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So Squad, Any news on a Patch, or maybe a "Hot-fix :p " soon?

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So, theres been now Close too 3 weeks since release. And even tho this game was released With what i'd Call gamebraking bugs, theres still no News... or even a Word from anyone (Squad or FT) about any upcomming patch.

A patch that probably been a hotfix patch. Its not that im expecting the first patch too be upgraded from 1.0.1, but beeing able too save the game, without Extreme limits would be Nice. There are other, what i'd Call gamebraking bugs too, but not beeing able too progress at all, means this Product as it is, is broken.

So any News on a Patch yet?


And Yeah "blabla console systems are harder becouse of this and that blabla"   but trust u me, there Isnt many games out, With these kinds of bugs (wich seriously i'd expect from the betatimes of Kerbal on PC, not a GOLD Console 1.0.1 Version), that would have either left the game unthouched for so long or maybe given theyr custumers a Word.


Edited by DaCana
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I would like news as well. The whole corrupted save issue is pretty game breaking. The actual game is great, but I am holding off on playing anymore because every time I have done anything major recently, it doesn't save. Kind of makes me feel that any hope I had for mod support for consoles is squashed too. Doesn't seem like they care too much. Too bad, it looks fun to play on PC. 

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To say there is no word is false, they have talked about it..

on july 28ths,  Flying tiger who look after the console ports posted on their facebook page

" Hey Everyone,
A patch for Kerbal Space Program is in testing and it should be out soon. Thank you for being so awesome! And we're extremely appreciative of each and every one of you. ‪#‎KSP‬ @KerbalSpaceP "

and then yesterday in the devnote tuesday post, they stated

" Speaking of European affairs, we’re still very much working with Sony to release Kerbal Space Program on PlayStation 4 in Europe as soon as possible. While that is being worked on Nestor has been working with Flying Tiger on the first patch for the console versions as well. Rest assured that more news on both topics will be available shortly "

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Arrogant and meaningless messages like "we are working on it" without any explanation of the situation - disrespectful to consumers and harms the reputation of the company. This can also be said about the situation with the PS4 European release.


Sorry for the awful English, it is translated by Google

Edited by Kerbuvim
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Guys, all I can say is that there is work on a patch, but there is no news on when this will be available.

As I've previously posted, this is the only official word on the matter.


The release processes on console and PC are quite different, and the console builds are based off of the PC ones. When we want to patch the consoles we merge PC commits and work on the custom code and assets that are needed to make it run on the consoles. The console builds then have to go through certification with the console manufacturer (Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo) before we can make them available. As a result the consoles are likely to run a little bit behind compared to the PC releases, but we will keep updating all platforms as we move forward.


Unfortunately it's true that patching the consoles requires a lot more work than it does on PC, where an updated version can simply be deployed to the Squad store, Steam and to GoG.

On console there's many loops to jump through and lots of paperwork just to get any update considered for release, this is understandable as neither Microsoft nor Sony want any publishers to push updates that have not been scrutinized, as there's always the potential that any new update can break the consoles in some way.

It's also deeply insulting to claim that Squad are being arrogant here, they are doing everything they can to bring the updates to the consoles, and all I can do is ask that you are patient.

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