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Console Patches Update Discussion

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  On 8/11/2016 at 7:41 PM, nestor said:


The patch is giving more trouble and we still don't have a final solution. The work done on QA has been helpful but we are still not there. We expect Flying Tiger to find a solution to continue with the process.


I wish I wasn't so disappointed to read this.  Looking forward to the day a more positive word for PS4 players gets posted. :/  I love this game so far, (aside from the save issues) so I am going to hold out.

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There is a way to put a splint on this.  Everytime you want to save your game, just go back to the space station, and hire then fire a kerbal.  That will force the "Persistant" save file to save.  You wont loose your save.  If you are playing career then that will be terrible, but if you are playing like me in "science mode" then it works out perfectly.

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What really gets me is that KSP could have and should have been released into the Xbox Game Preview program. There are a lot more issues than the corrupted save. The game feels really buggy, unfinished, and runs pretty bad overall. Some of the scenarios don't work as intended. Switching between vessels requires you to go back to the space station. Textures and lighting on planets is horrible. SAS gets turned off if you use the cursor. Not to mention console players paid the same price or more as PC players for a game that is clearly inferior and lacking content. I thought that Squad was going to take a lot of the more popular mods and insert them into the base game for console, but that didn't happen. Overall, the game feels like a money grab on console. Looks like great fun to play on PC, but you guys really missed the mark on this one. 

PS. Already tried to get a refund from Xbox, but they wouldn't let me. Said it was too late even though the game is still broken. Too bad. This has to be the worst experience with a game so far. 

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I keep checking every few days to see if there is an announcement that the game is being released on the Australian Xbox marketplace (I just want those sweet sweet achievements). I'm kind of glad that I don't have the chance to waste my cash on a buggy port. Glad I wasted that money on a PS4 and No Man's Sky... :lol::lol:

Edited by Agent Hambo
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  On 8/16/2016 at 12:57 AM, Agent Hambo said:

I keep checking every few days to see if there is an announcement that the game is being released on the Australian Xbox marketplace (I just want those sweet sweet achievements). I'm kind of glad that I don't have the chance to waste my cash on a buggy port. Glad I wasted that money on a PS4 and No Man's Sky... :lol::lol:


Dont buy it, before its patched tho. Seems Xbox will be "fixed" first, since they're having more problems With the ps4. Might also be the reason maybe, why they're holding back on worldwide release.


I mean, they already messed up enough.

  On 8/15/2016 at 7:13 PM, Sublight said:

There is a way to put a splint on this.  Everytime you want to save your game, just go back to the space station, and hire then fire a kerbal.  That will force the "Persistant" save file to save.  You wont loose your save.  If you are playing career then that will be terrible, but if you are playing like me in "science mode" then it works out perfectly.


This only Works every now & then. Persistent is the Autosave file, its used more then just i from KSC.

So when you've played for lets say 6 hours, flying long missions, without beeing in KSC, it should also Autosave With Persistent, But does not!

So that just wont work.


What will work tho, every time. Is as i've said 10x times now, is deleting old Crafts from the "load Crafts" list. And deleting Old savegames.


Problem is tho, when you get a largearse spacestation, With lets say 5-6 docked station-parts, and maybe a satelite or two orbiting some planets/muuns, You will not be able to have more then 1 or maybe 2 saves. In the end only the Persistent will work, and then even this will max out. Even tho you dont have any Crafts in the load menu.


So, Yeah there are workarounds, but they're not flawless :P  non of em in the long run.

  On 8/16/2016 at 4:16 PM, DaCana said:

Dont buy it, before its patched tho. Seems Xbox will be "fixed" first, since they're having more problems With the ps4. Might also be the reason maybe, why they're holding back on worldwide release.


I mean, they already messed up enough.

This only Works every now & then. Persistent is the Autosave file, its used more then just i from KSC.

So when you've played for lets say 6 hours, flying long missions, without beeing in KSC, it should also Autosave With Persistent, But does not!

