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The KSP Interstellar Proxima Centauri Challenge

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Another think that I would like to have help if possible, is about the RCS reaction wheels I am using:

  • HX1-SAS Reaction Wheel (scale 20m) but this reduce me 2M deltaV, in the total cost of the Journey, any ideas?


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1 hour ago, pmborg said:

Yes I made the confirmation "Kerbstein fusion engine" in a ship of this scale is useless.

I gain 60k deltaV, with 4 engines "Kerbstein fusion engine"  scale 40m


mm, yes the scaling is 2.5 instead of 2, like with the deadalus. Going you fix that for next release. You can implement it now by opening Kerbstein2.cfg and updating Tweakscale partmodule to

		name = TweakScale
		type = stack_square
		defaultScale = 5
		scaleFactors = 2.5, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40


1 hour ago, pmborg said:

Another think that I would like to have help if possible, is about the RCS reaction wheels I am using:

  • HX1-SAS Reaction Wheel (scale 20m) but this reduce me 2M deltaV, in the total cost of the Journey, any ideas?


have you tried the KSPIE computer Core?

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4 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

mm, yes the scaling is 2.5 instead of 2, like with the deadalus. Going you fix that for next release. You can implement it now by opening Kerbstein2.cfg and updating Tweakscale partmodule to

		name = TweakScale
		type = stack_square
		defaultScale = 5
		scaleFactors = 2.5, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40


have you tried the KSPIE computer Core?

Yes, much better now with computer core, is just 74K deltaV :) nice nice


Testing now the change in "Kerbstein2.cfg", I am getting

  • I have done all updates today, but crashed my installation, need to roll back to previous, and test this later/tomorrow, if I don't found the cause soon (I don't want to pollute this thread with mods/update errors.)
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Got 2hours to debug it in 100 plugins, but finally got it!

Was using:

        "name": "KSPInterstellarExtended",
        "version": ""

Working fine with:

After updating "KSPInterstellarExtended" FROM:
        "version": ""
        "name": "KSPInterstellarExtended",
        "version": ""

KSP "Hangs" in the middle of load and progress bar stop and there isn't any error in KSP.log just hangs
But ok, I will leave the Buffalo plugin aside for now.

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10 hours ago, pmborg said:

Got 2hours to debug it in 100 plugins, but finally got it!

Was using:

        "name": "KSPInterstellarExtended",
        "version": ""

Working fine with:

After updating "KSPInterstellarExtended" FROM:
        "version": ""
        "name": "KSPInterstellarExtended",
        "version": ""

KSP "Hangs" in the middle of load and progress bar stop and there isn't any error in KSP.log just hangs
But ok, I will leave the Buffalo plugin aside for now.

Ah yes, that's a known bug, it is caused by having the technode wbiGuppy1 beeing registred twise by WildBlueIndustries Buffalo. The fix is to rename one the wbiGuppy1 into wbiGuppy2

see also


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I was making another video hoping that now all problems about "Jool Refuel",  were solved to publish it but, the current situation is this:


19 hours ago, pmborg said:
  • HX1-SAS Reaction Wheel (scale 20m) but this reduce me 2M deltaV, in the total cost of the Journey, any ideas?


  • [NOK] Computer Core (scale 20m) is better as HX1-SAS Reaction Wheel (scale 20m), in terms of deltaV costs, but the ship don't move/rotate is just not powering enough as HX1-SAS Reaction Wheel
  • [OK] All problems about stress and refuel were solved, except
  • [NOK] one last thing, convert Hydrogen into Solid Hydrogen (Bussard fuel is not working)



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16 minutes ago, pmborg said:

Solid hydrogen is the solid state of the element hydrogen, achieved by decreasing the temperature below hydrogen's melting point of 14.01 K (−259.14 °C; −434.45 °F).

I was hoping that "ISRU Refrigerator" would do the job:

Hydrogen -> LqdHydrogen -> SolidHydrogen

Any Idea why is not working?

There are 2 known methods:  the IFS Cryo Tank has a build in LqdHydrogen to Solid Hydrogen converter, or or use the stock converter on the  Bussard Engine. I will add it to the ISRU Refrigerator for next release

The ISRU Refridgerator should also have the converter, is is not visible?

