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[1.11.1] Hullcam VDS Continued


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On 7/29/2024 at 3:34 PM, Xt007 said:

@linuxgurugamer Playing with this plus probe control room and ksa iva.  The external view from the camera I'm using had a black dot in the middle, did some digging and found the camera translations from the part configs to the rpm patch in the MM scripts folder don't match.  Matching them solved the issue.


        %name = JSIExternalCameraSelector
        %cameraContainer = Cylinder
        %rotateCamera = 0,0,0
        %translateCamera = 0,0,0
        %cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam

hc_Kazzelblad part config

//    MODULE
//    {
//        name = HullCamera    
//        //cameraName = SciCam
//        cameraName = KazzelBlad
//        cameraForward = 0, 1, 0
//        cameraUp = 0, 0, -1
//        cameraPosition = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0
//        cameraFoVMax = 20
//        cameraFoVMin = 4

I'll merge these in during my next update, soon

If you are still around @Xt007could you specify what changes are needed?  You just showed the current configs above

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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On 12/17/2024 at 12:40 PM, Kamori said:

Is there a way to remove the Docking Crosshairs from the cameras that aren't docking port cameras? Like using the MunCam without the crosshair but with the TV Film filter on. 


Edited by Drew Kerman
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