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KiwiIRC connects to EsperNet again, yay!


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KiwiIRC no longer connects to EsperNet. This is probably collateral damage from a specific user getting K-lined, since everyone who uses KiwiIRC has the same hostname.

I like the webchat client I linked as an alternative better than KiwiIRC anyways so I left the next part in a spoiler:


An alternative to KiwiIRC: This link will open the web client in a new window, with the default name of LonelyKerbal#### where each # is a random number 0-9. The user will have the option to change this before selecting "Connect".

Basic options and text/background colors can be changed by clicking the "Menu" button in the top left and selecting "Options".


Fixed by an unknown party, KiwiIRC users can connect to EsperNet again!

Edited by DaMachinator
Edited because it got fixed.
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It's worth noting that the KiwiIRC client can be flaky sometimes.  There are times when it is really slow to connect, or flat-out can't connect.  No idea what's actually happening, though I wouldn't be surprised if they have some kind of bandwidth issue and get throttled at peak load times.

TL;DR:  if you're trying to use kiwiirc and it's not connecting, go do something else and come back in an hour or two, you may have better luck.

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