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1 hour ago, pmborg said:

Yes, is "BIG" the shadow is sometimes the runway length...



Cool, I'm not sure if this would work under Kerbin gravity, they were mend to function in space. Its something that I have not implemented yet.

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6 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Cool, but realisticly speaking, this would only work in space, under Kerbin these balls would probably collaps under their own gravity, it realism feature I haven't implemented yet.

The take off is only possible with "empty tanks", actually with all fuel onboard sometimes all structure colapse (on Kerbin Surface)

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6 minutes ago, pmborg said:

The take off is only possible with "empty tanks", actually with all fuel onboard sometimes all structure colapse.

Ok, in that case, they would be realisticly be filled with Hydrogen/Helium Gas, they are technically insulateed baloons, but that can be ignored in terms of mass.

Edit: but how does the gravity or Jool affect them?

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@pmborg But what about the gas station, are you putting the entire vessel under Jool Mass? Isn't the gravity of jool a lot higher?

Edit: lol, surface gravity Jool is only 0.8g, I didn't expect that for such  a giant. I wonder what the surface gravity of Jupiter is .

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2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

@pmborg But what about the gas station, are you putting the entire vessel under Jool Mass? Isn't the gravity of jool a lot higher?

Actually the "insulateed baloons" work even better with "full tanks" in Jool than in Kerbin once the atmosphere is more dense.

in Kerbin dont fly at all... with full tanks, but fly on Jool

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2 minutes ago, pmborg said:

Actually the "insulateed baloons" work even better with "full tanks" in Jool than in Kerbin once the atmosphere is more dense.

in Kerbin dont fly at at... with full tanks, but fly on Jool

mmm, stil might be too much stress on the tanks, wouldn't it realisticly make sence to have some specialized vessel for this task?

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2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

mmm, stil might be too much stress on the tanks, wouldn't it realisticly make sence to have some specialized vessel for this task?

This is something that need a confirmation after a full flight, with this new version of the ship:

  • Kerbin takeoff
  • Jool Orbit
  • Jool Refuel
  • Jool Orbit


About new engine ... the new model have much less TWR than before is this normal?



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20 minutes ago, pmborg said:

About new engine ... the new model have much less TWR than before is this normal?



mm, I guess I need to tweak them to be at least as good at the old one

Edit: Ok, I see the problem, their base scale differ, will fix that in next release

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I probably also need to modify the exahaust damage and range, which effectivly act like a particle weapon .. :cool:

If anyone ever would be attacked by an incomming missle, you could use the nozzle exhaust as active defence

see also https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeaponizedExhaust


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After a full success in going from Kerbin to Jool and refuel

I will try/adapt from Earth like and Jupiter, actually I have done a kinda of a modified version of RealSolarSystem adapted by me to test this at the final version:

  • Just replacing Kerbing -> Earth
  • add moon and
  • add Jupiter only to Kerbol System.



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(Big version) With "Daedalus_and_Bussard-v3_2-less":

  • Takeoff Done
  • Refueling Done
  • Takeoff from Jool Orbit was not possible indeed, with this current ship version: "Daedalus_and_Bussard-v3_2-less"

The problem is that the TWR of 4 NV-GX engines at 0.50 (200km altitude) vs 0.15 (80 km altitude), made this not possible


(Mini version) With "5millionDv-v3_0-nobuffalo" all the steps were done with a mini scale version o the ship.

  • Takeoff Done
  • Refueling Done
  • Takeoff from Jool Orbit

The problem is that the TWR of 4 NV-GX engines dropped from 1.76 (200km altitude) vs 0.50 (80 km altitude),  made this possible



Or I need to make the refuel at a higher altitude and at a relative "high speed", help it a bit

Breaking Gravity using 3 things:

  • Ballons
  • Hydrogen Rockets ( Free/Infinite fuel, since scoop bigger than what is being used ) doing vertical force
  • Centrifugal force of orbit speed

All these 3 forces together need to be bigger than gravity

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