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Hi there,

after several months playing KSP and reading this forum I now finally managed to create an account to also contribute a bit.

My main motivation to get into posting was that I am currently working on my first mod, hope to release an initial version during this week, so stay tuned :)

Thanks for all the valuable hints and ideas you people already gave me.


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My mod will enable flying jets on Eve (and Duna and Jool later) in a "lore friendly" way (don´t know how to express that better :)).

Basically the idea is to create an air intake that harvests Carbondioxide from Eve atmosphere and splits it up using (a lot of) electrical power. The produced Oxygen is then feed back to the air stream thus the stock Jet engines will be able to burn fuel and produce trust.

I am most the way done, just need to work on the model for the intake and tweak the part parameters to not over or underpower it...


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17 minutes ago, Marzl said:

My mod will enable flying jets on Eve (and Duna and Jool later) in a "lore friendly" way (don´t know how to express that better :)).

Basically the idea is to create an air intake that harvests Carbondioxide from Eve atmosphere and splits it up using (a lot of) electrical power. The produced Oxygen is then feed back to the air stream thus the stock Jet engines will be able to burn fuel and produce trust.

I am most the way done, just need to work on the model for the intake and tweak the part parameters to not over or underpower it...


Seems useful

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