So that just wont work.


What will work tho, every time (almost, read under). Is as i've said 10x times now, is deleting old Crafts from the "load Crafts" list. And deleting Old savegames.


Problem is tho, when you get a largearse spacestation, With lets say 5-6 docked station-parts, and maybe a satelite or two orbiting some planets/muuns, You will not be able to have more then 1 or maybe 2 saves. In the end only the Persistent will work, and then even this will max out. Even tho you dont have any Crafts in the load menu.


So, Yeah there are workarounds, but they're not flawless :P  non of em in the long run.



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I think it's funny how many people complain about there being a cursor on the consol. If you think it "sucks" or is a "steaming pile of excrement" then you simply suck at using a joystick. I've had almost no issue with the control scheme at all and I actually find it quite convenient aside from a few tiny, insignificant bugs. Yes, the game is in a rather shoddy state and the save file issue is infuriating, but if you hate the controls so much then just go back to PC (nothing wrong with that).

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Decana - I don't know why it doesn't work for you. It works for me EVERY time.  Ive tested it 4 times, and my game has crashed 3-4 times.  The persistent save has worked each time for me.  Hire then fire someone, and I have not lost progress one time since, and I have experienced a few crashes since I started doing this.

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Getting impatient...

Like waiting in a burger joint waiting for some goofball to cook the food he just served to you raw.

I still want the burger, but now the whole experience has gone stale in my mouth. Will always be hesitant to buy games Squad and/or Flying Tiger produce. 

I feel those who bought the console versions before the patch should be made whole somehow. This is unfair.

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Only issues with the cursor here is the lack of easy fine control, and how some of the buttons - e.g. the time warp ones, don't go to the screen edge so have a little but significant dead zone above and to the left making them harder to hit than they need to be - guessing the PC version has the same issue though.

Only really annoying bug so far is 'forgetting' the defined staging, e..g from map mode to flight mode when it lumps everything into one stage, or in the VAB when it just reassigns stuff seemingly at random, a pain if you don't catch it.

A lot would be solved by letting you remap controls, and dare I say it, use two controllers configured for different things

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  On 8/15/2016 at 7:30 PM, chimpbone said:

Overall, the game feels like a money grab on console. 


Totally agree. If they tested this game for 60 minutes they would have likely encountered game crashing, data corrupting, frame rate problems etc.  


Some optimization issues would have been fine.


Game RUINING bugs like data corruption.... that's unacceptable.

They knew the game wasn't ready and didn't care if it hurt their consumers. 


Yes, I am 100% accusing Squad of being dishonest. 

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  On 8/16/2016 at 7:57 PM, ChillingCammy said:

Totally agree. If they tested this game for 60 minutes they would have likely encountered game crashing, data corrupting, frame rate problems etc.  


Some optimization issues would have been fine.


Game RUINING bugs like data corruption.... that's unacceptable.

They knew the game wasn't ready and didn't care if it hurt their consumers. 


Yes, I am 100% accusing Squad of being dishonest. 


Squad isn't 100% responsible. Maybe not even 50%. Their game runs nice and smooth. If you want to rant then maybe head on over to Flying Tiger. Either way, these companies aren't like EA or Activision or Infinity Ward. They are actually trying to make an enjoyable experience for everybody, not just a paycheck. It's not like anybody was like "Hey! Wouldn't it be hilarious if we just screwed over all of the console players to make Squad look bad?". Give them a break. They are short handed (considering that they're actively hiring) and blasting them isn't going to help anyone. All you are doing is making the console community look like little whiney chumps. This really goes for everyone who is whining about this. Just stop. This isn't going anywhere or motivating anyone. Yes, this is extremely frustrating and I myself have no idea how this got past QA, but let's try to be a more constructive community just like it was before we console gamers hopped on the forums. Be constructive, not destructive. Properly and respectfully report bugs, ask politely for assistance and for the love of Kerbin-kind BE PATIENT. Nobody wanted this to happen and everyone is trying to fix it while be shouted at by the people they made this game for. 

