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How do I get a refund?

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So, the game is a complete mess on Xbox One (haven't played PS4 but I'm guessing it's much the same). 

I'm not going to use this post to rant about the problems, I'm sure the Devs are well aware, and if not, there's plenty of other posts to reference. 

I was an early access player on PC and feel like I've helped support the devs, at least in a small way, to make KSP a great PC game. However, the console version is a straight port with no thought or redesign of the control scheme. It is not "fun" anymore. 


How do I get a refund? 


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34 minutes ago, danowat said:

MS's no refund policy means nothing in the EU, so if you feel you have a legitimate grievance, contact them and plead your case.

I think I will. I would be more understanding if the game cost £15 and was in the Xbox Preview Program, but I think it's a bit of a stretch for the Devs to ask for £30 while the game is in this state. 

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1 hour ago, danowat said:

Apart from a few control issues, I think it's OK, although the map mode bug is teeth grinding, that in itself should be enough alone to warrant a refund.

I'm actually prepared to go back to it tonight and look at it again. I loved the PC version so much. What would be really helpful was if there was a controller layout diagram/map available somewhere? 

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If you hover the cursor over the question mark, it'll show the controls list. Hover over that and you can scroll with the dpad up and down. The list is kinda context sensitive, like only showing the editor controls when in the VAB. There's also controller diagrams in the KSPedia in the game. 

Hope this helps!

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I agree with the op. This game should have been released as a game preview and at least half the price. So we have science mode which is basicaly a sandbox which soon becomes boring due to the bugs. And then there is career mode. This is one serious messed up mode. Lets look at its short commings.

No navagation activation to complete observe missions

A randomised contract builder that offers ridiculous unacheivable missions

Build parts that dont do what it says on the can the TT-38k radial decoupler for example after several hours play fails to eject the boosters from your main stage rocket. This is a must given its a game about building rockets and going to space.

Having to press the B button several times before anything happens

This one really anoyed me almost threw my joystick at the tv on the Nth time. having to click the left stick twice when you want to say activate a burn. For example you set a manouver node you come out of map mode you press left stick to remove the curser and take control of your nav ball and thrust. You get to the time to initiate burn press right bumper and up on the direction pad and nada nothing happens by the time you have realised you need to click for the curser and click again you have missed your burn point urrrrg

All stock planes and most you build yourself including those that work perfectly well on the pc just crash and burn regardless of amount of thrust applied

Tool buttons in hanger dont deactivate once used

Also after several hours play parts start doing weired configerations other than that which you want to apply when building aircraft this needs a game reset

Real crapy fps in some situations sometimes down to 5fps

Corrupt game saves after several hours play

Kerbal RCS on EVA does not work properly in space

I could go on but i guess your bored by now. Each one on its own is miner but lumped together the game is unplayable. In all honesty this consul version should not have been released in this state its unforgivable. If it was game preview and slightly cheaper these faults would be tolerable with the understanding its a preview. Its a shame because this is a really good game when it works properly better than good even. It even offers a great deal of knowlege for youngsters regarding airodynamics and other sciencey stuff. Unfortunatly it has not helped with my spelling mmm no biggy.




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9 hours ago, stubedoo54 said:

I agree with the op. This game should have been released as a game preview and at least half the price. So we have science mode which is basicaly a sandbox which soon becomes boring due to the bugs. And then there is career mode. This is one serious messed up mode. Lets look at its short commings.

@stubedoo54, Welcome to the forums and to KSP! A lot of what you're describing are actually features of the final game, not shortcomings. Most of your complaints can be solved with a little practice and perhaps a look in the Tutorials section of the forum.


No navagation activation to complete observe missions

Actually, there is. Go to map view, click on the place you want to observe, and click on Activate Navigation.

Although you don't actually need the navigation if you have Map View anyways. Just head in the general direction of the survey area, and when you arrive, you'll see green text that says "You are now entering area RPHW72 Alpha" or something along those lines.


A randomised contract builder that offers ridiculous unacheivable missions

Ridiculous, yes. Unachievable, no. All contracts are achievable with enough patience and a properly designed ship. It's part of the challenge. :D


Build parts that dont do what it says on the can the TT-38k radial decoupler for example after several hours play fails to eject the boosters from your main stage rocket. This is a must given its a game about building rockets and going to space.

