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Anglian Space Agency


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So my last attempt at mission reports died in a fiery save destroying pit of corrupt files and shady mod interactions. So instead of learning from lessons like "be careful what mods you use on a limited laptop" and "don't muck about in the save file unless you know what you're doing"

This save will eventually become a Jool 5 mission, but that won't be for a long time (though testing may occur for it) Hyperedit is installed but will be uninstalled when I get round to doing the Jool 5 mission. Unless stated, hyperedit will not be used, it is essentially being used as a simulator for landers etc.

The aim of this save game is to create a standardized format for rockets, probes, ships, etc. (so sub-assemblies) and try and operate more like a spaceprogram. Also for the first time ever I am leaving TAC lifesupport, which is one of my all time favourite mods (hence the link, give credit where credit's due  @TaranisElsu 's mod is amazing) but I want to try Kerbalism. On other things I am using multiple planet packs and other mods (full details below) and links are included, recognition and direction to mod makers own sites is the least I can do for these amazing people!!


Anyway, List time:



Current Mission Plans

Gaea Program Activated 3 flights and two rovers


Exploration of Kerbin

    i) Develop rovers suitable for off world environments

    ii) Develop planes for kerbin exploration, crew movement and recovery

    iii) Research Kerbins environment

Plutus Program activated 1 flight


Purely for profit enterprise

Aves Program - Activated Total budget 30,000


Development of SSTO's and Spaceplanes, preparation for Laythe missions

.Odysseus Program - 4 Launches. Program terminated, goals complete. Funds transferred 


Establish LKO presence

    i) Design First Rocket series (as yet unnamed) for orbital insertion

    ii) Design first spacecraft for orbital operations

    iii) Design Satellite for early Kerbin exploration

    iv) Establish Orbit

Daedalus Program - Active Funds 40,000


To take over from the Odysseus program and focus on development of rockets and spacecraft

    i) 1.25m series (as yet unnamed)

        a) 1 tonne

        b) 2 tonnes

        c) 5 tonnes

        d) 10 tonnes

Dionysus Program - Active - Funds 45,000



    i) LKO launch descent network - Local omni- network - 100% coverage required

    ii) Moons

        a) Mun/Minmus relay - 3 satellites required

        b) Mun network - 3 satellites required

        c) Minmus network - 3 satellites required

    iii) Inner planet communications network

    iv) Outer planet communication network

    v) Possible solar network - depending on time

    vi) other planet dedicated networks to be detailed in their own mission objectives

Terra Program - Active Funds 60,000


Kerbin SOI exploration

    i) LKO science gathering

    ii) HKO science gathering

    iii) Primary research spacestation for LKO

Selene Program Activated 2 flights budget 90,000


Munar exploration

    i) Orbit Mun

    ii) Munar orbital science

    iii) Land on Mun

Artemis Program


Minmus exploration

    i) Orbit Minmus

    ii) Minmus orbital science

    iii) Land on Minmus


Future missions here, for beyond Kerbin SOI culminating in the Zeus program. 


Zeus Program


1) Build the Mothership (Anticipated name "HMS Lagatha" due to the expected part count) - nb all equipment for Jool SOI will be on the Lagatha

    1i) Land on all moons in Jools SOI

    1ii) Establish a Jool communications network, Local and Interpanetary

    1iii) Build primary colonisation equipment for a future mission to Laythe (Spacestation Docking Node)

    1iv) Return all crew from Jool and more importantly the science points.