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  On 8/16/2016 at 8:42 PM, Homedawgian said:

Squad isn't 100% responsible. Maybe not even 50%. Their game runs nice and smooth. If you want to rant then maybe head on over to Flying Tiger. Either way, these companies aren't like EA or Activision or Infinity Ward. They are actually trying to make an enjoyable experience for everybody, not just a paycheck. It's not like anybody was like "Hey! Wouldn't it be hilarious if we just screwed over all of the console players to make Squad look bad?". Give them a break. They are short handed (considering that they're actively hiring) and blasting them isn't going to help anyone. All you are doing is making the console community look like little whiney chumps. This really goes for everyone who is whining about this. Just stop. This isn't going anywhere or motivating anyone. Yes, this is extremely frustrating and I myself have no idea how this got past QA, but let's try to be a more constructive community just like it was before we console gamers hopped on the forums. Be constructive, not destructive. Properly and respectfully report bugs, ask politely for assistance and for the love of Kerbin-kind BE PATIENT. Nobody wanted this to happen and everyone is trying to fix it while be shouted at by the people they made this game for. 


Sorry, but a lot of the criticism here is warranted. Squad and Flying Tiger are both responsible for putting out a shoddy product. It does not "run smooth" as you say, even though we would all like it to. While I don't think Squad or Flying Tiger were intentionally trying to screw us console players, they certainly made some questionable decisions. There are plenty of examples of PC to console ports that weren't a disaster. Elite Dangerous, Prison Architect, Ark, and Subnautica are all great examples. Not only did they get released into the preview program and run better, but they all cost less. This looks like a cash grab to me. They could have spent more time and money into developing KSP on console. They could have put the game into the preview program or they could have at the very least hired a competent company to port the game for them. 

There are way too many apologists for video game companies out here. Being a critical consumer isn't a bad thing you know. Just saying nice things, or not saying anything at all is not good for anyone. You understand that there is a difference between whining and legitimate complaints right?



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  On 8/16/2016 at 9:24 PM, chimpbone said:

Sorry, but a lot of the criticism here is warranted. Squad and Flying Tiger are both responsible for putting out a shoddy product. It does not "run smooth" as you say, even though we would all like it to. While I don't think Squad or Flying Tiger were intentionally trying to screw us console players, they certainly made some questionable decisions. There are plenty of examples of PC to console ports that weren't a disaster. Elite Dangerous, Prison Architect, Ark, and Subnautica are all great examples. Not only did they get released into the preview program and run better, but they all cost less. This looks like a cash grab to me. They could have spent more time and money into developing KSP on console. They could have put the game into the preview program or they could have at the very least hired a competent company to port the game for them. 

There are way too many apologists for video game companies out here. Being a critical consumer isn't a bad thing you know. Just saying nice things, or not saying anything at all is not good for anyone. You understand that there is a difference between whining and legitimate complaints right?




To clarify, I meant that KSP on PC runs smoothly, not the console versions, and Squad did not port KSP to consoles, Flying Tiger did. Also, Ark was and still is in the preview program (and it has MANY issues) which is why it is considerably cheaper, Elite:Dangerous used to be in preview but is now a full priced $60 game, $20 more than KSP (and it crashes more often than KSP) and Prison Architect is an EXTREMELY simple game. I know nothing of Subnautica. All of that aside, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with constructive criticism, but calling Squad "100% dishonest" is just an outright insult with absolutely no evidence to back it up.

Edited by Homedawgian
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  On 8/16/2016 at 9:24 PM, chimpbone said:

There are plenty of examples of PC to console ports that weren't a disaster. Elite Dangerous, Prison Architect, Ark, and Subnautica are all great examples.