I took a look at your other thread, and I think Red Iron Crown has solved the problem for you. It doesn't seem like you are attaching the boosters to the decouples, but rather to the rocket itself? You need to put the cursor over the decoupler if you want to attach anything to it. 


This one really anoyed me almost threw my joystick at the tv on the Nth time. having to click the left stick twice when you want to say activate a burn. For example you set a manouver node you come out of map mode you press left stick to remove the curser and take control of your nav ball and thrust. You get to the time to initiate burn press right bumper and up on the direction pad and nada nothing happens by the time you have realised you need to click for the curser and click again you have missed your burn point urrrrg

You don't actually need to have pinpoint accuracy with the burn indicator. If you miss the maneuver node by a few seconds, it doesn't really matter, so long as you still burn for the designated amount of time. You'll still get to where you need to go.

Though that control scheme does seem unnecessarily convoluted; I can see why you got frustrated.


All stock planes and most you build yourself including those that work perfectly well on the pc just crash and burn regardless of amount of thrust applied


Kerbal RCS on EVA does not work properly in space

Heh. We all had that feeling when we first started the game. Again, I'd like to recommend you to the Tutorials sub-forum, particularly here for plane design.



Tool buttons in hanger dont deactivate once used

If they deactivated after every use, then you'd have to re-click them constantly, whereas the current system allows you to only click once to get to a new mode. This current model is an intended feature.


Real crapy fps in some situations sometimes down to 5fps

KSP calculates physics on each and every part that you put on a rocket, so the higher the part count, the less FPS you get. There's no way around that; you'll have to learn to live with it.



Anyways, I hope this has clarified a few of your problems. Hope to see you around!

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On ‎21‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:27 PM, Mjp1050 said:

@stubedoo54, Welcome to the forums and to KSP! A lot of what you're describing are actually features of the final game, not shortcomings. Most of your complaints can be solved with a little practice and perhaps a look in the Tutorials section of the forum.

Actually, there is. Go to map view, click on the place you want to observe, and click on Activate Navigation.

Although you don't actually need the navigation if you have Map View anyways. Just head in the general direction of the survey area, and when you arrive, you'll see green text that says "You are now entering area RPHW72 Alpha" or something along those lines.

Ridiculous, yes. Unachievable, no. All contracts are achievable with enough patience and a properly designed ship. It's part of the challenge. :D

I took a look at your other thread, and I think Red Iron Crown has solved the problem for you. It doesn't seem like you are attaching the boosters to the decouples, but rather to the rocket itself? You need to put the cursor over the decoupler if you want to attach anything to it. 

You don't actually need to have pinpoint accuracy with the burn indicator. If you miss the maneuver node by a few seconds, it doesn't really matter, so long as you still burn for the designated amount of time. You'll still get to where you need to go.

Though that control scheme does seem unnecessarily convoluted; I can see why you got frustrated.

Heh. We all had that feeling when we first started the game. Again, I'd like to recommend you to the Tutorials sub-forum, particularly here for plane design.


If they deactivated after every use, then you'd have to re-click them constantly, whereas the current system allows you to only click once to get to a new mode. This current model is an intended feature.

KSP calculates physics on each and every part that you put on a rocket, so the higher the part count, the less FPS you get. There's no way around that; you'll have to learn to live with it.



Anyways, I hope this has clarified a few of your problems. Hope to see you around!

First off i played through tutorial several times.

There is no activate navagation. When you enter map mode and click on target a box appears and only the target name the box below where it supposed to say target nav is blank. I am not the only poster who has stated this.

Randomised missions ok so how do you test a 45 engine during splashdown when it does not fire under water ther are numourus others just like that.

boosters that dont seperate. I spend alot of time making sure that they are in the right position. Mainly due to the curser jump being to sensitive. one click to the left and move three anothe click right and it moves two. My point is i spend alot of time making sure they are bang on centre and should they not seperate i return to hanger and ajust hight. not jus to booster but the decoupler as well and still they stay stuck.

the only plane i got to fly was a self made plane i got from youtube a guy on there cant remember his name. Daft really because he says his name in all 33 vids. But he got a weasly engine early in his tech tree which we dont get so i had to advance my tech tree to find similar. There is another early on that i recently discovered i will try out. Yet all the stock planes for me crash and burn regardless of how delicate iam with throttle or lift. And again i am not the only poster.