2) Build Orbital infrastructure to support the building of a mother ship for the Jool Mission

3) Train a crew of at least 5 so they are not annoyingly incapable


Active Vessels

Odysseus Module


1 man capsule. Small protected return compartment. Supplies for 20 days in orbit. 730m/s dv


Advanced comsat


500m/s dv, Primary dish range 30Gm, 2* secondary dishes range 50Mm, Omni range 5Mm


Defunct Vehicles 

Basic comsat


No engine, simple comsat, single omni antenna range 5Mm, mass 0.25 tonnes



1st Generation



1 tonne to LKO, Cost 7,000. All solid lower stage. Ascent require rapid pitchover to have sufficient horizontal velocity. Originally designed to launch basic comsat




3.2 tonnes LKO. Liquid fueled. Cost 9,000. Originally designed to launch Odysseus 1st Generation


Second generation




1.1 tonne LKO 7,000


Arnor 2


3.5 tonnes LKO Cost 14,700

                  tqcHaup.png NESpR4D.png 

Arnor 3


5 tonnes LKO cost 22,000

0kAuMNU.png 4m0rI9f.png 


Buckland 1


7.5 tonnes LKO Cost 26,000


Buckland 2


10 tonnes LKO, cost 31,000





Mech Jeb – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/111978-113-anatid-robotics-mumech-mechjeb-autopilot-258-22-jun-2016/





KJR – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50911-113-kerbal-joint-reinforcement-v32-63016-now-with-win64-compatibility/

Kerbalism – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/137227-113-kerbalism-v113/

Hyperedit – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/34785-113-hyperedit-v1521-june-22-2016-cheat-teleporter-orbitplanet-editor-more/ KerbalTech

Remote tech – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/75245-11-remotetech-v1610-2016-04-12/

Space Y – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/90545-113-spacey-heavy-lifter-parts-pack-v1131-2016-08-01/

Space Y Expanded – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/120012-113-spacey-expanded-v1111-2016-08-01/

KW – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/137762-113-kw-rocketry-redux-305-released/

Ven’s Stock revamp – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83696-113-stock-part-revamp-update-195/&page=1

Near Future (Solar, construction and spacecraft) – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/47786-113-near-future-technologies-july-22-nfe-fixes/

Crowd sourced science – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/92332-11-crowd-sourced-science-biome-reports-everywhere-may-3rd/

AnyRes – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/134621-11-anyres-v131-back-on-ckan/

RasterPropmonitor – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105821-113-rasterpropmonitor-still-putting-the-a-in-iva-v0271-29-august-2016/

Kronal Vessel Viewer – https://spacedock.info/mod/452/Kronal%20Vessel%20Viewer%20(KVV)

Xen’s Planet pack – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132696-kopernicus-112-xens-planet-collection-5-mods-11-bodies/

OPM – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93999-112-outer-planets-mod-20-complete-overhaul-better-terrain-nicer-terrain-textures-improved-scatter-etc-21-may/

Dmagic – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59009-113-dmagic-orbital-science-new-science-parts-v132-6272016/

Tarsier – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/57231-v024-tarsier-space-technology-v45c-now-with-galaxies/

Cacteye – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138413-112-cacteye-telescopes-community-takeover-v-710/

Scansat – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72679-113-scansat-v166-real-scanning-real-science-at-warp-speed-august-18-2016/

Planetary Base Systems – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133606-113-kerbal-planetary-base-systems-v114-updated-11th-august-16/

Station Science – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50145-112-station-science-v20-new-models-by-speedyb

Kerbal construction time - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83342-113-kerbal-construction-time-134-june-25-2016-unrapid-planned-assembly/&page=1

Community tech tree http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/90530-113-community-tech-tree-24-last-updated-180416/&page=1

KRASH - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133082-113-krash-kerbal-ramification-artificial-simulation-hub-simulation-mod-for-ksp-cost-settings-have-been-change/



Edited by Kertech
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The first day for the young agency. The team a small group of scientists and a lone madman had been called together by the powers that be to get stuff into space. The Anglian agency was born.


The Odysseus program as to be the first. Aim: to find a way to get stuff into space. First they tried throwing stuff, it didn't work. They tried not looking at the stuff, which intently sat still ignoring their efforts. One strange kerbal suggested putting boards on the side and move sideways, he was laughed out, everyone knows space is up! Finally strange kerbal named wernher came to the top with his suggestion of making stuff explode, this seemed right.

The Odysseus program was allocated 10,000 funds. by the agency. 2000 used just to by enough fans to keep the team cool in the ever present summer sunshine! After several days putting different flammable materials in a box they came up with a design.

