in the image about 100,000km/s the where is also in distance of Rendezvous (image) to Alfa Centauri

What is the heliosphere factor?, it is visible on thr magnetic scoop context menu. Also are in in the SOI of the Homeworld star or in  SOI of Alfa Centauri?

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