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Devnote Tuesday: 1.2 is getting ever closer!


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14 minutes ago, Wallygator said:

After reading it all I let my head fall back and sighed.  I felt that these notes (most of them lately to be honest) are written by a comms person with no real understanding of dev activities but rather parroting what is passed on by Devs - watered down, de-specified, over-hyped, with that last lovely Orwellian hyperbole to create opposite meaning that sent me over the edge.

Weren't devnotes always a bit like this? Mind, this is drawn together from someone that took input from all departments of the games development, trying to compress it into short paragraphs, without necessarily being proficient in every area. Could be even more the case since Squad had quite a bit of team turnover the last few weeks.

I do agree that the note feels a bit vague (and  whimsical ?) in places, tho.

Edited by Temeter
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4 hours ago, Wallygator said:

was it included in lockdown

I think you might misunderstand what lockdown is all about. Lockdown means no new features (eg, starting KerbNet after lockdown would be a no-no), with the explicit purpose of bug fixing (new and old!) and polishing of the new features that were added before lockdown. That is, what you question there is exactly what lockdown is for. If lockdown meant no more work on a new feature, there would be no lockdown: everything would go straight to release.

Also, patched conics are hardly a new feature: they've been in KSP longer than I've been playing it. KerbNet is indeed new, but it was added before lockdown and is just getting needed polish and bug fixes.

4 hours ago, Wallygator said:

You've lost me guys. seriously.

Better to lose you (and a few others) than everybody else due to the devnotes (ie, not devtomes) going over their heads. It's not like you can't ask for details (though we may be unable to give any for a variety of reasons).

So, in an effort to be a little more helpful, just what do you want to know?

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1 hour ago, taniwha said:

So, in an effort to be a little more helpful, just what do you want to know?

It seems like a number of people think that just because Porkjet is joining the debug effort during experimentals and the open beta that this means he will not return to the stock part revamp after the release.  While I recognize that no promises or guarantees about future features can be made, I believe a number of players would be happier if a statement to the effect of 'there is not currently a plan to abandon the rocket part revamp, merely a need for 'all hands on deck' for the experimentals and community testing efforts' were to be made.

I'll take a look, but that is the most reasonable of the concerns I can recall at the moment.


Personally I would love to hear more details about kerbnet and the antenna changes, but I also recognize that as someone who found the discussion about the garbage generated by alternate looping constructs to be of great interest, I am one of only a few that would find a 'dev-tome' to be highly appealing.

Edited by Terwin
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3 hours ago, taniwha said:

think you might misunderstand what lockdown is all about. Lockdown means no new features (eg, starting KerbNet after lockdown would be a no-no), with the explicit purpose of bug fixing (new and old!) and polishing of the new features that were added before lockdown. That is, what you question there is exactly what lockdown is for. If lockdown meant no more work on a new feature, there would be no lockdown: everything would go straight to release.

Also, patched conics are hardly a new feature: they've been in KSP longer than I've been playing it. KerbNet is indeed new, but it was added before lockdown and is just getting needed polish and bug fixes.

The problem is that "polishing" seems to mean for the KSP development "make sweeping changes to the feature, do not do another test phase after that and hope to fix it in the second hotfix"...


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On 7/09/2016 at 0:03 PM, SQUAD said:

In preparation for the upcoming release the always helpful Rodrigo (Roy) is looking over the Patcher. If things go well you should be able to upgrade from 1.1.3 to 1.2 from the store without downloading the whole game.

Erm, why is this being left so late? The patcher has required attention for years. It's just a GUI wrapper around rsync, how can it be this difficult?
I really hope it's going to get proper testing before the pre-release, not ovely keen for a repeat of "Steam only pre-release, no patcher... Patcher fixed (too late)... Oh, wait, no it isn't (corruping installs)... Patcher still broken."

Also, I'll ask again: What's the news on the double free / heap corruption CTDs? There's been an ominous silence on this issue, 1.2 gets the promised Unity minor version upgrade, right? Fixes the crashing?