OP-1 - (named Jimmy by Jeb)


Pilot Jebediah. Cost 5,000. Aims: Test solid fuel rockets.Secondary gather basic science on environment around KSC.

Powered by a single solid-fueled engine and a parachute added just before launch. Jebediah Crammed into the small capsule, grinning as ever.


LIFT OFF, teams cheer, hug each other, throw snacks about, the cleaners groan about the aftermath and hope fervently that the program stops been successful! 


Jeb being Jeb decided to fly towards the spacecentre!

oZ3bfTK.jpg The gathered technicians bravely ran away, Jeb was tempted to give a wave as he passed by! Finally beyond the limits of the agency Jeb opened the chute, hopefully not landing on anyone's farm. 

NJfomIa.jpg Finally landing slightly explosively Jeb did mandatory flagging and posing for cameras, though not sure who for as not many people had turned out. Fears of a fiery end for all involved scared them away!


Summary - Success

Science gains 25+9 from contracts. Funds-45,000 from contracts



Aim - Reach upper atmosphere. Secondary aim test sickle engine variant, flight analysis.

Cost 8,700

3 times the size of OP-1 the second Odysseus rocket looked daunting. well to everyone bar Jeb

iLSiPjY.jpg An advanced sensor bay was attached, which also included a brick under the turn right pedal, just so jeb can't scare the staff again!

yhXpl2T.jpg Launch was textbook and Jeb seemed to be distracted by his new toys, sensors had been run throughout the rocket so he felt like he was doing something. In reality the rocket just needed someone to press the launch button and maybe activate the parachute!

6KfxK7P.jpg cStoutH.jpg OP-2 proved to be more powerful than originally intended as it burst through the upper atmosphere

lHRYNBW.jpg Stage separation occurred at 40,000, still moving pretty fast jeb checked the systems, before realizing they did nothing at all

OuGfoO8.jpg After going through all the science gathering and checking the coffee machine the capsule plunged back through the atmosphere. It was only three minutes into reentry that Jeb realized he didn't have any air and hadn't breathed in 10 minutes, things looked a bit risk! Soon there was enough air though, Lucky can be good sometimes!

r1aAh3n.jpg Summary

Overly successful, reached space, though instruments were saturated so data couldn't be gathered.

Science gains, 45+20. Funds 100,000


OP-3 Static Test


The Boffins, less brainy boffins, interns and toddlers that made up the Odysseus program R&D department had been working hard. Space it turned out from Jeb's brief visit was not very easy to live in.It appeared to be radioactive, cold, airless and have a distinct lack of snacks. These would have t be brought along with the astronaut if they wanted to hire anyone new, Jeb didn't seem too bothered by nearly suffocating!

They decided that they should name the new ship the Odysseus Module. The naming department looked like they were going to cry at the lack of imagine shown by the research team!

zoFqmsQ.png anNFwLl.png 

Jeb spotted the static test vehicle and thought it should be less static

f5IiMq8.jpg Luckily it wasn't fully fueled so he soon came back 

6OO3Fjo.jpg It was this point the agency decided to hire a few more pilots!

The simple beginner missions, kind of rushing through to get to more interesting things, like setting up communications networks...(sighs, probably won't show all of that, I barely want to do it again!)

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The Odysseus team has nearly finished their planned objectives, they all know soon they will be split among new programs if they get more funding from central.One mission remains, orbit kerbin. The rocketry team had produced the largest rocket yet seen, the Camelot. The first liquid fueled engines developed had been static tested secretly after the last time Jeb stole it!




Aims, 1' Orbit Kerbin

2' Test Odysseus module, test Camelot launch system (rated for payloads less than 3.2 tonnes.

