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[1.1.3] (2016-07-24) Telemachus - Telemetry and Flight Control in the Web Browser


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@tcannonfodder Thanx for keeping Telemachus alive, as well as new features and improvements.

Any chance you could maybe contact the dev of KeRD, and see if there are plans for continued development/support, and if not, any chance YOU would be interested in taking a look at the source, and possibly integrating it into Telemachus?


Edited by Stone Blue
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12 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

@tcannonfodder Thanx for keeping Telemachus alive, as well as new features and improvements.

Any chance you could maybe contact the dev of KeRD, and see if there are plans for continued development/support, and if not, any chance YOU would be interested in taking a look at the source, and possibly integrating it into Telemachus?


Reached out to him to let him know Telemachus is back in active development! :D

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Is there any way to get the rss map instead of kerbin? Also your awesome for keeping this going. Is there any way to have an external way to access your map and move maneuver nodes like in KERD. I feel like that's all this is really missing. I don't know if that's possible. I'm starting to build a simulator in my extra bedroom. Planning on making it fully enclosed 2 man "shuttle" with 2 pilots chairs and a tracking station. Being able to access the map and edit maneuver nodes on an external screen would be amazing in this situation. Keep up the great work. Also I don't know if you have yet, but I would set up a page to take donations, I wouldn't mind supporting the development of this while it's being worked on.:D

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@Kotagi @Stone Blue, Houston (the mission control mod I also work on) has a 3D orbital map in the browser and a maneuver node editor:


KSP: Houston Orbital Map Demo

KSP: Houston Maneuver Node Editor Preview


You can download the latest pre-release here: Apollo (with Telemachus Capricorn), but make sure to use the latest alpha for Telemachus: 1.6.0 Alpha 2. To do that, download the 1.6.0 alpha, then download Houston Apollo and copy the "houston" directory from it under PluginData/telemachus. I need to tweak the releases to be easier to work with :P

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Man thats awesome thank you. Keep up the good work. This brings the game to a whole new level. Getting more people in on missions is something I look forward too..Now just too find other kerbalnauts lol :}) Thanks again guys.

On 8/11/2016 at 7:47 AM, JOHNMKNIGHT said:

Here's the link. https://github.com/johnmknight/ksppao - You should just be able to copy this and put it under the Telemachus plugin directory, where the other html files are.
Cheers! Oh, everything is rough and I didn't merge the code that actually gets the data from Telemachus yet. So all this is purely HTML and javascript. NOTE, the text-to-voice is only working properly with Chrome.

I also tried this and I am looking forward to seeing this completed. I loved it and kudos to the creator. Let me know when you have an updated copy. I would love to help you test it.

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On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 6:40 AM, tcannonfodder said:


Good news everyone!

I’ve released an alpha build for Telemachus 1.6.0, which will have a fancy new feature: Camera Snapshots!

That’s right, you’ll be able to get delayed screenshots from the current flight camera and any RasterPropMonitor cameras for the current active vessel. Want to see it in action? Here’s a demo!


Telemachus 1.6.0 will require ModuleManager to make the necessary patches to RasterPropMonitor cameras

You can get the list of cameras for the active vessel by going to: /telemachus/cameras, and you can access individual cameras by following the url for that camera.

Want to give a try? You can download the Alpha build here: https://github.com/KSP-Telemachus/Telemachus/releases/tag/1.6.0-alpha-1


Find a bug? Let me know by submitting an issue on Github!

Any chance you could put a refresh every x seconds option. It would give the screenshots a videoish appearance. I tried it with Autorefresh and it worked pretty well(i was on the host pc though). Unfortunately i like viewing the cameras without toolbars and I cannot use extensions while in application mode on chrome. So having that option built in would help. Not sure if this is possible just a suggestion. Also how did you get your cameras screenshots in a grid like that?

Edited by Kotagi
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Is the orbital map compatable with Real Solar System? I have half size rss installed and im not getting orbital map and im getting kerbin instead of earth on the 2d maps. Am I doing something wrong? If not do you have any plans on integrating it in?

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2 hours ago, Kotagi said:

Is the orbital map compatable with Real Solar System? I have half size rss installed and im not getting orbital map and im getting kerbin instead of earth on the 2d maps. Am I doing something wrong? If not do you have any plans on integrating it in?

I don't have any plans for adding support to Real Solar System at this time, sorry! :(

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On 8/12/2016 at 1:35 AM, tcannonfodder said:

Merged in and pushed up a new alpha build, you can check it out here: https://github.com/KSP-Telemachus/Telemachus/releases/tag/1.6.0-alpha-2-actual

That did the trick! I've posted my mod now.

Looking forward to adding more to Telemachus. One thing on my list is to add a way to get the flight log. Easiest way might be something like v.flightLog.getLastMessage() or v.flightLog.getLog() that would return the entire log up the last call.


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8 hours ago, JOHNMKNIGHT said:

That did the trick! I've posted my mod now.

Looking forward to adding more to Telemachus. One thing on my list is to add a way to get the flight log. Easiest way might be something like v.flightLog.getLastMessage() or v.flightLog.getLog() that would return the entire log up the last call.