I'll give you tool buttons

I still claim rcs on eva is problem the strengh of it needs lowering a notch or two and the ship touch window needs widening anotch.

The fps on a game as small as this should not drop to 5 fps. If other games far more graphicly complicated can sustain 30 to 50 and ocaisionly 60. high constant fps fot ksp should be a walk in the park.

And lastly i would like to say my intention is not to diss the game but gripe about those things that on occasion make it unplayble. For themost part i have found it most enjoyable and have clocked up easily 80 to 100 hours since purchase. And a word from the devs wouldnt go amiss either. Even just acknowledement of there awareness of the problems.

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2 hours ago, stubedoo54 said:

First off i played through tutorial several times.

There is no activate navagation. When you enter map mode and click on target a box appears and only the target name the box below where it supposed to say target nav is blank. I am not the only poster who has stated this.

Randomised missions ok so how do you test a 45 engine during splashdown when it does not fire under water ther are numourus others just like that.

boosters that dont seperate. I spend alot of time making sure that they are in the right position. Mainly due to the curser jump being to sensitive. one click to the left and move three anothe click right and it moves two. My point is i spend alot of time making sure they are bang on centre and should they not seperate i return to hanger and ajust hight. not jus to booster but the decoupler as well and still they stay stuck.

the only plane i got to fly was a self made plane i got from youtube a guy on there cant remember his name. Daft really because he says his name in all 33 vids. But he got a weasly engine early in his tech tree which we dont get so i had to advance my tech tree to find similar. There is another early on that i recently discovered i will try out. Yet all the stock planes for me crash and burn regardless of how delicate iam with throttle or lift. And again i am not the only poster.

I'll give you tool buttons

I still claim rcs on eva is problem the strengh of it needs lowering a notch or two and the ship touch window needs widening anotch.

The fps on a game as small as this should not drop to 5 fps. If other games far more graphicly complicated can sustain 30 to 50 and ocaisionly 60. high constant fps fot ksp should be a walk in the park.

And lastly i would like to say my intention is not to diss the game but gripe about those things that on occasion make it unplayble. For themost part i have found it most enjoyable and have clocked up easily 80 to 100 hours since purchase. And a word from the devs wouldnt go amiss either. Even just acknowledement of there awareness of the problems.

i know this sounds like a stupid question,  but since ive never really had a problem of the decouplers not seperating my boosters..  you are staging them right?   (and your making sure you can visually see a gap between the booster and the center core, so you know its attached to the decoupler?)

RCS doesnt need a reduction, all controls can be pressed lightly when needed, and the extra strength comes in handy when your landed and wanna bounce around a moon.

and FPS for kerbals has little to do with graphics capabilities, and everything to do with its CPU.  consoles are not CPU powerhouses.

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For the Record:   Agree with the gist of this thread.   Lots of little glitches on Xbox one (the two this AM 1.  second stage, decoupler and capsule chute all moved themselves into stage 0 somehow after launch (did not see it until I tried to jettison stage after re-entry burn...lost the ship)   2.  Bob Kerbal goes EVA and detaches himself from ship (no input from me) RIP Bob because I had not run the EVA tutorial yet (assuming there is one here) by the time I figured out the maneuver pack ship was a dot.  I am cutting slack because I am at the bottom of the learning curve here.  I know some of thing things that go haywire are my learning curve but there are quite a few that just come out of nowhere (see first example above, this is a rocket I use regularly for man in orbit....my go to "old reliable")   One more just came to me....successful orbit and land but only credited with sub-orbital mission for science.

Add to the basic squirrellyness  is the tiny font on things you need to be able to see...like node data on orbital path (sorry can't spell "apiossis" off the cuff) etc.,  Had this game on my MAC and walked away because of the font issue.   Hoped that a big screen would have fixed that (Xbox) but no go.

