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PS4 KSP review IGN


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 He gave it a 9.0 which is the correct score given how awesome the game is but I kinda feel like that score is based on the fact there is a PC version. As during his PS4 testing he did almost nothing in the game, he barely made orbit..

 He also ran into major frame rate issues even with craft below the 300 part limit, he hit 10FPS at one point which is ridiculous.

So what say you? I am sure the score is based on the weight of the PC experience as it sure as hell was not based on the limited time he spent on the PS4 version.

In my opinion

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Also the review does say it's the PS4 version, and the reviewer would hardly be able to comment on performance if they were really playing it on PC.

Thing is, not every player feels they have to conquer the planets to have fun in KSP, they can have just as much of a blast crashing on Kerbin, just as the reviewer says "is the most fun I've ever had failing."

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Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

Why do you assume the reviewer didn't just enjoy the console version?

I would bet that he has played it on PC. And you really think he would give a game 9.0 that he did next to nothing in and had control and performance issues??


Just now, sal_vager said:

Also the review does say it's the PS4 version, and the reviewer would hardly be able to comment on performance if they were really playing it on PC.

Thing is, not every player feels they have to conquer the planets to have fun in KSP, they can have just as much of a blast crashing on Kerbin, just as the reviewer says "is the most fun I've ever had failing."

Yeah mate, hence the title of this thread. Why indeed would he comment on the PC performance? :huh:

 Now let's not be naive chaps and chappettes. Nobody gives a score of 9.0 for a review like that.

Just now, Army kerbal said:

Is this major guy all console doom and gloom?

I just say it as I see it mate. Do you have an intelligent counter to my points in the first post?

 Also, check out the console support threads.. As I said, I say it as I see it.

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2 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

I just say it as I see it mate. Do you have an intelligent counter to my points in the first post?

He doesn't need to provide one, and I'll thank you for not arguing :)

The reviewer can easily have approached KSP without preconceptions, as is expected of a professional reviewer he judges it on its own merits instead of slamming it based on comparisons to other games, or indeed to the same game on PC.

KSP is still fun on console as a lot of console players could tell you if they weren't too busy having fun and didn't feel the need to get involved with complaining online.

Yes KSP could be better, it can always be better as it will never and cannot be perfect for all players, but that's true of any game.

So yes, the review can be taken as a review of KSP, and the reviewer had fun, as they make clear in the article.

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Lol fair enough. First time I've seen those forums. 


Well at at least I have had no issues on xbone minus landing on the mun with a basic lander and when I try to go to the space center it says I am in a collision course are you sure you want to exit?  If I do I go to fly that craft again boom. 

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4 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

I would bet that he has played it on PC. And you really think he would give a game 9.0 that he did next to nothing in and had control and performance issues??

And so what if he has? The core gameplay of both versions is the same, should that gameplay not be part of the review? The review reads to me like "The controls take some getting used to, and you can make it perform badly by packing on the parts, but the game is good enough to overcome this." I don't think you need to cast the review as dishonest or based on another version.

But if you are determined to see the console versions as awful then there's not much I or anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Maybe I could put it to you this way: If you had to choose between playing KSP on a console or not playing KSP at all, which would you choose? For some I'm sure that is the choice as not everyone has a PC suitable for KSP.

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im not sure if its given that score because of its pc counter part or not.. the ps4 version does have issues, but the significance of them may just be me being critical of a game i love lol  i called it unplayable then proceeded to play for the next 8 hours lol


but im glad it scored well

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Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

And so what if he has? The core gameplay of both versions is the same, should that gameplay not be part of the review? The review reads to me like "The controls take some getting used to, and you can make it perform badly by packing on the parts, but the game is good enough to overcome this." I don't think you need to cast the review as dishonest or based on another version.

But if you are determined to see the console versions as awful then there's not much I or anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Maybe I could put it to you this way: If you had to choose between playing KSP on a console or not playing KSP at all, which would you choose? For some I'm sure that is the choice as not everyone has a PC suitable for KSP.

I am not determined to see them as awful at all.. I have not and will not play it on console ever, as I said I just say it as I see it. As I have now played it on PC if I had to choose between not at all or on console I would choose not at all in a heartbeat.

 But yeah maybe my main point was a bit obvious and unavoidable as the two versions are so similar. Good point sir.

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I think folks might getting a little carried away here.

The game is the same and deserves awesome reviews of 9/10+ AFAIC. The fact the reviewer is using a PS4 copy to tell readers this is kind of irrelevant.

Addressing 2 key 'differences' in console vs PC:

1. Controls. I do not possess a PS4, but I have tried using a PS3 gamepad for flight control on my PC, and found (like any HOTAS/Joystick/steering wheel would) it actually added a great deal to the experience. That said, it was no substitute for a mouse and keyboard in the editor or for operations like transfering crew or activating particular modules, lights or experiments. In short I can manage with just the keyboard/mouse, but the more-dynamic controls of a gamepad add a great deal to the flight experience.

