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Looking for some in-person tuition (in Glasgow)


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I am new to the game and enjoying it so far a lot. However, progress is kind of slow: I am overwhelmed by all the info available about keyboard shortcuts, mods, etc.

I reckon I could use some in-person tuition to clear out my initial mistakes and give a direction to my progress. Is there anyone in Glasgow that would be willing to undertake the task?

I can put in some (very reasonable) financial remuneration, if it will seem worth the case. Thank you for your attention.

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You might also consider Scott Manley's KSP videos, including his tutorial series starting here (updated link)

They're a bit dated but the idea should be the same 

Edited by dewin
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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Muzietto said:

Why? What have you got to lose?

at the minimum, privacy, at the maximum, my life, in between, money. Even in a nice community like this, there will still be people who might want to find out who you are and use that information for their own purposes.

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