Lastly,  zero response from customer support.   You get a robo-email that says "thank you for your interest in national defense" a human will be with you soon...Get the feeling HAL is going to start shutting down life support any minute.


This Could be a great game but it is solidly in the "also ran" category right now.   And yeah price was aggressive for this level of operability...developers must have worked for Lockheed F-22 program.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ll I can say is that there is work on a patch, but there is no news on when this will be available.

I appreciate that they are working on a console patch, and I am well aware how difficult it is to port and fix code in this situation, and how painful and drawn-out the approval process is to get it on PSN or XBL.

But... This game has breaking bugs and was a premium price title. It's unplayable as it is now. (Can't set nav waypoints? Crashes every second or third session? Loses save files?)

I've never considered asking for a refund on a Playstation Network title before. Now I discover it's not possible. I really feel like I've wasted my money, and being vague about patch dates is not helpful.

We know what KSP is and we know it's not perfectly stable, but the released version on the PS4 is too buggy to play.

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On 9.8.2016 at 0:11 AM, Spenstary said:

I appreciate that they are working on a console patch, and I am well aware how difficult it is to port and fix code in this situation, and how painful and drawn-out the approval process is to get it on PSN or XBL.

But... This game has breaking bugs and was a premium price title. It's unplayable as it is now. (Can't set nav waypoints? Crashes every second or third session? Loses save files?)

I've never considered asking for a refund on a Playstation Network title before. Now I discover it's not possible. I really feel like I've wasted my money, and being vague about patch dates is not helpful.

We know what KSP is and we know it's not perfectly stable, but the released version on the PS4 is too buggy to play.

Woah. Console ports sound like S*** I have a ps4 myself. I did think of buying it, if there was mod support that is. Can you play it with a keyboard?

It is a huge market for consoles sure.. But still, why release a buggy mess? 



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On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 0:05 PM, stubedoo54 said:

First off i played through tutorial several times.

There is no activate navagation. When you enter map mode and click on target a box appears and only the target name the box below where it supposed to say target nav is blank. I am not the only poster who has stated this.

Randomised missions ok so how do you test a 45 engine during splashdown when it does not fire under water ther are numourus others just like that.

boosters that dont seperate. I spend alot of time making sure that they are in the right position. Mainly due to the curser jump being to sensitive. one click to the left and move three anothe click right and it moves two. My point is i spend alot of time making sure they are bang on centre and should they not seperate i return to hanger and ajust hight. not jus to booster but the decoupler as well and still they stay stuck.

the only plane i got to fly was a self made plane i got from youtube a guy on there cant remember his name. Daft really because he says his name in all 33 vids. But he got a weasly engine early in his tech tree which we dont get so i had to advance my tech tree to find similar. There is another early on that i recently discovered i will try out. Yet all the stock planes for me crash and burn regardless of how delicate iam with throttle or lift. And again i am not the only poster.

I'll give you tool buttons

I still claim rcs on eva is problem the strengh of it needs lowering a notch or two and the ship touch window needs widening anotch.

The fps on a game as small as this should not drop to 5 fps. If other games far more graphicly complicated can sustain 30 to 50 and ocaisionly 60. high constant fps fot ksp should be a walk in the park.

And lastly i would like to say my intention is not to diss the game but gripe about those things that on occasion make it unplayble. For themost part i have found it most enjoyable and have clocked up easily 80 to 100 hours since purchase. And a word from the devs wouldnt go amiss either. Even just acknowledement of there awareness of the problems.

Your going to need a more potent tutorial. Which I will agree, a port of the PC tutorial is not a good idea, however the only major difference is the controls which are poor but improvable.

There is, your likely in career mode which means their locked until purchased.

Test a LV-45 mission on splashdown, that's super easy. All engines do work under water. KSP does not have anything realistic on the front of water being an issue. You can even run aircraft engines with both the engines themselves and the intakes feeding them many meters underwater with no ill effects.

Boosters failing to separate... hmm... double check the decouplers/seperators are in the right direction and try to place the part twice to make sure your not clipping into another node. Back in the olden days long long long time before KSP was anywhere near "release" (in fact it was a laugh), there was that problem. I would not be surprised it has returned.