What about the startup window geometry roulette crashing (mainly Gnome) window managers? And the other GNU/Linux bugs, particularly on AMD GPUs? News?

How about that ridiculous pulseaudio bug? Fixed yet?

Edited by steve_v
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On 9/9/2016 at 5:38 AM, Padishar said:

I don't recall a single devnote thread that didn't have an aspect of this about it and they haven't stopped doing them yet...

I remember something from the Bungie Weekly Update - it's probably appropriate here:


We know you only turn into a prepubescent monster incapable of reason and mature discussion because you care so much about your Halos. It's cool. We get it.

Man... you think the KSP forums are rough... you should have seen the HALO ones way-back-when.

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23 minutes ago, HoloYolo said:

Woops. You're right. Before 1.1, previews meant a week or two before release.

It used to be:

  • Feature freeze / QA started.
  • Experimentals.
  • Preview videos of experimental release by selected potatoes tubers.
  • Public release.

Now they appear to have added 'public preview' prior to release, so add at least one week.

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3 hours ago, KerbMav said:

I will drop this here.

Ugh, what is with the green highlighting.  That is ugly.  Why would they make it so intense?  The subtle highlighting in previous versions was fine.   Squad, please stop fixing things that aren't broken.

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2 minutes ago, Alshain said:

Ugh, what is with the green highlighting.  That is ugly.  Why would they make it so intense?  The subtle highlighting in previous versions was fine.

I think i've read somewhere you can disable it. Don't quote me on it tho.

It's rather intense, but idk... Not yet an opinion on it.

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Just now, Temeter said:

I think i've read somewhere you can disable it. Don't quote me on it tho.

Ok, but I like the highlighting as it is in current versions.  I don't want it turned off, just not that distracting.  Does it have the ability to adjust it back?

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6 minutes ago, Alshain said:

Ok, but I like the highlighting as it is in current versions.  I don't want it turned off, just not that distracting.  Does it have the ability to adjust it back?

No clue, probably not (yet?) if I know Squads work.

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I just don't understand why they would change that.  Was anyone complaining that it was too subtle?  I haven't seen that many complaints, but I guess I could have missed them.  If so, I hope they put a slider to adjust it.  It's not the end of the world, it's not enough to make me not play it, but I don't like it.

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On 9/7/2016 at 1:46 AM, Francois424 said:

Looking good.  Personally looking into more stable wheels for rovers more than anything else, but Kerbnet and other stuff seems pretty neat as well.

And aviation wheels. It would be nice to be able to lift off without wheels exploding please. 

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12 minutes ago, boolybooly said:

And aviation wheels. It would be nice to be able to lift off without wheels exploding please. 

Yep, people watching said they're fixed, even the small ones. Next update moves to the Unity version with fixed colliders!

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5 minutes ago, Scientia1423 said:


Now to smash into the ground with these things and barely dent the space craft.

Not that much: Still wouldn't land above 100m/s with the tiny wheel tho, at that point they start bouncing again.

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3 hours ago, boolybooly said:

And aviation wheels. It would be nice to be able to lift off without wheels exploding please. 


2 hours ago, Temeter said:

Yep, people watching said they're fixed, even the small ones. Next update moves to the Unity version with fixed colliders!

"That's not nominal" : https://clips.twitch.tv/ksptv/EnergeticDinosaurNinjaTroll

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27 minutes ago, Temeter said:

That's what beta is for :wink:

Streamer couldn't reproduce it on a 2nd try.

If you watch carefully, you will see him surpassing 13+ m/s right in the place where airfield "connects" to the land.
The log says wheels first collided into the surface, thus game interpreted his moving trajectory over the said connection point as technically "landing" at 13+ m/s with these wheels.

In subsequent retesting streamer never reached 13+ m/s, let alone in this joint (or any other technical wheel "jump").

I say - not a bug. But these wheels are so weak ... :(

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