Cost 11,000, Pilot Jebediah


On the launch pad was quiet, the gentle humming coming from the rocket 

P4x19Rc.jpg Soon shattered by the roar of engines, The Camelot 1 lifted off The ability

iDjcpN6.jpg O1dg9yk.jpg Flying sideways was jebs idea, last time it just seemed the right thing to do. He'd convinced the research team to allow him. They'd agreed on one condition, he'd do it over the ocean!

qtwsG8F.jpg The Odysseus Module made orbit with plenty of fuel to spare,including a deorbit allowance.Jeb was glad this time someone remember the air, breathing turns out to be fun!

eN8YY3Y.jpg After 10 minutes it was time to deorbit Systems all seemed normal.

The capusle eventually ended up bursting through the clouds over the western desert


And there ends the Odysseus program, the teams office was cleaned and each member got their posting to new programs. Wernher took over running the Agency. The R&D department were transferred to the Daedalus program for technology development. We'll probably hear from them later. Jebediah was transferred to the Terra Program of Kerbin exploration. Finally Jeb met a rival and fellow pilot, Valentina. Finally the third program to be activated is the Dionysus program of Communications.

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On 9/1/2016 at 11:31 AM, Kertech said:

So my last attempt at mission reports died in a fiery save destroying pit of corrupt files and shady mod interactions. So instead of learning from lessons like "be careful what mods you use on a limited laptop" and "don't muck about in the save file unless you know what you're doing"

This save will eventually become a Jool 5 mission, but that won't be for a long time (though testing may occur for it) Hyperedit is installed but will be uninstalled when I get round to doing the Jool 5 mission. Unless stated, hyperedit will not be used, it is essentially being used as a simulator for landers etc.

The aim of this save game is to create a standardized format for rockets, probes, ships, etc. (so sub-assemblies) and try and operate more like a spaceprogram. Also for the first time ever I am leaving TAC lifesupport, which is one of my all time favourite mods (hence the link, give credit where credit's due  @TaranisElsu 's mod is amazing) but I want to try Kerbalism. On other things I am using multiple planet packs and other mods (full details below) and links are included, recognition and direction to mod makers own sites is the least I can do for these amazing people!!


Anyway, List time:



Current Mission Plans

Gaea Program

Exploration of Kerbin

    i) Develop rovers suitable for off world environments

    ii) Develop planes for kerbin exploration, crew movement and recovery

    iii) Research Kerbins environment

Aves Program

Development of SSTO's and Spaceplanes, preparation for Laythe missions.

Odysseus Program

Establish LKO presence

    i) Design First Rocket series (as yet unnamed) for orbital insertion

    ii) Design first spacecraft for orbital operations

    iii) Design Satellite for early Kerbin exploration

    iv) Establish Orbit

Daedalus Program

To take over from the Odysseus program and focus on development of rockets and spacecraft

    i) 1.25m series (as yet unnamed)

        a) 1 tonne

        b) 2 tonnes

        c) 5 tonnes

        d) 10 tonnes

Dionysus Program


    i) LKO launch descent network - Local omni- network - 100% coverage required

    ii) Moons

        a) Mun/Minmus relay - 3 satellites required

        b) Mun network - 3 satellites required

        c) Minmus network - 3 satellites required

    iii) Inner planet communications network

    iv) Outer planet communication network

    v) Possible solar network - depending on time

    vi) other planet dedicated networks to be detailed in their own mission objectives

Terra Program

Kerbin SOI exploration

    i) LKO science gathering

    ii) HKO science gathering

    iii) Primary research spacestation for LKO

Selene Program

Munar exploration

    i) Orbit Mun

    ii) Munar orbital science

    iii) Land on Mun

Artemis Program

Minmus exploration

    i) Orbit Minmus

    ii) Minmus orbital science

    iii) Land on Minmus


Future missions here, for beyond Kerbin SOI culminating in the Zeus program. 


Zeus Program

1) Build the Mothership (Anticipated name "HMS Lagatha" due to the expected part count) - nb all equipment for Jool SOI will be on the Lagatha

    1i) Land on all moons in Jools SOI

    1ii) Establish a Jool communications network, Local and Interpanetary

    1iii) Build primary colonisation equipment for a future mission to Laythe (Spacestation Docking Node)

    1iv) Return all crew from Jool and more importantly the science points.