Have you checked your CoM and CoL? How much experience do you have with planes in general when it comes to KSP?

You'll give us tool buttons? How? What will they be? Where?

EVA hasn't ever been an issue here... might need to reduce controller sensitivity if need be?

KSP is not in any way a "small" game. It's the first of it's kind, and definitely of it's scale. Where KSP may not have in graphical beauty, it has in sheer complexity due to constant physics calculations amongst lego block parts which are producing their own thrust which must also be calculated and so on and so on. Simply to say, don't underestimate this game; it isn't like a game of solitaire.

Well why don't you stop "griping" and start producing productive commentary. Explain your issue, what led you to it, and if it's a bug, what you did to encounter it. Griping does nothing for the developers. They need information from the participants in order to produce a fix for your problems. If you go in and complain that your car's steering and AC is bad, sure it tells them what's wrong but you don't explain what about the steering is bad, or anything else. A mechanic can't work with that little detail and neither can Squad. It would be unfair and unrealistic to assume they can spend that much time on one issue that the user base could help assist with.

I'll admit I don't own a console version however I have been keeping a constant eye on the issues mentioned. It should be noted that I've been playing KSP for 4 years now. I've been here since .19. I'm in no way the "oldest" KSP player, but I do remember when things were worse. You may say "yeah but the game isn't finished like it is now" and I simply have to say that even Minecraft or Grand Theft Auto 5 with their "release" version was very buggy and even potentially broken for some. Point is, there will be problems. If there's one thing from my 4 years of participation I've learned it's that you have to preserve with the game. This isn't some AAA title with several million poured into the development (like GTA V), this is a game developed by a small group of people who moderate funding thanks to a very helpful community.

KSP won't grow from people saying "this game sucks". It will grow from those who say "Here's my problem... it's [fill in the blank here], can you [Squad] please fix it?". Since those took the time to provide them with the information to make the game better.

If you don't have the patience to work with the developers in this first version on brand new platforms, then I'm sorry KSP isn't for you. KSP is a fantastic game that I feel $40 is too cheap a price. It's worth beyond $1,000 price tag simply because it has provided more long term entertainment than anything else. It's an amazing game, but you do have to work with the game to help make it better.

I could type another 32 paragraphs, but I'll end this here.

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6 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:


I could type another 32 paragraphs, but I'll end this here.

Yeah it's an amazing game, have been playing it since 0.17 on the PC but after two carreers ending in a save corruption I'm not even going to bother to start over again until there's a fix.

I would have been fine with things like wheels not working pre-1.0 release or mysterious RUDs at that point but if you do release on a new platform your QA should be more then just release the game and see how it goes. I'm with you on the price-tag that's fine but these bugs should not be in a release and if so should be hot-fixed within days not weeks.

Big fan of the work Squad has done the 4 past years yet this feels like a disappointment (assuming QA and the brand are still their responsibility).

PS4 Refunding seems to be out of the question so I'll just take my losses and keep playing the PC version.

Edited by RexusNL
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2 hours ago, RexusNL said:

Yeah it's an amazing game, have been playing it since 0.17 on the PC but after two carreers ending in a save corruption I'm not even going to bother to start over again until there's a fix.

I would have been fine with things like wheels not working pre-1.0 release or mysterious RUDs at that point but if you do release on a new platform your QA should be more then just release the game and see how it goes. I'm with you on the price-tag that's fine but these bugs should not be in a release and if so should be hot-fixed within days not weeks.

Big fan of the work Squad has done the 4 past years yet this feels like a disappointment (assuming QA and the brand are still their responsibility).

PS4 Refunding seems to be out of the question so I'll just take my losses and keep playing the PC version.

All I can say is: you saw how the 1.1 release went. You knew how bad it could be. It happened on console which again for a first release of their game on ANY OTHER PLATFORM that squad has no experience with whatsoever. 

Moreover, all games have their difficulties and shortcoming. Even AAA games with million dollar budgets have game breaking bugs of equal quality... So why should KSP? One that doesn't have a million dollar budget. 