Yeah, this sounds like a good idea! I dug into the code some, and found some relevant classes:




Actually, calling `FlightLogger.fetch.eventLog` returns the text seen in the Kerbal Mission log, which is close, but I think the API response should have the MET and message separately in a JSON object, like so:

[{"met":12345, "message": "Liftoff!"}, ...]

That would make it easier to filter the mission log when you get the API result. However, I'm short on time lately, :( but if you'd like to take a stab at it I'd be more than happy to review a PR for it. :)




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I remember that I used Telemachus quite a while ago back on another computer and it was running fine.

Now with a new PC, I wanted to try it again, but failed to get it work.

Whatever config I try, I cannot connect via the browser, I always get a message that the server cannot be connected.

I tried the following config in the config.xml:

1) Default config, so access via

2) Configured "localhost" as servername

3) Used the real ip of the PC as servername

4) Used different ports for above config

5) Disabled local windows firewall

Any hint how to get it work, or where I can find some log-messages that could give an idea what is wrong?



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On August 23, 2016 at 2:50 PM, toggelhase said:

I remember that I used Telemachus quite a while ago back on another computer and it was running fine.

Now with a new PC, I wanted to try it again, but failed to get it work.

Whatever config I try, I cannot connect via the browser, I always get a message that the server cannot be connected.

I tried the following config in the config.xml:

1) Default config, so access via

2) Configured "localhost" as servername

3) Used the real ip of the PC as servername

4) Used different ports for above config

5) Disabled local windows firewall

Any hint how to get it work, or where I can find some log-messages that could give an idea what is wrong?



Hey there! Did you try right-clicking on the Telemachus antenna on your vessel and clicking "Open Link?" It should open up a web browser, then clicking the "About" tab, then "IP Addresses", should list the IP addresses you'll need to use.

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Yes, I right clicked on the Antenna and selected "OpenLink". Then the browser opened with the URL "" but it said that the server was not up and running. So it looks as if Telemachus did not start its web server so that no data could be received.

and what to you mean by the "About" tab? IN Kerbal? In the Browser? The Browser shows nothing of course as it cannot connect to Telemachus.

For info: I run Kerbal in 64bit with several other mods, is there any known incomparability with other mods?

Edited by toggelhase
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Firewall should not be a problem, I even tried it with windows firewall turned off (running win10 here).

I found the following in the logfile:


Telemachus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[Telemachus] Loading; Looking for compatible mods to inject registration....
Telemachus compatible modules Found:
Internal plugins loaded:
  - Telemachus.Plugins.RasterPropMonitorPlugin




Telemachus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[Telemachus] Telemachus data link starting
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

Telemachus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[Telemachus] Invalid IP address in configuration file, falling back to default
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

Telemachus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[Telemachus] Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: hostNameOrAddress
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

Telemachus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[Telemachus]   at System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses (System.String hostNameOrAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at Telemachus.TelemachusBehaviour.readConfiguration () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at Telemachus.TelemachusBehaviour.startDataLink () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


The config file I use is the following:

<int name="PORT">8085</int>
<string name="IPADDRESS">-1</string>
<int name="PARTLESS">1</int>


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Hrm, it looks like the .NET framework isn't able to setup the server, this looks like it might be an issue with your network adapter or DNS configuration? I'm not 100% sure to be honest, this is the first time someone's run into a problem like this, and Telemachus is using the built-in .NET server libraries for versatility.

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Hmm, intersting. This is running on a brand new PC, so installations there should be ok. And all other network functions do work pretty well.

Altough I am programming serve sides applications at work, I must admidt that I am a Java guy and have absolutly no knowledge in :NET.

I guess I will retry it on a clean Kerbal installation just to be sure.

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I run a group that uses Telemachus but we're repeatedly stopped by one issue. Finding someone who can port forward. So I have a suggestion for something that might be easier(?).

My idea is that someone runs a Telemachus "Routing" Server. Simply, instead of the player sending directly from themselves and requiring port forwarding, let the host player send data to this server using the same method that other games let you control a "character" in their world. Then, players can select the host player's game and view the data.

Just something I'd like since the biggest issue is the port forwarding.

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hey y'all, have some bad news. I busted my leg up pretty bad a week ago and that's cut down the amount of programming time I have available. I can review basic PRs and that, but it might take me a bit longer to respond to more in-depth questions.

Thanks for understanding, and I'm going to get better ASAP so I can get 1.6 out the door!

On August 27, 2016 at 8:49 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

I run a group that uses Telemachus but we're repeatedly stopped by one issue. Finding someone who can port forward. So I have a suggestion for something that might be easier(?).

My idea is that someone runs a Telemachus "Routing" Server. Simply, instead of the player sending directly from themselves and requiring port forwarding, let the host player send data to this server using the same method that other games let you control a "character" in their world. Then, players can select the host player's game and view the data.

Just something I'd like since the biggest issue is the port forwarding.

Interesting idea! Have you tried Ngrok? That's what I use and it works relatively well, but you'll have to set the "host-header" parameter like so:


ngrok http 8085 -host-header="localhost:8085"


using the camera endpoint via Ngrok is currently busted, that's one thing I'll have to fix before I release 1.6

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