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Test Weights


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Jim-Bob Kerman's Waste Disposal and Spaceship Parts Co.

proudly announces new ecological friendly testweights!


Ever wondered how much payload your craft could lift into a stable orbit?

Need some counterweight for your crane?

Want to keep your craft underwater?

By compressing garbage into abandonned rcs tanks .. With a revolutionary and highly technical proces our company has developed new specialised test weights . Test the capabilities of your rocket to the limit with our garantueed failureproof creations. Shoot (y)our garbage into space... We have weights ranging from 1 KMU (1 metric ton) to 500 KMU (500 metric tons).

Don't look elsewhere for your weighty needs as we are cheapest around.

Now available at a special introduction price, 10% cut of all prices. Customers who order the 10 KMU unit will receive the 1 KMU unit free of charge.

Order yours now! Our operators are standing by to take your order! Call 555-10987654321-liftoff.

If you order a 100 KMU unit now, you will not only receive the 10 KMU unit free of charge but the 1 KMU unit as well! Call NOW !!!!! Call 555-10987654321-liftoff. Satisfaction garantueed! That is 555-10987654321-liftoff.

(Getting the units wet or damaged will invalidate the warranty!)



Our development departement has managed to create a new type of weight! Small, ultra compressed and radially attachable AND DEtachable! Is your load getting too much, just drop the excess weight and continue on your way. No more need to return to base to have the weight detached by costly technicians. And think of the fuel you will save! Don't hesitate, buy our 100, 200 and 500 KMU weights and you will receive our complete weights including the new detachable weights. Call now!

Version 1.1 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/Weights%201.1.zip

(Warning: Damage to the new weights may lead to explosions!)

old version https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/Weights.zip

(As you can read in the part.cfg's of the weights, this modification is nothing more than a cfg and texture modification of the KSP 0.14.4 stock rcs tank which was created by Mrbrownce and Harvester. The new weights are a cfg and texture modification of a C7 hardpoint).

Edited by TheCardinal
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How about a part that Will let you set the weight in-game? (With limits so you can\'t have a weight of -5000.) This will teleport your trash compressible materials into more weight, allowing you to move a submarine down very far and then resurface.

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How about a part that Will let you set the weight in-game? (With limits so you can\'t have a weight of -5000.) This will teleport your trash compressible materials into more weight, allowing you to move a submarine down very far and then resurface.

At the moment i don\'t have enough knowledge to write such a plugin (yet). Perhaps later.

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I\'ve been having issues with test weights. Namely that, for some reason, the way they are set up, they have absolutely no structural integrity, and as such fall right off of the stack the moment physics are engaged at the launch pad.

Is this as intended, or is this an issue with only some of the weights?

FOr reference, I\'ve been trying to use the 50/100/200 weights to test the actual lift capability of various engine configurations.

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I\'ve been having issues with test weights. Namely that, for some reason, the way they are set up, they have absolutely no structural integrity, and as such fall right off of the stack the moment physics are engaged at the launch pad.

Is this as intended, or is this an issue with only some of the weights?

FOr reference, I\'ve been trying to use the 50/100/200 weights to test the actual lift capability of various engine configurations.

That does indeed happen with the heaviest weights. I can\'t say it\'s as designed because i had no idea this would occur when i made those weights. It\'s the physics engine what causes this. At first i wasn\'t too happy about it as it complicates the design of rockets. However (with hindsight) it\'s quite logical that this happens. In real life you can\'t just place a heavy load concentrated in a relative small object on something without measures to distribute the load. If you do, the structure will break or collaps. So the weights act realistically in that aspect. (It\'s not so much the weight as well the fact that its concentrated in a small object).

In version 1.1 i increased the breaking force somewhat, but you still need struts to keep them attached to whatever you\'re building. the higher the load the more struts are required.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

There is a new version on Kerbal Spaceport. The version states 0.20.x but it works equally fine in 0.21.

The testweights all contain the four sensors and a small RTG. As the Spaceport refuses to give me acces to the mod i can't include pictures or make other modifications (such as the title).

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There is a new version on Kerbal Spaceport. The version states 0.20.x but it works equally fine in 0.21.

The testweights all contain the four sensors and a small RTG. As the Spaceport refuses to give me acces to the mod i can't include pictures or make other modifications (such as the title).

Did anything on the mod get a facelift? I use these occasionally.

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