Let's look at how much better these games lend themselves to consoles:
E:D is a spaceship game that's probably built for controllers from the first.
Prison Architect has a simple UI and control scheme. It makes sense to use a controller for moving a simple cursor over a grid and selecting items in a menu.
Ark and Subnautica are effectively FPSs. They lend themselves as well to console as any Call of Duty.

As for KSP, it has a complex editor UI that barely works with a mouse and a flight UI that needs a dozen more buttons than a controller possesses. I don't really see how porting it was ever a good idea without a serious refactoring.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 9:58 PM, 0111narwhalz said:

Let's look at how much better these games lend themselves to consoles:
E:D is a spaceship game that's probably built for controllers from the first.
Prison Architect has a simple UI and control scheme. It makes sense to use a controller for moving a simple cursor over a grid and selecting items in a menu.
Ark and Subnautica are effectively FPSs. They lend themselves as well to console as any Call of Duty.

As for KSP, it has a complex editor UI that barely works with a mouse and a flight UI that needs a dozen more buttons than a controller possesses. I don't really see how porting it was ever a good idea without a serious refactoring.


Well, I'm unable to play KSP on PC but I've watched it for a few years and it's like crack to me. I couldn't be more thankful that they ported it. I totally see how one could feel that it was a ludicrous idea to port the game considering the ridiculous amount of controls required. Maybe they just wanted to expand their audience and make some extra bucks on the side. Nothing wrong with that. More funding=More KSP. I find it admirable that they've been able to make the controls as manageable as they have so far, but it does obviously need work. That's what the community is for. Squad has been excellent at using the feedback that they have received to improve the game in the past, why doubt them now?

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  On 8/16/2016 at 9:58 PM, 0111narwhalz said:

Let's look at how much better these games lend themselves to consoles:
E:D is a spaceship game that's probably built for controllers from the first.
Prison Architect has a simple UI and control scheme. It makes sense to use a controller for moving a simple cursor over a grid and selecting items in a menu.
Ark and Subnautica are effectively FPSs. They lend themselves as well to console as any Call of Duty.

As for KSP, it has a complex editor UI that barely works with a mouse and a flight UI that needs a dozen more buttons than a controller possesses. I don't really see how porting it was ever a good idea without a serious refactoring.


The developers of those games lent themselves to consoles. They all could have had shoddy ports too. They all could have hired out a third party to port their game. They all could have released a broken game into the marketplace. Instead, all of those games released into the Preview Program, where bugs and performance issues are to be expected. They then went on to fine tune their games to release when they were ready. 

Just because KSP has a complex UI does not make it impossible to port to console. They just did a bad job. What gives you any idea that KSP takes more effort/energy to port than any of those other games? Prison Architect completely changed the UI for console. The game didn't just lend itself to console. Some work went into developing the game for console, something that never happened with KSP. They didn't just send an older version of their game to a third party to be ported over to console, which is what KSP did. 

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  On 8/16/2016 at 8:42 PM, Homedawgian said:

Either way, these companies aren't like EA or Activision or Infinity Ward. They are actually trying to make an enjoyable experience for everybody, not just a paycheck. 


Releasing a game that they HAD TO HAVE KNOWN was bugged is EXACTLY like what the big developers would do!

  On 8/16/2016 at 8:42 PM, Homedawgian said:

 All you are doing is making the console community look like little whiney chumps.


Yes, if expecting a working product makes me a chump I sure fit the bill. I really don't mind reflecting badly on other console players, it's not a club.

  On 8/16/2016 at 9:42 PM, Homedawgian said:

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with constructive criticism, but calling Squad "100% dishonest" is just an outright insult with absolutely no evidence to back it up.


Evidence?! I played KSP for an hour before encountering my first save corruption! They knew. They released it. They milked us. 

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  On 8/17/2016 at 2:07 AM, ChillingCammy said:

Releasing a game that they HAD TO HAVE KNOWN was bugged is EXACTLY like what the big developers would do!

