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Maybe not directly pertinent to the OP, but a  great article related to the larger discussion going on:


And yes, 1.2's code has been heavily optimized as described in the devnotes from a few weeks ago, with removal of foreach loops and LINQ; "blowtorch refactoring" is how @Mu described it in a Squadcast.

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4 hours ago, TheDestroyer111 said:

Just like Alshain typically does, he didn't read the OP at all. Read the OP.

As a reminder, the specific type of lag I mean is a lag that pulses between 5-15 fps once every few seconds (AFAIK this kind of pulsating is typically caused by Out Of RAM). This never appears right after getting into the game, and instead it appears when I open some stuff in other programs than KSP. Thing is, the specific type of lag I mean does NOT stop happening when I close all other programs after the lag appeared.

Ok, i'll do it and answer your question: Nope, KSP does dynamically allocate and free memory. Satisfied :-) ?

Since the last apple i touched was an apple ][ and it was not in a museum i cannot help you. That computer stuff is just a hobby of mine, on linux, if i *wanted* to find if a culprit is playing fast and loose with my memory, i'd start some monitoring tool like top and watch what happens. That would at least tell me whether a program's hunger for ram is unsatisfiable or a process blocks my cpu.

How much ram do you (your pc) have ? Many mods ? Many printer queus, network connections ? Unsatisfied update-processes ?

It's not necessarily KSP, any process could potentially block the cpu ...

Edited by Green Baron
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6 hours ago, Green Baron said:

Ok, i'll do it and answer your question: Nope, KSP does dynamically allocate and free memory. Satisfied :-) ?

Since the last apple i touched was an apple ][ and it was not in a museum i cannot help you. That computer stuff is just a hobby of mine, on linux, if i *wanted* to find if a culprit is playing fast and loose with my memory, i'd start some monitoring tool like top and watch what happens. That would at least tell me whether a program's hunger for ram is unsatisfiable or a process blocks my cpu.

How much ram do you (your pc) have ? Many mods ? Many printer queus, network connections ? Unsatisfied update-processes ?

It's not necessarily KSP, any process could potentially block the cpu ...

You look like you don't get it, but i say for the third time that THE PULSING LAG STILL EXISTS AFTER CLOSING ALL OTHER APPLICATIONS WHILE LEAVING KSP ON.

4GB RAM, I would call it a lot of mods but most people wouldn't call it a lot of mods are installed on my KSP, obviously zero printer queues (why even ask about this before asking about other applications in the background lol) network connections obviously only one (AFAIK there's no operating system capable of connecting to 2 routers at once) Unsatisfied update-processes what does it even mean?

And why do you think it is the CPU, not RAM?

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@Alshain is right, you are rude. Shouting at people trying to help you is not a clever technique. There are more processes on your computer than you can close from the application level.

With the information that you have 4GB ram and mods i would say it could well be a memory problem and the stutter be caused by swapping memory between physical ram and virtual ram.

51 minutes ago, TheDestroyer111 said:

You look like you don't get it, but i say for the third time that THE PULSING LAG STILL EXISTS AFTER CLOSING ALL OTHER APPLICATIONS WHILE LEAVING KSP ON.

4GB RAM, I would call it a lot of mods but most people wouldn't call it a lot of mods are installed on my KSP, obviously zero printer queues (why even ask about this before asking about other applications in the background lol) network connections obviously only one (AFAIK there's no operating system capable of connecting to 2 routers at once) Unsatisfied update-processes what does it even mean?

And why do you think it is the CPU, not RAM?

That'll take some time to explain and i'm not inclined to invest it.


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