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The Kerbal Explosion and crashing center. (KECC)


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It is the first day of the newly formed private space industry called the KECC. Jedediah Kerman stands at the foot of his space craft, the "kiwi." Named because it barely got off the ground, and only reached a altitude of about 1600 meters. The sky was clear, and it was about 7:00 in the morning. Jedediah posed for a few photos, and then climbed into the command pod of his ship.

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The view from the pod was not that exciting, and Jeb was anxious to get off the ground. After performing a few science experiments and crew reports,he awaited the countdown from mission control.

"T-minus 1 minute and counting, guidance is nominal. Give me a go-no go for launch."

"Guidance?" "Go."

"Telemetry?" "Go flight."

"Flight surgeon?" "We are go." 

"Capcom?" "Go flight."

"snacks?" "Go" 

"Alright Jeb, this is Gene Kerman. We are go. How are ya feeling?" 

"I'm good Gene. A little bit of static in here."

"Okay Jeb. T-minus 15 seconds."

Jeb flipped on the SAS module, and prepared himself for the force of liftoff. "Jeb here, T-minus 10 seconds and counting. Nav-ball is go, SAS is go, stage is go, parachute is go. We are go for launch."

"Alright Jedediah. The whole world is watching. T-minus 3 seconds, ignition sequence launch, T-minus 2, 1, liftoff."

The solid fuel booster ignited, forcing Jeb into his seat. As the craft lifted off, he felt something he couldn't quite describe, like he was floating in air. Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 12.39.44 PM_zp

Jeb took the moment to snap a photo of the cockpit from the camera attached to the side of his helmet. "Gene? This is Jeb. SRF speed 122 m/s. ROT is good, altitude 1000 Meters."

"Roger Jeb, the flight surgeon reports you're doing fine. How do you feel?" 

"I'm doing Fine Gene. Engine burnout in 3 seconds. My heart is pounding. It feels like there is an elephant on on my chest."

The engine shut-off, and instantly Jeb felt a relief from the weight. He could see out of his window the blue sky, and the ocean below it. Pressing the guarded switch marked "stage," the parachute instantly snapped open, and Jedediah felt a sharp jerk.

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As he slowly drifted to the ground, he thought about what he had just accomplished. He had broken an altitude record of 

2000 meters, set a new speed record of 130 m/s, and had been the first Kerbal to be recovered from any flight. When he stepped out of his spacecraft,

Jeb was instantly surrounded by reporters and KECC staff. As Jedediah Kerman settled into bed that night, he couldn't wait to fly again.


Edited by Lo Var Lachland
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