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Just pulled an all-nighter


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I have stayed up as far as to 6 AM during my summer holidays as of now, but today I pulled a real all-nighter. I played KSP until 5:30 and went to bed; however, the sun was already shining so I could not fall asleep or even become tired. After one hour of pointlessly lying in bed, I decided to give up my futile attempts to fall asleep. I drunk some tea at 6:30 and now I'm sitting in front of my PC again (7:50).


I hope that I will be tired in the evening so that I can finally go to sleep early.

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Usually you will feel sleepy a few hours before your usual sleeping time. Your body has went past its resting period and goes back to wakefulness period. You can push it again for a 48 hours of wakefulness, or even more, but it will kill you eventually. So, go sleep early for the next few days to return your sleep debt. You don't get back all the sleep from just one night.

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1 hour ago, pincushionman said:

Only did that once in college. Nothing bad happened, but…never again. I did not like.

Did it serveral times in university as well. Goodness the feeling of sleep afterward is like dying and going to heaven.

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6 hours ago, evileye.x said:

The real question is - how old are you? 

This. The longest I ever went without sleep was 42 hours, but I was 24 at the time. Now that I'm 48, I can't even stay up 24 hours without losing it. 

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During my mid/late 20's (I'm 34 now), I had so much going on with work and a bunch of projects that I would slowly sleep later and later, until I was going to bed at 8 - 9am...

So, every now and then I would just stay up to 'reset' my sleep pattern, getting really tired and sleepy and going to bed at 9 - 10pm, and crashing for 10 - 12 hours.. effective, but eventually it puts a toll on you. I was often getting cranky, gained weight and had some (luckily minor) health issues...

Now I really prioritize my sleep over work/projects

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I once stayed up for about 56-60 hours, during some LAN party at a friends house... afterwards, when I crashed, tomorrow morning they decided to be funny by throwing a puppy into my rack. I was so nervous from being woken (by a puppy licking my face!) that I barely restrained myself from killing the poor beast. I still get the chills when I think about that.

Never again!

Besides, once you start with regular work hours, and have to get up at 6am every working day, it kinda stops being interresting to pull an all nighter, and just stars being frustrating, when you can't think at work, and are more asleep than awake :wink:

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