2) Build Orbital infrastructure to support the building of a mother ship for the Jool Mission

3) Train a crew of at least 5 so they are not annoyingly incapable




Mech Jeb – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/111978-113-anatid-robotics-mumech-mechjeb-autopilot-258-22-jun-2016/










KJR – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50911-113-kerbal-joint-reinforcement-v32-63016-now-with-win64-compatibility/


Kerbalism – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/137227-113-kerbalism-v113/


Hyperedit – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/34785-113-hyperedit-v1521-june-22-2016-cheat-teleporter-orbitplanet-editor-more/ KerbalTech


Remote tech – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/75245-11-remotetech-v1610-2016-04-12/


Space Y – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/90545-113-spacey-heavy-lifter-parts-pack-v1131-2016-08-01/


Space Y Expanded – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/120012-113-spacey-expanded-v1111-2016-08-01/


KW – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/137762-113-kw-rocketry-redux-305-released/


Ven’s Stock revamp – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83696-113-stock-part-revamp-update-195/&page=1


Near Future (Solar, construction and spacecraft) – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/47786-113-near-future-technologies-july-22-nfe-fixes/


Crowd sourced science – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/92332-11-crowd-sourced-science-biome-reports-everywhere-may-3rd/


AnyRes – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/134621-11-anyres-v131-back-on-ckan/


RasterPropmonitor – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105821-113-rasterpropmonitor-still-putting-the-a-in-iva-v0271-29-august-2016/


Kronal Vessel Viewer – https://spacedock.info/mod/452/Kronal%20Vessel%20Viewer%20(KVV)


Xen’s Planet pack – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132696-kopernicus-112-xens-planet-collection-5-mods-11-bodies/


OPM – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93999-112-outer-planets-mod-20-complete-overhaul-better-terrain-nicer-terrain-textures-improved-scatter-etc-21-may/


Dmagic – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59009-113-dmagic-orbital-science-new-science-parts-v132-6272016/


Tarsier – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/57231-v024-tarsier-space-technology-v45c-now-with-galaxies/


Cacteye – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138413-112-cacteye-telescopes-community-takeover-v-710/


Scansat – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72679-113-scansat-v166-real-scanning-real-science-at-warp-speed-august-18-2016/


Planetary Base Systems – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133606-113-kerbal-planetary-base-systems-v114-updated-11th-august-16/


Station Science – http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50145-112-station-science-v20-new-models-by-speedyb


If you are using hyperedit fir simulations, why not use KRASH, that is what it it for

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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

If you are using hyperedit fir simulations, why not use KRASH, that is what it it for

I'm just used to using hyperedit in my installs. This is actually out of date (from yesterday) now got kerbal construction time using the simulation on there

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Just now, Kertech said:


I'm just used to using hyperedit in my installs. This is actually out of date (from yesterday) now got kerbal construction time using the simulation on there

I understand, but why not try it? You can have both installed, and KRASH is a bit more immersive

FYI, I'm the author


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14 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I understand, but why not try it? You can have both installed, and KRASH is a bit more immersive

FYI, I'm the author

ahh the link in the sig, I'll look in a mo, just ordering textbooks for the next year and dreading the expense, gonna need a kerbal to get over it methinks!!


Right it's in, will have a look at it later!

Edited by Kertech
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The team working in Daedalus had been busy, 3 new rockets required testing, so some payloads were quickly thought up. Their new rocket series used 1.25m radius tanks. They named the series the Arnor series, someone in the team was a geek... 

Arnor 1 test Launch


Arnor 1 is designed to launch 1 tonne to LKO, A heavy variant is planned. Cost is 7,000. The payload is a basic comsat also a test payload from the Dionysus branch, though it won't be a permanent LKO feature, instead being deactivated after a year of testing.

pV9SnOO.jpgbz3XbVb.jpgvYLtAGG.jpg Lift off proved easy and the first stage burnt out after getting apoapsis above 100km

second stage a single tanks and a terrier engine gives roughly 1000m/s, ore than enough fuel for launch. 