Yes, if expecting a working product makes me a chump I sure fit the bill. I really don't mind reflecting badly on other console players, it's not a club.

Evidence?! I played KSP for an hour before encountering my first save corruption! They knew. They released it. They milked us. 


I'd rather not even begin to reply to that. To each his own.

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For 30 hours, Homedawg, I loved KSP. Like a child might love their first bicycle. The game was unlike any I had played before and I showed it to everyone.

After every significant mission I would diligently quit KSP, upload my data to PSN and reload KSP. And lets be honest, it takes a bit longer to load than the average game. 


Then 2 days ago my game crashed, file was corrupted. Fine. An hour lost, nothing compared to my burning undying love for this game.

And then it happened. My backed up data was corrupt.



Where there was once love burning hotter than a thousand Kerbols, there is now cold indifference. Colder than Mystery Goo in high orbit. 


So gimme a break. I am grieving. 

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  On 8/16/2016 at 8:42 PM, Homedawgian said:

Squad isn't 100% responsible. Maybe not even 50%. Their game runs nice and smooth. If you want to rant then maybe head on over to Flying Tiger. Either way, these companies aren't like EA or Activision or Infinity Ward. They are actually trying to make an enjoyable experience for everybody, not just a paycheck. It's not like anybody was like "Hey! Wouldn't it be hilarious if we just screwed over all of the console players to make Squad look bad?". Give them a break. They are short handed (considering that they're actively hiring) and blasting them isn't going to help anyone. All you are doing is making the console community look like little whiney chumps. This really goes for everyone who is whining about this. Just stop. This isn't going anywhere or motivating anyone. Yes, this is extremely frustrating and I myself have no idea how this got past QA, but let's try to be a more constructive community just like it was before we console gamers hopped on the forums. Be constructive, not destructive. Properly and respectfully report bugs, ask politely for assistance and for the love of Kerbin-kind BE PATIENT. Nobody wanted this to happen and everyone is trying to fix it while be shouted at by the people they made this game for. 


Ya what he said!!!

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  On 8/4/2016 at 7:39 PM, nestor said:

"First of all, I understand the frustration some of our console users are facing with the save issues on PS4 and Xbox One. We are doing the best we can to resolve this issue, but this is a difficult and time consuming process. "

"Unfortunately we didn’t spot those issues during the internal QA, external QA and certification QA. But, as soon as we knew about them, we began following the bug reports on the tracker, the forum, reddit and support email."

"We regret that we can not give you a date for the release, but be sure we are doing all we can to keep our players satisfied. We will give more information as soon as we can."


We understand this but some kind of ETA and description of fixes expected would be nice to see.

I have to call shenanigans there, this game had every bug 1.1 had on the PC, how could you not know that the version which didn't work for the PC was not going to work on console...

I have been playing Ark on early access for months now, as many others here probably have, we not unaccustomed to the QA process slowing things down, but somehow a tiny studio that took a PC game to Console can give ETA's within 2 days of the process completing, and you are unable to give any hint of an ETA or idea of what bug fixes are coming.  Just some wishywashy reassurances that fixes are coming, sometime in the future, you hope..

We waited patiently for the console version, since we first see it played on youtube early access by Scott Manley, There was no news for months and months, just quiet hope. EA come and went, no news, but still we hoped in silence. And then it happened. Released. Only it was rushed out, broken, not in a complete state for the enjoyment people waited patiently and paid for. We would have waited. We would have been happy. Why was a broken game (v1.1) released, twice...


Edited by Red Iron Crown
Keep your language in check, please.
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  On 8/16/2016 at 6:35 PM, ChillingCammy said:

Will always be hesitant to buy games Squad and/or Flying Tiger produce. 


KSP was a rare shot in the dark, Squad will not make another game.

  On 8/16/2016 at 8:42 PM, Homedawgian said:

Their game runs nice and smooth.


Performance has increased but KSP still crashes more often than any other game I own. It cannot be called stable.

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