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Rover steering inverted problem

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I'm having a little problem with my rover. I run some tests in Kerbin (to check docking port allignment and so) and it all worked fine. I sent it to Minmus, but in there, the steering works inverted. I tried inverteing the steering in the wheels, but although the wheels turn the other way, the rover steers exactly the same way:

- Wheels on normal: I turn right, wheels turn right, rover turns left.
- Wheels on inverted steering: I turn right, wheels turn left, rover turns left.

AI tried changing control position too, (from the OKTO2 I'm using to the docking port) but has no effect. This has no effect on kerbin either, where it works fine!!

I hope someone can add some clarity to this.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I just noticed, that in Kerbin, the navball shows blue above and brown belows, like it should, but in Minmus this is inverted. So there lies the problem. The question now is, why does this happen, if it's the same rover?! Can I revert it?

Edited by gartzn
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Hard to say for sure... can you post a screenshot of your rover, including the launch vehicle?

If you tested it on Kerbin with just-the-rover, and then got it to Minmus by putting it in a stage sequence with other stuff, then perhaps something got twisted around or the like as part of the assembly or staging sequence.  Screenshot would really help.

Another thing that can sometimes cause confusion is that by default, the rover-steering controls are mapped onto the same keys as the reaction-torque controls, which means that every time you go to steer your rover, you're also trying to rotate it with reaction torque, in a way that can be very counterintuitive.  That's the sort of problem that can show up on Minmus (where the gravity is very low, so the reaction wheels can wrench the rover around any which way they like), but not show up on Kerbin (where the gravity is much stronger, so the reaction wheels aren't strong enough to slew the rover around).  Again, hard to say whether this is actually relevant to your problem without seeing a screenshot.

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Sounds like what's happening is that the intended root part and orientation of your craft is confused when you add rocket parts to them and fly them. Once on Minmus, right-click on the part you intended to be the controlling part of the craft, and from the menu that comes up, choose "control from here." Should put things back the way you expect. 

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