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Maneuver Nodes on the correct orbit.

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So I have a ship on escape out of Kerbin with a Duna encounter in 295d.  Great.

The encounter track is such that I could easily capture into a polar orbit of Duna. Not great; this probe is bound for an Ike touchdown.

No problem. 295d away means the dV to fix this should be hilariously cheap.  I plop a node down a little ways out from my probe. (It spawns with 35dV for some reason, I'm not sure why but whatever. That's within my budget.)  I start mouse-wheeling on various parts of it to see what effect it will have on the encounter periapsis...  none.  After about ten minutes of this, I yank REAL hard on various bits trying to provoke ANY reaction out of the encounter periapsis.  The orbit goes crazy... but the encounter track remains entirely unmoved.... o.O

I decide the encounter might be an error in the tracking and advance time to see if the encounter is real... and that's when I realize that I can slap nodes on the purple orbit, but not the blue one.  (The purple orbit is my Kerbol orbit AFTER the encounter.)  Nothing I do seems to let me add a node to the track I'm CURRENTLY on.  Is there a hotkey for this? Am I just missing with the mouse? I don't even get a mouse-over indication that my current trajectory is interactable...

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i have this problem alot, what i do sometimes as a work around is view duna in patched conics and place a node within dunas SOI. since itll tend to let you place one there.   if you then reset view to your ship, you should be able to drag it back towards you to where you wanna do your manuever

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19 minutes ago, DD_bwest said:

i have this problem alot, what i do sometimes as a work around is view duna in patched conics and place a node within dunas SOI. since itll tend to let you place one there.   if you then reset view to your ship, you should be able to drag it back towards you to where you wanna do your manuever

I'll give this a try. I tried doing it the other way around and noticed it won't let me drag a maneuver past an escape marker.

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