2. Performance-wise, the description from this review sounds exactly like my experience of KSP on my potato anyway - frame-rate dips when crafts get outsized and the scene gets crowded.

But here I am comparing something I've never tried with something I'm extremely fond of. Having become attached to certain mods and the general freedoms afforded by using a keyboard/mouse setup over a gamepad for everything, I would expect the PC experience to suit me better - which is just as well, because that's all I've got. But if I'd never played on PC and my first introduction to the game was on console, I don't think I would be at all put off but something being marginally worse than it was on a PC version that I had also never experienced.

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I think I can reduce my main point down to the fact that I don't think the score of 9.0 takes the console issues into account at all. The performance seems very restrictive and controls and UI are far from ideal and that coupled with his obvious limited play time in the game I would not think the console version, at this point, deserves a score of 9.0.


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10 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

I have not and will not play it on console ever, as I said I just say it as I see it.

Sounds more like you are saying it as you see some other people saying it, if I'm completely frank. 

10 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

As I have no played it on PC if I had to choose between not at all or on console I would choose not at all in a heartbeat.

Perhaps I phrased the question poorly. A better question would be: "If someone gamed only on a console, should they get KSP?" I'd put up with a lot of glitches and performance issues to play KSP, for that matter I have. :) 

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11 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

I would not think the console version, at this point, deserves a score of 9.0.

I think this is an issue of perspective. The PS4 version, to you, has many disadvantages compared to the PC version, so you would expect a score /10 that was no higher and measurably lower than the best KSP has achieved in PC reviews.


A PS4 review is not comparative of all games on all platforms, it is a measure of how close a game comes to the best entertainment possible on the relevant platform to the review. If the reviewer feels that KSP is 9/10s of the way to the best possible entertainment on that platform, or that it ranks amongst the top 10% of games he's ever played on PS4, that's the score he will arrive at.

Caveat: there is, of course, no accounting for taste.

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8 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

I am not determined to see them as awful at all.. I have not and will not play it on console ever, as I said I just say it as I see it. As I have no played it on PC if I had to choose between not at all or on console I would choose not at all in a heartbeat.

 But yeah maybe my main point was a bit obvious and unavoidable as the two versions are so similar. Good point sir.

Majorjim, can you please explain what is your problem with KSP being available on consoles? Ever since February, you cant stop talking how bad was an idea to make this game available on consoles, how bad controls will be and so on. When port was done what was removed from PC version that upsets you? If you never played or planning to play KSP on consoles why does IGN score bothers you? Are you angry that console peasants will come and ask questions on these forums? If you do not own any console, why you even talking about it?

Like I said before, I have KSP on PC and on Xbox one now. It runs on Xbox one with no problems and is just as good as PC version. I have no problems building, flying and managing every aspect of this game with xbox controller.

One of the best games was made available to even more people but you have a problem with this. Why?


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Just now, The_Rocketeer said:

I think this is an issue of perspective. The PS4 version, to you, has many disadvantages compared to the PC version, so you would expect a score /10 that was no higher and measurably lower than the best KSP has achieved in PC reviews.

Then why review it at all? If he's not going to factor in the console shortcomings or advantages?

Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

Perhaps I phrased the question poorly. A better question would be: "If someone gamed only on a console, should they get KSP?" I'd put up with a lot of glitches and performance issues to play KSP, for that matter I have.

I can't answer that as it is a totally different question, one that to me is moot. and I answered the one you asked as best I could, from my perspective.

Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

Sounds more like you are saying it as you see some other people saying it, if I'm completely frank. 

That is partly my point sir, I say it as I see it, as in what I see people posting on this forum and what i see in videos and such.

Just now, Snotshot said:

Majorjim, can you please explain what is your problem with KSP being available on consoles?

I won't answer questions like that sorry but it will just serve to derail the thread and become an argument. If you want to disagree to my main point in the OP I respond to that.

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Just now, Snotshot said:

Like I said before, I have KSP on PC and on Xbox one now. It runs on Xbox one with no problems and is just as good as PC version. I have no problems building, flying and managing every aspect of this game with xbox controller.

Not putting words in anybody's mouths here, but there are a lot of reasons why to you the Xbox and PC versions would be almost equivalent while others find PC superior. To name a few:

  • PC performance vs console performance (high-spec PC will leave consoles in the dust)
  • finding gamepads unintuitive (god how I hated the N64 pad)
  • mod dependency (some find the game unplayable/unenjoyable without their favourite mods)
    • dependency on parts packages
    • preference for a mod-altered game experience, e.g. FAR, Kethane, KAS/KIS etc
    • control and flight data mods, e.g. MechJeb
    • scenery mods
    • content mods - OPM etc
    • the list goes on...
1 minute ago, Majorjim said:

Then why review it at all? (<fixed that for you. Ed)

Because it's a new release and his boss told him review it? I think most console players would prefer to read reviews that weren't tainted with PC-master-race prejudices, don't you? Many console-gamers probably never play any videogames on PC, so why would they even want to know if the PC version was better? Why would a console reviewer want to suggest that console-gamers should switch to PC versions and thereby diminish his own readership?