R58qOHs.jpg L88ARTH.jpg Finally in a stable orbit the satellite detaches from the booster.


Arnor 2 test


Arnor 2 is a medium weight lifter, made by mounting 3 arnor 1 lower stages and lengthening the upperstage. The payload was a bit mysterious, been given to them by the government, but it weighed the guide weight of 3.5tonnes so no one really cared. The booster itself costs 14,700 each.

KZ8rEew.jpg RxtNz6i.jpg4GBgYnT.jpg The fairing dropped away revealing a strange payload

idz3G0s.jpg But the rocket worked perfectly so was written off for the new fleet.

Meanwhile the payload revealed a massive dish, now pointed directly down at kerbin, not sure who they're listening for, there's no one down there as far as anyone could see.


Arnor 3 Test


Arnor 3 is the heaviest lifter so far in the Arnor series designed for 5 tonne payloads to LKO and at a cost of 22,000 each also the most expensive

The payload is a simpe fuel store with some solar panels and a recently developed docking port. the idea is to use it in conjuction with an odysseus module for a long range mission.

MD5edTV.jpg8JY5q29.jpg The first stage separated at 10,000m, the core lifting the apoapsis above 80km before burnout

N5dSgs2.jpgVjvLbLM.jpg stable orbit was made with a third of the tank left, the top tank still completely full.



For sake of brevity I won't be posting photos of the Dionysus missions.

Dionysus Program funded for 6 launches first 3 on Axeminster rockets for a simple LKO network at 1,000,000 orbit using the basic comsat probe. The second set a higher orbit series of advanced comsat probes for covering the mun and minmus.

The tedious fiddling of comsats into stable orbits, which won't drift, took far too long, especially when you don't have the tech for RCS.

LKO network


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Gaea Program had a small team, namely Bill and Bob. They are given some SPH construction time with some VAB staff, but requests take a while to process.


Gull 1


The very first thing they decided to do was prove that flight could be sustained through wings. Jeb was the obvious choice for this slighty risk launch. The rocket itself was the spare odysseus 1, with some wings attached. 

34JBKl1.jpg Jeb would have really loved a bigge window, there's not even a camera on this old design

pGd12j4.jpg Bill pressed the button sending Jeb off into the air

mKwtJ7o.jpg After 20 seconds the rocket burnout and Jeb discarded the flea

6B9UfRD.jpg Pitching over The little pod proved to be quite maneuverable. Jeb decided again to fly at the space centre

sqWRUMw.jpg Bob activated the remote parachute

lm57EwF.jpg 9FW8e9n.jpg Gull 1 proved to be a success, gliding is possible. 

Whilst Jeb was reassigned back to the Terra Missions Bill and Bob busied themselves developing new ways of researching in the field

tuBfpAZ.jpg Before taking the first rover out for a spin around the space centre in the first rover

BNZPM9Q.jpg The Gaea programs small budget was mostly used up now but the research into flight was proving vaulable, Bob has come up with a way to stay in the air indefinately, balloons.


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Terra Program --- Funding 60,000 for three launches

Each mission has an Odysseus module on a camelot booster. the aim is to assess orbital flight, whilst gathering basic kerbin orbit science.



The Odysseus 1st generation Module, experiments thermometer, barometer and geiger counter, pilot Valentina P4x19Rc.jpg The simple systems on the lower stage allow one thrust level and an egg timer coordinates booster separation, the camelot is not an advanced rocket but it works.As the ascent starts valentina kicks the side of her capsule to get it to do a turn

euk6VAl.jpg In space Val stared out the window this her first orbit, the science she gathered was apparently vital in improving the program, val was doubtful,all she'd found out was space had no air and hence no observable temperature with a thermometer. Theonly worrying thing was finding out that it was highly radioactive and the pod has no shielding

eN8YY3Y.jpg Re-entry was hot and simple but Val landed down and brought her data safely back to ksc

The other two flights are broadly similar



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