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The thing is, they dont talk about it at all (the gamebraking bugs that is). Dont get me wrong, i've had Sal_vager posting about it in some of the threads, so i bet some of them know about the problems in the game.


What scares me, is the total silence. Not a Word officialy about the problem With not beeing able too progress thru a Career, or prolly any gamemode going on, With lots happening in the game. And With that Missing savefiles & Corrupt games. You cant make bases for instance, cuz it will just max out Your game way too fast, and break it.


So Yeah, what better strategy for keeping Money rolling in, then just "whiping it under the carpet".


My Guess is that if they wore too post anything about this themselves, it would just make it so much easier too actually get the refund we so clearly deserve. But no way Squad would man up too that..

as it might also be FT that actually made the "misstake" With the bug.


Anyways, we as costumers didnt get what we thought we paid for.   Fooled me... 





Edited by DaCana
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3 hours ago, DaCana said:

The thing is, they dont talk about it at all (the gamebraking bugs that is). Dont get me wrong, i've had Sal_vager posting about it in some of the threads, so i bet some of them know about the problems in the game.

What scares me, is the total silence. Not a Word officialy about the problem With not beeing able too progress thru a Career, or prolly any gamemode going on, With lots happening in the game. And With that Missing savefiles & Corrupt games. You cant make bases for instance, cuz it will just max out Your game way too fast, and break it.

So Yeah, what better strategy for keeping Money rolling in, then just "whiping it under the carpet".

My Guess is that if they wore too post anything about this themselves, it would just make it so much easier too actually get the refund we so clearly deserve. But no way Squad would man up too that..

as it might also be FT that actually made the "misstake" With the bug.

Anyways, we as costumers didnt get what we thought we paid for.   Fooled me...

See below:


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3 hours ago, DaCana said:

What scares me, is the total silence. Not a Word officialy about the problem With not beeing able too progress thru a Career, or prolly any gamemode going on, With lots happening in the game. And With that Missing savefiles & Corrupt games. You cant make bases for instance, cuz it will just max out Your game way too fast, and break it


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On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:53 AM, Tweedskin said:

So, the game is a complete mess on Xbox One (haven't played PS4 but I'm guessing it's much the same). 

I'm not going to use this post to rant about the problems, I'm sure the Devs are well aware, and if not, there's plenty of other posts to reference. 

I was an early access player on PC and feel like I've helped support the devs, at least in a small way, to make KSP a great PC game. However, the console version is a straight port with no thought or redesign of the control scheme. It is not "fun" anymore. 


How do I get a refund? 

You get 1 refund per account per year, microsoft don't tell you that. I got a refund yesterday from this dam save bug. I lost 6 hours of my life yesterday trying to land on the mun twice. It autosaves fine and I also did a manual save after designing my rover launcher. Game crashed and I lost everthing I did in 3 days as it didn't register my previous few saves. Yet it loaded up fine yesterday as I started.


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  • 1 month later...
On 7/21/2016 at 4:27 PM, Mjp1050 said:


Actually, there is. Go to map view, click on the place you want to observe, and click on Activate Navigation.


I came here because of a search for refund. No single game made me want to love it more, but just kept making me hate it. I just lost my *entire* save. I know, I should have backed up yada yada yada.... but there has never been a release version of a game on Xbox that fails as completely and fully as ksp. I didn't want to complain, but this is an example. See the above. This person is speaking as an expert but has not ever played on Xbox. If they had, they would realize you *can't do that*. You can not select a target from a contract to activate navigation. (Source: hours of frustration, all of Google, etc)

I wanted to like this game. It just killed my save file after finally building up career mode, playing around all the console bugs so I only had one save file and one ship file saved, *after* the latest release. I've never wanted a refund on a game, but this is stupid. I'm beta testing a game that I bought as final, and all of the feedback I get is like this... person. "It works like this on the pc. Peasant. You are doing it wrong." Seriously. No it doesnt. It brings up a blank box. Try it on the actual platform. Then make an informed response. 

Rant over, I'm done, I don't even want to bother with the refund anymore. I'm just going to find every review place I can to give this bs a terrible review. Great for pc, bs for everyone else. 

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