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3 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

The why review it at all? If he's not going to factor in the console shortcomings or advantages?

It's almost like the review is meant for console players.

4 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

I can't answer that as it is a totally different question, one that to me is moot. and I answered the one you asked as best I could, from my perspective.

If the question is, "Should I get KSP on PC or console?" then I think clearly PC is the answer, if only for mod support. That's not the question for many people, though. If someone prefers to game on a console and are wondering if KSP is a good game, what should they hear? "No, because the PC version is better"?

5 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

That is partly my point sir, I say it as I see it, as in what I see people posting on this forum and what i see in videos and such.

Except when the stuff you read or see is positive, then you ignore it or say it's based on the PC version, like the very review that prompted this thread. It's straight up confirmation bias, IMO.

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Just now, The_Rocketeer said:

Because it's a new release and his boss told him review it? I think most console players would prefer to read reviews that weren't tainted with PC-master-race prejudices, don't you? Many console-gamers probably never play any videogames on PC, so why would they even want to know if the PC version was better? Why would a console reviewer want to suggest that console-gamers should switch to PC versions and thereby diminish his own readership?

That was not my point, I don't mean to include any PC master race crap, I hate that too. But it seems the review score does not take into account the obvious issues with control, UI and performance that the console version is suffering from at the moment.

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Just now, Majorjim said:

That was not my point, I don't mean to include any PC master race crap, I hate that too. But it seems the review score does not take into account the obvious issues with control, UI and performance that the console version is suffering from at the moment.

Perhaps the reviewer weighted those concerns differently than you do, or perhaps he found equally weighted positives that overcame them. Based on my experience of the game of KSP, as a game I would give it a 9/10 too. As a PC entertainment experience I would also give it a 9/10 or even 10/10. As a PS4 experience, I really can't comment.

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Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

It's almost like the review is meant for console players.

I answered this above.

Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

If the question is, "Should I get KSP on PC or console?" then I think clearly PC is the answer, if only for mod support. That's not the question for many people, though. If someone prefers to game on a console and are wondering if KSP is a good game, what should they hear? "No, because the PC version is better"?

Sorry but I am not interested in answering questions like that, you missed the point entirely of this thread. I would never stop anyone buying KSP on console or PC. My point is in the first post.

Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

Except when the stuff you read or see is positive, then you ignore it or say it's based on the PC version, like the very review that prompted this thread. It's straight up confirmation bias, IMO.

I am ignoring nothing mate, and I only said the score was based on the PC version as he clearly did not play the PS4 version for very long at all. If you would like to counter that point I would appreciate it.

Just now, The_Rocketeer said:

Perhaps the reviewer weighted those concerns differently than you do, or perhaps he found equally weighted positives that overcame them. Based on my experience of the game of KSP, as a game I would give it a 9/10 too. As a PC entertainment experience I would also give it a 9/10 or even 10/10. As a PS4 experience, I really can't comment.

Good point. Yes that is entirely possible.



If people keep attacking me saying I hate the console version/consoles and want them to fail I will stop replying and request this closed. Keep it civil and keep it on topic please.

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Okay Majorjim, I would calm down about something I haven't and decidedly won't ever experience if I were you. I played KSP on PC for about two years up until about two years ago, then my PC died and I haven't had the coin to replace it, but I have had a PS4 for the last two years and was very excited when it was announced last summer KSP was coming to PS4. I wanted to play one of my favorite games again, and with two years of updates to boot, but of course I was a little skeptical. When I started playing I was unsure if the port was up to par, but after more EXPERIENCE I realized how well it does work on PS4, and just like on PC there are issues and they are no doubt being looked into and worked on. I'm loving it, am happy with my $40 purchase, will keep playing and would definitely give one off the best games ever made a 9/10 with the -1 point from perfect for known issues that exist on PC aswell as control scheme/mapping problems, 9.5 on PC. Thank you.

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Just now, Martin Moon said:

would definitely give one off the best games ever made a 9/10 with the -1 point from perfect for known issues that exist on PC aswell as control scheme/mapping problems, 9.5 on PC. Thank you.

Thank you for posting your own score to the game. I too would give the version I have played a 9.5/10.

 However please do try not to tell people how to think or what to do. I have not done that at all as it is rude. Thanks.


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Just now, Majorjim said:

Thank you for posting your own score to the game. I too would give the version I have played a 9.5/10.

 However please do try not to tell people how to think or what to do. I have not done that at all as it is rude. Thanks.


Um I never did...

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